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Personal Reflection Report Sample

Essay Instructions:

 The elements of the Individual Assessment Reflection Report are:

·Teamwork & Project Process Reflection-(20% overall weighting)

Academic and Self&Reflection-(20 % overall weighting)

Writing, Organization and Spelling,Grammar-(10 % overall weighting)

[2000 words in total for both sections]

To produce a reflective analysis, we recommend that you keep a diary. Your diary must identify and analyse key developments over time. This acts as a reminder of what happened before the module, during the module and your reflection for the future after the module. Your diary should be included in the appendices of the individual assessment reflection report,as evidenceto support your reflective discussion.We provide templates to help you in the appendices at the end of this document and as a Word file on the DLE site. However, you are free to use whatever form of diary you wish.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Personal Reflection Report
Student's Name
Personal Reflection Report
Teamwork and Project Process Reflection
Undertaking the project as a group is one of the best experiences of teamwork I have had, and I must say I did enjoy it right from the initial planning to the delivery of the final output. What made the process enjoyable was the presence of all members during the meetings and their full participation, which played a significant role in making the project a success. I can confidently say that I experienced almost all elements of teamwork, and I found the process through which we devised to complete the project challenging but worthwhile. I have gathered that teamwork is arguably the best way to accomplish projects, given the diversity of thinking, members bring on board. In this reflection, I will evaluate the different roles and tasks assigned to team members, how well we performed, and the team dynamics.
Our team performed exceptionally well, and I am proud of how we progressed and of the final project, that is, the project document. Right from the first meeting, we engaged well and agreed democratically on the project's critical decisions. After orientation and getting acquainted with one another, we dived right in and started conversing about the project and how we would approach it. One of the first things we did as a group in our first meetings is first to have an idea of the company we would research on our project. We thought it was pretty important to have an idea about Optix Solutions before moving to the next stages of the project. We also go to discuss the project plan during our initial meeting and how we were going to approach it.
One of the important stages in teamwork is the assignment of roles and responsibilities to members. I believe roles and responsibilities in a team are important because they provide members with a clear avenue through which they can participate in group activities. If group roles are not specified, I think there is a likelihood that others will dominate while others will feel left out. I also believe roles in a group setting boost individual accountability as one seeks to fulfill their part for the better of the group. Therefore, as a group, we decided on the specific tasks each member would carry out to make the project a success. We unanimously agreed that Guangyao Zeng would be our leader because he demonstrated the ability to ensure the team stayed on course right from the initial meeting. Yan Zhang and I agreed to contact the company to get information that would make the project a success. The roles of the data collection and induction were taken by Yehao Li and Ziyi Gao, while Tianyu Li and Fangyuan Liu, with the help of the group leader, Guangyao Zeng, would work on thesis editing. Members of the group agreed to take the roles voluntarily, and I was happy that we were all eager to do our parts and ensure we did a great project. Furthermore, the group leader, Guangyao Zeng, encouraged members to seek help from others whenever needed. I was happy that transparency characterized our teamwork process right from the start. Having specified the roles for each member, we were on course to have a great project.
I would say that my team performed exemplary on all fronts because not only were all members present during all meetings, each one of us also took our parts seriously. The group leader was particularly instrumental in not only offering guidance but also encouraging us to move forth with the project. As mentioned above, Yan Zhang and I were tasked with the role of contacting the company. We carried out this task well, organizing the time of the meeting with the leaders of Optix Solutions. Although it was our group leader, Guangyao Zeng, who conversed with the leaders of the company, we did our part to ensure that the meeting was successful. Yehao Li and Ziyi Gao collected data, which we found extremely valuable for the project. Their well-researched data made a great part of the project. Tianyu Li and Fangyuan Liu also carried out their duties of editing well, and I did not notice any complaints from the members of the group. Therefore, with the guidance of our group leader, the performance of the group was superb and deserving of praise.
Working together as a team contributed significantly to the success of the project. While each of us had individual roles, it was working together that gave us that extra push to do more for the benefit of the group. In particular, I liked how we brainstormed the questions to ask the leaders at Optix, as well as our discussions on the remaining tasks and how we would accomplish them. The collaborative approach we took was key, and personally, I felt like everyone did their best to see to it that we accomplished the project successfully. When members shared survey data, each one gave their views, and together we decided what would be relevant to our project and what would not. Some of the tasks we handled as a team includes summarizing the digital needs of the company's specific customers, finding and discussing competitors, and brainstorming and researching the impact of Covid-19. The collaborative approach we took in handling some of the critical aspects of the project underpinned our performance as a team. I would go as far as asserting that the tasks we accomplished as a team far outweighed our individual roles.
In conclusion, I think we did an amazing job as a group. The full participation of members particularly gave me, and I also believe everyone else, that extra motivation to handle their part and engage with another to see to it that the project succeeds. I was particularly impressed by the role the leader played in guiding the group and keeping it in course to completion. The collaborative nature of our approach was integral in making the whole process a success.
Academic and Self-reflection
Undertaking the group project is one of the most engaging and fulfilling experiences I have had. Not only was I able to see the application of the teamwork concept come to life, but I also got the chance to understand the dynamics that surround the modern business environment. Through the project, I got to appreciate the different perspectives that were brought on board by different members that made the group. Right now, I have a better and informed appreciation of the role of teamwork in accomplishing projects. At the beginning of the module, one skill that I was keen to improve on is listening skills. I do listen, but sometimes I get distracted easily, and therefore, as I undertook the module, I decided that I was going to improve on listening skills because I believe it is important, particularly in a teamwork environment. In this part of the paper, I will reflect on my contribution to the group, the skills that I employed, what I learned, and the skills I'd like to develop in the future.
I would say I performed quite well in making the group project a success. I understand that the success of a group project depends to a great extent on the input and participation of each member. Not only did I attend all meetings, but I also participated fully in handling my role within the group as well in group discussions that culminated in the final project output. One of the roles I took alongside another team member was contacting Optix Solutions so that they can help us with important details about the company that would facilitate the success of our project. I took this role wholeheartedly and organized a meeting between the group and the leaders of the company. With our group leader representing us in the meeting, I would say I accomplished the task as expected by group members.
Furthermore, I also believed I fulfilled my implementer roles as per Belbin's framework. As learned in the presentations, an implementer is needed in a group to plan a workable strategy and carry it out efficiently. Apart from organizing the meeting with Optix leaders, I also helped significantly in developing strategies to handle some of the group tasks. I would prompt members to brainstorm or carry out further research on an issue so that we would get to an informed position and move forward as a group. I also took lessons from Belbin's framework to avoid being inflexible and becoming open-minded to the ideas that members brought forward.
My previous and current studies played a key role in informing my behaviour and actions during the group process. These studies include human renouncement management, international human resource management, equality and diversity in the workplace, and current issues in management. From these studies, I learned about the place and role of teamwork in the workplace, the relevance of diversity, team communication, leadership skills, and listening skills. Therefore, going into the project, I was quite aware of the importan...
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