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11 pages/≈3025 words
Business & Marketing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Monetary Economics: Philips Curve (Business & Marketing Essay)

Essay Instructions:

Prefer writer for order#00111088 if possible

Course name: Monetary Economic

Topic chosen: Phillips Curve

1. The paper must include the following contents: 

First, description of the subject of the paper and motivation for the paper;

Second, a survey of related literature with a clear explanation of how your paper is related to the literature; and finally, your analysis on the subject and conclusion. In case you quote someone else’s work or statements, make sure you make a proper reference to the work.

3. Other than those mentioned above, there is no other restriction or requirement on the paper. As indicated, the paper topic could be any topic in monetary economics that you might be interested in. The paper could be empirical or theoretical in nature. It could be a survey paper as well. While an original work of your own is preferable, you do not need to propose an original work either: your paper could be about replicating a published research. Or you could apply a published research to a different data set (different countries, period, et cetera). When you conduct an empirical analysis, make sure to include the data and computer code used for the paper. Finally, the paper should be typed.

4. Paper should include some literature review, theoretical basis and/or empirical evidence from your own data analysis.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Monetary Economics: Philips Curve
Monetary Economics: Philips Curve
The Phillips Curve is an economic concept that was initially developed by A. W. Phillips. The concepts state that inflation and unemployment have stable and inverse relationships. In this regard, whenever there is economic growth, inflation comes, which must lead to more jobs and a lower rate of unemployment. H...
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