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Business & Marketing
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Part 1: Canvas (Apple Inc.)

Essay Instructions:

Introduction: Using the Osterwalder and Pigneur text as a resource (coupled with the other resources of the course), create a business model canvas of the business organization where you work. Since every organization has unique features, do your best to work at the application of the various components of the building blocks of the canvas. Show as much detail as you can so that it is evident that you comprehend the general business model of your organization. There must be a demonstration of synthesis of the procedure on your part. You may need to interview some of the management team to verify the business model details of your organization. You may also benefit from conducting an Internet search of the Business Model Canvas to become comfortable with how it works. There are many other YouTube-type videos on the web that demonstrate the use of the canvas.

Instructions: Your submittal this week will be considered as a “draft” that should consist of:

1. A Cover page that provides a general description of your organization/business:

Name of the organization (preferably your present organization/business or a pretend organization/business.)

Date of origination (or incorporation)

Location (as appropriate; some entities require discretion)

Brief overview of the purpose of the organization/business

Description of your relationship and role in the organization/business

Other details that enable fuller explanation (if applicable)

2. Business Model Canvas with Post-It notes (as seen in the examples). You have three options for the submission of your canvas: 

• You may download and use the blank PowerPoint canvas with electronic Post-Its to create your canvas (click here), or

• You may create a Word.doc that lists the nine building blocks (clearly identify each one) and uses bulleted points in the same manner as Post-Its. 

• Creation of your post-its via the following web-help site, and then submission of the resulting URL for the finished canvas. See (click on link) https://canvanizer(dot)com/new/business-model-canvas

3. Create a memo (no particular format, but neatly presented) that describes what you learned about your organization/business as a result of creating the business model canvas. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name organization: Apple Inc.
Date of incorporation: 1976
Location:  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cupertino,_California" \o "Cupertino, California" Cupertino,  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/California" \o "California" California,  HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USA" \o "USA" USA
Organization brief: company innovates and develops consumer electronics and online consumer services.
My role: programmer
Apple Inc. has been one of the leading companies in information technology and innovations. From computers, iPads, iPods, iPhones and softwares backed by online support platforms and applications for consumers to download and use, the company sets the standards in the industry. Even winning mobile platforms such as, Android and Windows, seem to be struggling to maintain customer loyalty levels as Apple has managed over time. Other than being one of the most innovative information technology companies, it also tops the list of the company with the highest revenue as of the latest reports. Much of the secret ingredient lies in the business model canvas used by the company in an industry that shows cut throat competition in innovative designs.
Apple business model canvas
Key partners
Apps developers
Components manufacturers
Television industry
Music industry
Movies industry
App store developers
Cellular service providers
Key activities
Developing designs
Quality control
Developing software
Value propositions
Maintaining high usability and convenience
High performance delivery
Customer relations
Offering after sale services
Self service
Offering customer’s personal assistance
Customer segments
Several platforms
Mass markets
Several consumer gadgets
Online support
Key resources
Human resources
Intellectual resources
Physical resources
Apple retail shops network
Other retailers
Online retailers
Cost structure
Economies of scale on devices production
Cost driven productions lines
Revenue streams
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