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Motivation and Performance Management: Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment, use the same company you researched in the assignment, What Makes _____ the Best Place to Work and Why?.

Write a 2–3 page paper in which you:

Describe the difference between job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Determine how both job satisfaction and organizational commitment relate to employee performance at your selected company.

Evaluate your selected company in light of both motivational theory and performance management principles to determine if it is a place you would like to work.

Use at least three quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other websites do not quality as academic resources.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Motivation and Performance Management
Course code:
Motivation and Performance Management
Job satisfaction refers to the general attitude employees have towards different dimensions of a job, while organizational commitment refers to the degree to which employees stay loyal to an organization. The idea of job satisfaction and organizational commitment is significant due to their impact on organizations and the individual behaviors of the employees. Research shows that employee attitudes toward satisfaction and commitment are great predictors of solidarity in an organization, especially among members and management. However, there is a low correlation between job satisfaction and the intention to leave an organization. This is because an employee can have positive feelings and respect towards an organization but at the same time feel unsatisfied with the job he or she occupies in the organization. Likewise, some satisfied employees will decide to leave for work-related or personal reasons.
Work attitudes give a clear indication of individuals who will leave, stay, perform better, and be committed. Therefore, they can provide close to an accurate measurement of an organization’s intentions to remove employees from their positions or employees’ intention to leave their jobsCITATION Mar89 \l 1033 (Shore & Martin, 1989). This is referred to as turnover intentions which can be voluntary or involuntary. Voluntary turnover occurs when employees decide to leave an organization, while involuntary turnover happens when an organization terminates an employee’s services. Job satisfaction is essential at my company to mean employees put more effort into their work, consequently improving their overall performance. However, this does not necessarily guarantee commitment to the organization as they can trigger an intentional turnover. A high-performing employee may love an organization; however, they may also perceive another opportunity to be better than t...
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