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1 pages/≈275 words
Business & Marketing
English (U.S.)
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Is the World Getting Similar?

Essay Instructions:

Develop an argument that the world is getting more similar. Provide evidence and examples. Any outside sources should be cited (APA preferred). Copying and pasting of text are never allowed in this class even on discussion boards. Make sure you thoroughly address the questions asked and that you follow the conventions of standard written English.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Is the World Getting Similar?
Whether the world is getting similar or not is a perspective shared by people exposed to the dynamically changing world. Globalization is the primary factor that has made it possible for people from different backgrounds to share such opinions. Presently people from different continents around the world can share their cultures and ideas through various mediums. Advancements in the technology transport system and communication have improved the efficiency of exchanging cultures and knowledge. Technology has improved education, and its impact has led to the acquisition of more knowledge through education (Baker & LeTendre, 2005). The power of knowledge has diversified innovations and inventions around the globe. Furthermore, the world shares similar techniques in learning despite the differences in languages. The similarities of the people and continents worldwide are evident in the application of technology in running businesses, communication, and transport (Pacey, 1991). . Information technology has led to direct contact between people from different parts of the world. The exchange of information has been made possible t...
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