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In Vitro Fertility Success

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In Vitro Fertility Success
In Vitro Fertility Success.
Our modern world is constantly evolving, and as technology advances, new methods of handling past issues are created to resolve these issues. Breakthrough technological advances in the health and medicine world have brought about new approaches and solutions to barren women, especially those with hostile uteruses and other ovular-related genetic complications that disable fertilization in the fallopian tube. One of these technological advances is In Vitro Fertility, abbreviated simply as IVF.
In Vitro Fertility is defined as a treatment method whereby a healthy male sperm and female ovum from healthy men and women are fertilized outside the fallopian tube and uterus to achieve a healthy zygote (Australian Government, 2021). This treatment plan usually involves extraction of the woman's ova from her ovaries and fertilizing them with the sperm of a healthy sperm donor under well-conditioned embryo cultures within a laboratory setting. They are then closely monitored for three to six days before implanting one of the healthy embryos back to the woman's uterus through the cervix.
A lot of money has been invested in the success of IVF treatment. Some of the leading investors include the Federal Government and significant clinics in the private sector. The Australian Government has created a website whereby the public can easily access different IVF clinics' success rates. Additionally, comparisons can be made by patients seeking to go the IVF way to find the best clinics that offer quality medical treatment within this field. This website entitled, YourIVFSuccess, has impacted the IVF industry both positively and negatively. Since creating this website, there have been mixed reactions among the different clinics that offer this treatment plan, as they will be discussed later on in this paper.
The success of IVF treatment depends on several factors, including the woman's age, medical equipment, type of infertility diagnosis, and treatment plan. Since IVF treatment is regarded as a cycle treatment plan, there are several stages towards achieving a healthy pregnancy, and if a single-phase fails, the whole treatment plan crumbles down to pieces. These stages include; ovarian stimulation, egg retrieval, fertilization, embryo culture, fresh embryo transfer, embryo freezing (for the remaining embryos the embryologists did not choose for the transplant), and finally, conducting a pregnancy test.
All the above stages must be executed for any clinic to be given an IVF license permit. Once an IVF clinic has been cleared, they are then recorded on the Federal Government's website. The clinic's success rates for every patient they handle with an infertility problem are uploaded. Availing this information has been made possible because all Australian accredited IVF clinics provide data to the Australian and New Zealand Assisted Reproduction Database (ANZARD) (Australian Government, 2021).
Purpose of the Calculator.
The primary purpose of creating the website and its predictor tool is to provide data to the Australian public on their chances of having a baby. Once someone visits the website, they fill in their details, including age, previous diagnosis and IVF treatments, after which the calculator estimates their chances of success through this method (Aubusson, 2021).
Additionally, another purpose for this website was to provide clarity and transparency of the IVF industry in Australia, which seemed hidden according to the general public's opinion. This website will unmask the clinics that generally exaggerate their figures and increase their success rates. This website will showcase their falsified data to the general public to know the clinics with irregularities (Hicks, 2020, pg. 95).
Influence of the IVF success website on demand (Australian public).
As it has been established above, the main reason behind the creation of this website is to display the collected data from the Australian and New Zealand Assisted Reproduction Database (ANZARD) about the success rates of the various clinics in the IVF industry, by the Australian Government, to the Australian population. Therefore, the availability of this information to the public will help the families seeking to try this approach to conceive children, know the best clinics where they can get the best treatment plan that suits them. This knowledge is essential because spouses who once considered themselves infertile get an opportunity to try the IVF approach and treatment plan before considering other options such as adoption.
Once the general public is appropriately informed about the IVF industry and its chances of success using the IVF method, demand will increase. This increase will result from the trust established between the consumers and the supplier, in this case, the IVF clinics, through the Gov...
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