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Bus 303 module 3 SLP: Negative Business Letter. Dear Ms. Minnie MacElroy: Account Termination

Essay Instructions:



Case Study: Small Business Owner to Customer-You're Fired!

As the owner of WebTastic, a small business that designs and hosts Web sites, you value your clients and understand that the recession has affected everyone. But lately you've realized that some clients are sapping your business's already stretched resources. One of your first patrons—Minnie MacElroy of Minnie's Miniscule Miniatures—has been a demanding client from the get-go. She asked for changes to the site design she had already approved, forcing you to put in more hours than your quote covered. Once the site went live, Minnie consistently badgered you to make other changes so often that you did them without charge just to get her off your back. When her monthly hosting fee started becoming erratic, you agreed to let her slide until her business picked up. But now she's six months delinquent.


Despite repeated phone calls and several letters asking her to make a payment, you have received nothing. As a business owner, you understand how difficult it is to keep your doors open. You have had to lay off your best Web designer and are now doing your own bookkeeping instead of paying for that service. The contract MacElroy signed has a provision that if an account remains unpaid, WebTastic may opt to render the site nonfunctional. The contract also states that WebTastic retains the copyright on the design of any site it has created. While you are hesitant to lose any business in this economic climate, you have decided that some clients are more trouble than they are worth.


Assignment Instructions:


Write a 3-5 page negative news letter informing Minnie that you are closing down her site. Should you fully explain that she has been a difficult customer, or should you rely on her lack of payment as your reason for breaking the contract? Address your letter to Ms. Minnie MacElroy, 27694 Bay Point Lane, Bonita Springs, FL 34134.

Assignment derived from Dr. Guffey's Business Communication Newsletter

Assignment Expectations:

Write a negative letter (3-5 pages).

Write a (150 word) summary explaining why you used the principles you used in writing your letter.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Negative Business Letter
November 11, 2013,
Ms. Minnie MacElroy,
27694 Bay Point Lane,
Bonita Springs,
Deliver CO. FL 34134.
Mr. Trevor Stone,
Chief Executive Office,
514435 Goodwing Avenue,
Deliver CO. 874589.
Dear Ms. Minnie MacElroy: Account Termination
As one of our stemmed customers we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the support that you have shown. We would also like to appreciate the loyalty that you have continued to extend to this company as a partner in our success. Without this healthy relationship that we have shared over time, it would have been very difficult to forge the kind of business attitude that exists between the two businesses.
In the recent past the economic slump has taken much of the business profits, and the margin has greatly receded leaving the business with very few options to stay afloat. Due to the high cost of doing business, some adjustments have had to be implemented, some of which have continued to hurt the business front. One of the adjustments has been laying off some of the most crucial employees to the company in a bid to cut down on the cost of doing business. Some of the office staffs have also been laid off by extension due to the economic hardships that the company is facing. These are necessary steps that have been very painful to the staff and business as well, but either way had to be carried out given that this is a business and needs to make profits in order to stay in business.
In light of the tough economic times that the business is facing one of the other steps that the business has had to undertake is collect all of its debts from the debtors, who are overdue. Financial records that have been updated from the last twelve moths indicate that your business is one of the debtors that have not cleared out standing payments that date back six months. Records also indicate that the amount which is overdue has been claimed several times through mail, invoices ad voice calls but there has not been any form of response with regard to the same.
Part of the reason as to why the grace period was extended was that, during the time of the maintenance, there were erratic business responses at your company. In good faith WebTastic, decided to extend the time so that your business could pay up when business picked up and stabilized. Financial records from public records indicate that, your business has stabilised in the market. However there has not been an effort from your company to pay up the outstanding debt.
Part of the maintenances that were done on the site in the last six months were also not charged as they were done in good faith. This followed the changes that were requested on several occasions. WebTastic respects its client base and the sole goal is to make sure that all its customers are satisfied with our services, which in turn culminates to the growth of their business. However it is also the duty of the clients to honours the contracts that they have signed with the company.
As part of the business ethics it is the duty of the businesses that enter into contracts to honour the pleas that they make on the contracts. WebTastic is very keen on the partners that do not honou...
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