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My Leadership Journal

Essay Instructions:

Before embarking on writing your first leadership journal, read the To Be an Effective Leader Keep a Leadership Journal (Links to an external site.). Additionally, review the Week 1 - Weekly Lecture.
Inam (2017) wrote:
The biggest benefit of keeping a leadership journal is to expand your self-awareness. Self-awareness of your strengths, your energizers, what challenges you, what can derail you is a key driver of emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence (the ability to know and manage yourself and others) is a key driver of success in leadership.
For this week’s journal entry, write a two to three-page, single-spaced (no title page) journal entry of 600 to 1000 words regarding your leadership style for the week.
Discuss your strengths.
Discuss your energizers.
Discuss your challenges.
Discuss your work-related emotional intelligence.
You will be writing two more similar journal entries in Weeks 3 and 4. Your journal entry is due by the end of Day 7 (Monday).

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Creativity and passion are two of my most cherished strengths. I believe creativity defines me to a great extent as I enjoy finding solutions to problems not only at my workplace but also in life in general. While I enjoy carrying out my daily tasks as an employee, it is actually the challenging tasks that get my creative juices flowing. This happens mostly when we have tasks that require teamwork to be accomplished, and it is on such occasions, I exercise my problem-solving abilities well. I also believe I extend this creativity to solving my friends’ problems by offering tangible advice. Another strength I have is my passion. I am passionate about my work, uplifting others, and ensuring I attain the goals I set for myself. I do not settle for “good enough” because I know we have unlimited potential to achieve almost anything as human beings. For this reason, I try to see potential in other people and help them see it as well. Therefore, I would say my strengths lie in creativity, passion, uplifting others, and conviction.
Apart from myself, my energizers include challenging assignments, opportunities to share opinions and ideas with members of management, and teamwork activities. When I have assignments that are a bit challenging, that is when I am more energetic and motivated. I believe perfect solutions are always out there, and it is up to us to find them. Therefore, I would carry out in-depth research and seek out ideas as much as possible until I get that perfect solution. I also fancy opportunities to share my opinions and ideas ...
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