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JL Racing Case Study

Essay Instructions:

Please watch the J.L. Racing Case Study (16:24) video.
This video presents the international marketing problems and solutions of a small apparel manufacturer in Orange County C.A.—an area known as “Velcro Valley” because of the strategic cluster of surf wear manufacturers and designers. The entrepreneurs discuss how the company started, how it has grown, how management responsibilities are shared, and their approaches to a variety of international marketing challenges.
Topics addressed include: seasonality and the stability that international markets bring, customers in Europe, competitive advantages, promotion strategies, the sales force, buying habits, the use of the internet for both marketing and operations, pricing, and cultural di es in consumer tastes. Most interesting is the comment about how their international sales have affected their domestic designs. The video is an important one because of its small company perspective. This is particularly so because less than 5% of small companies in the United States export.
Questions and tasks:
What are the main challenges small companies are facing when doing business internationally?
Describe and analyze international marketing strategies implemented by J.L. Racing (tip: use additional sources like their website).
How do you think their international sales affect their domestic business? Why?
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JL Racing Case Study
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JL Racing Case Study
Over the past decade, steady structural and technological changes have made it easier for small companies to participate in the global economy. Innovations in the ICT sector propelled by the internet have been the major driver for change, expanding the marketing potential for small and medium enterprises in the United States and across the globe. Additionally, governments have been making efforts to reduce barriers to international business activities, especially at regional levels, by implementing policies that would benefit the small and medium enterprises sector. Even though these innovations and policy changes have influenced international trading activities, small companies are still relatively underrepresented in global business activities. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), small companies only contribute less than 10% of foreign direct investment to the global economy even though they make up over 95% of internal market participants and contribute over 45% of direct added value (Sadiku-Dushi et al., 2019). In this assignment, I will highlight the main challenges facing small companies when doing business while describing international marketing strategies implemented by JL racing, a surfwear manufacturer and designer based in Orange Country, California. Finally, I will discuss some of the international sales strategies the business uses that affect its domestic operations.
When doing business internationally, small businesses need to operate a supply chain that spans national borders. This is a big challenge to these businesses since the intricacies of imports, shipping, exports, and operational logistics are highly implicated by trade deals, internal laws, among other complex legislation (Cateora et al., 2020). For example, JL racing, a surfwear manufacturer and designer, finds it hard to deliver their products to Canada on time than in England due to existing regulations requiring all products to be unboxed and checked at the customs office. While there is no 'one-size-fits-all' supply chain strategy, small businesses should strategically develop and expand based on local trade laws and other external influences that might affect their global business (Ribau et al., 2017). Talent acquisition is another challenge that small businesses face while expanding to international markets. Without experienced employees who act as anchors to the business, the company is more likely to fail, which makes small businesses opt for a more expensive option of partnering with a global professional employer organization that might reduce their profits compared to big organizations (Cateora et al. 2020). Small companies also struggle with understanding international customers (Ribau et al., 2017). JL racing exhibited this challenge and overcame it by traveling to other countries and promoting their products by understanding the demands of their customers. This strategy helped them understand the culture and buying habits of their customers, which offered them a competitive edge against other international brands. Additionally, lack of sufficient capital and cash flow is another major problem facing small businesses, which limits these organizations from expanding, innovating, and providing sufficient service or product delivery. While competition is another issue that affects small businesses, compliance and regulations are the most significant challenge that inhibits most American companies from expanding to international spaces. High trade tariffs, taxes, and other international fees create detrimental additional costs to small businesses, limiting their ability to operate across borders successfully.
JL racing is a small business in the United States that utilized many effective international marketing strategies to expand its business in Europe. First, the company uses a direct selling advertising strategy (International Marketing, 2016). In this case, the company sends some of its agents to international rowing competitions and events wh...
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