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Emerging Engineering Market in India

Essay Instructions:

I would like for you to write a report to me as your company CEO. Your job is to convince me that an "emerging market" country of your choice is a prime spot for company growth. You can choose any industry (and can even choose a particular company if you like). You can speak to the specifics of the company/industry a little, but what I really want you to focus on are the economic, governmental and legal, human/cultural, lifestyle, consumption, and other exciting characteristics of the country you choose. What are the compelling features of the country that really impress you and lead you to believe that the opportunity is great? Of course, you also want to touch on any major risks or potential problems/pitfalls as well. Be sure you tell me briefly what our company is going to be doing in the new market: manufacturing, distribution, retail, franchising, direct investment, joint venture, outsourcing, etc. If applicable, who would we be doing business with in the new market such as partners, distributors, retailer, etc. (you can speak generally about this)?

So what are the really exciting features of this country at this time? What attracts you to this "opportunity" at this time? A useful and thorough paper is going to touch on the economic aspects of the country: perhaps income levels, GDP levels and development, size of the middle class (and growth), major industries and industrial development, trade levels, foreign direct investment, consumption levels, nature of the consumer class, and various other metrics of the economic health of the country. Clearly you would want to touch on the lifestyles, habits, and culture of the country. What is the legal environment, stability of the government and the economy, ease of doing business, corruption, etc. ? What makes you think that our type of company (or our particular company) will do quite well there? Who are the major competitors in the country at this point? Briefly discuss our ability to get up and going and having some success fairly quickly.

I don't want you to feel obligated to cover the points I have mentioned, however. I really want to give you a fair amount of latitude to discuss whatever factors and characteristics you choose. Your job is to sell the emerging country to me and to convince me that opportunity is great and that we need to "pull the trigger" on this investment soon. Let me be the first to recognize that you could easilywrite a 30-page paper on this topic if you wanted to. I really don't want this to be an overwhelming and lengthy assignment. As a bank CEO, when I used to ask people to provide reports like this I was always looking for no more than around six to eight pages total. Do a good job researching, be concise, and above all make the paper to the point, "hard-hitting," convincing, and not overly lengthy. You might choose to use a lot of visuals: charts, graphs, statistics, etc. I am looking for clear and convincing concise papers that compel senior management to invest in a particular "opportunity" country. A big part of your grade will be "how convinced and pursuaded" I am as company CEO so choose your arguments and your presentation style and content carefully.

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Emerging Market – India & Applied Instruments
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Emerging Market
Over the last 20 years, the Indian economy has changed through government and private enterprises, and the initiatives they took because of technological changes and globalization have undergone a paradigm shift. Before the COVID Pandemic and the subsequent reduction in Indian GDP outlook, the Indian economy experienced a stable growth rate, promising capital markets, and growing foreign exchange reserves (Fernandes, 2020; Mathur & Sengupta 2019). In a report titled "Asia Capital Markets Monitoring," India now has the third-largest Stock Exchange in Asia after China and Japan with the Indian securities market, with a market capitalization of about USD 600 billion (Gandhi, 2020). In this report, Investment opportunities for ISKO will be discussed, which is a leading textile manufacturer and distributor and the world's largest producer of denim (Gandhi, 2020). The report will begin with the economic conditions that are GDP/PPP of India and will proceed toward India's market conditions, including opportunities and risks on investing in India. It is followed by the information about the evidence of previous American companies investing in India in the early ’90s and India's digitalization and concluding with recommendations about the steps the ISKO Clothing Line should take to establish their presence in India. The Indian business environment investigation suggests that expansion in this emerging market is likely to be a highly profitable decision for ISKO.
India is one of the largest markets in the world. According to the World Bank statistics, the number of Internet users in India is close to 35%, 450-465 million (Khalil, Shamsi, Shabbir, and Samad, 2019). The population of the entire country is more than 1.3 billion people. According to the analytical firm Forrester forecast, by 2020, the volume of the e-commerce market in India will reach $48 billion (Singh & Jaiswal, 2018). This large pool of consumers will provide ISKO a platform to capture a big market for the company to sell its merchandise and increase the revenues.
Economy and GDP Growth
The reason for selecting India as a target market for ISKO Clothing is its strong middle class and high purchasing. India's current GDP reaches $ 1.3 trillion, making it the world's eighth-largest economy. As the middle classes attract more people to the workforce, India's domestic consumption remains unchanged (Vij, 2018). Over the next ten years, the number of wealthy consumers in India (consumers who bought $ 1 million or more through PPP) will increase by 40 million. Every sector of the Indian consumer market is thriving. Compared to other emerging markets, India is much less likely to be exposed to external shocks and pressures, which will invest ISKO considerably less risky (Mathur & Sengupta 2019).
Despite accounting for 7.5% of world GDP in 2010 (based on PPPs), India has been attracting investment, which took place with the Government of BJP under the leadership Narender Modi as India’s foreign investment has increased (Singh & Jaiswal, 2018). The rise of India's GDP will allow its consumer to have greater purchasing parity; this, in turn, can provide an opportunity for ISKO to increase its customer base.
Multiculturalism & Demographics
As ISKO Clothing is an apparel company, it would provide both products and services as part of its operations. With a strong service industry (representing 50% of the Indian economy), India proves that industrialization and exports of goods and resources are on the road to rapid economic development. The pre-existing industrial structure and the further industrialization potential provide ISKO with ample opportunities to invest in India.
In relative terms concerning its population, India has the highest number of young people under 25. It is expected that by the year 2040, the working population of India will increase to 240 million with a strong and disciplined labor force, high levels of English and Digital Literacy with a strong emphasis on entrepreneurship allows for a large pool of people who are available at ISKO’s disposal to assist the company in setting its operations in India.
It is reasonable for ISKO to assess the economic conditions of India Economy as well as its debt and GDP outlook. It will help the company decide whether it is profitable and sustainable in the long run for the company to invest and make the rationale for investing in India. ISKO consideration India's domestic consumption and its private sector's functioning. India's domestic savings meet most of its investment needs with the economic efficiency of 37% of its GDP, while only 20% of India's total public debt comes from external loans. Over the next ten years, India will invest heavily in modernizing India's underdeveloped infrastructure (estimated at $ 1.7 trillion). The Indian government is taking various measures to stimulate further private and foreign investment (Singh & Jaiswal, 2018); and given that India has a vast Textile Industry which is approximately 3% of India's GDP, the decision to invest in India can result in sustainable revenues for ISKO provided the investment and operations are managed accurately.
India has a stable, diverse, and well-regulated financial system that facilitates the global financial crisis and is a model for quality, sustainability, and transpar...
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