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National Office Machines - Japan

Essay Instructions:

Read the Case Study (4-4) on Japanese Salespeople and the assigned chapters ( especially Chapter 17) from the textbook. Answer questions 1, 2, 5 and 6.
I suggest you to start working on the assignment by doing research aimed at disclosing cultural differences between American and Japanese cultures. I expect to see at least 5-6 sources about cultural differences between American and Japanese cultures ( in your list of works cited and in the body of your paper).
Please note that the assignment is NOT just about motivational systems or the company’s history. The main idea of the case is that motivational systems should be developed according to the social and competitive contexts in each country and each motivational system should be examined for cultural compatibility. NABMC needs to address the problems associated with business culture in Japan (to succeed, a company cannot change the culture but should adjust their strategies to it)
Only after you learn about the cultural differences you will be ready to analyze the influence of culture on the development of reward systems (this should be reflected in your introduction and conclusion) and begin to answer the questions in the case.
Please refer to the Requirements for All Written Assignments for information on how assignments should be formatted and how they are evaluated. More information on case studies can be found in the Case Study Analysis Guidelines.
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Please read the SUNY Empire State College statement on Academic Integrity before submitting any work for this course. Be sure to cite any and all sources correctly so that your academic integrity is not called into question.

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National Office Machines – Japan
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National Office Machines – Japan
The U.S. and Japan are among the richest countries in the world. The two boast a combined GDP of nearly $26 trillion. They share a lot in terms of development and happen to be leading the way in many sectors. However, the two countries are quite different, especially when assessed through the cultural lens. From simple mannerisms to the business or workplace environment, the two countries are quite different in how they approach matters. For example, in Japan, people often greet each other using nods or bows, while in the U.S., this can be frowned upon because people normally hug or shake hands. Such differences might appear simplistic, but they help showcase the two countries’ approaches to life and how these impact businesses. Another difference between the two countries is aptly captured by Cateora et al. (2020), who indicate that Japan is more collectivist while the U.S. is individualistic. On the IDV score, Japan scored 46 while the U.S. scored 91, and these scores simply mean that the two countries have differing approaches. Another difference between Japan and the U.S. is that in Japan, consumers are likely to prefer personal conversations with salespeople instead of using e-commerce platforms to order products online (Cateora et al., 2020). The above information is quite crucial, especially in the case at hand that considers the actions of salespeople and how they conduct their duties. Provided herein is a discussion of the idea of motivation, particularly incentives, the need for the same, and the principle of motivation.
What should NABMC offer – incentives or straight salary? Support your answer.
Even though there are reports that the Japanese market is becoming more competitive, NABMC needs to continue offering the straight salary option. In her article, Kobayashi (2020) makes it clear that millennials are changing jobs faster than the older generation. She notes that the millennials do not share the same company loyalty that their older counterparts had. Therefore, they are highly likely to be fed up with a system that does not reward their hard work. However, considering the fact that the country’s median age is 48.4 years, Japan still has a large population of the older generation who still believe in company loyalty (Santandertrade, 2020). The implication of the above is that while millennials want to hop from one job to another, their numbers are too low to warrant an overhaul of the entire system.
However, it is crucial to note that the salary levels could be changed and be made to showcase or reflect one’s performance. These levels will not denote any seniority of a salesperson, however, they will reflect performance. In the end, a morphed straight salary method is introduced with fixed salaries for the defined levels, thus favoring both the old and the new salespeople. Furthermore, people will still remain in groups since the idea of the group is much appreciated within Japanese culture (Cateora et al., 2020)
If incentives are out, how do you motivate salespeople and get them to compete aggressively?
The first thing that can be done is building or developing a community within the workplace. According to Ogihara (2017), collectivist approaches still persist in Japan, and the trend has been growing even stronger with time. Therefore, the management can leverage such an attribute and develop a community within the company. The default position is that people already feel connected to each other. The management should thus go a step further and create a sense of belonging, hence making people feel more connected with the ...
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