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WK 3 Theoretical Summary Paper

Essay Instructions:

GOAL: Write an investigative summary that discusses the involvement of two theories/concepts of management that affect the functionality of your organization. Instructions: Write a 600-750 word theoretical summary based on two theories/concepts that affect your organization. Select your two theories/concepts from what is presented in the “. . . Theoretical and Conceptual Foundations . . .” PowerPoint. Augment your discussion by obtaining at least two research articles from peer-reviewed journal in the APUS online library that demonstrate the use of each selected theory—two research articles for each theory/concept; four scholarly articles minimum. Use research studies/articles that were published within the last ten years. You want to select research that presents each theory and its usefulness in organizations and management. Again, choose leadership theories found within the “theories” lecture, unless you obtain written permission from the professor to explore other theoretical material that may interest you. Remember to cite your references in text. The paper should be written in third person and is not reflective (first person not acceptable). A title page and references page are required (no abstract needed). Your forum work for weeks two and three may be utilized as a resource to create this paper. www(dot)screencast(dot)com/t/UP66vmAdG

Essay Sample Content Preview:

As an organization that has been spreading its reach from the North America to China, there have been a lot issues that have affected Databank Limited a company that deals with cloud storage. Over the last five years the company has been employing staffs from across the globe relative to their skills level. Cloud computing is one of the most competitive markets at the moment and the company has been looking at tapping the right markets and having the right team on board. As result, it has laid out major investments to make sure that they have better reach in southern America and China where most of the competition has not engaged. Most of the staffs are from different cultures across the globe. Until recently, when the company started sourcing staffs from across the globe, most of the staffs were American, however, there have been some changes and the effects have taken some time to come around.
Hofstede five dimensions of culture
When reviewed against the five dimensions of culture developed by Hofstede, there are some intriguing aspects especially when compared to the Chinese markets that are evident. With reference to power/distance dimension, it is quite low when referring to the American company. The power is more decentralized and the supervisors and the rest of the staffs are more or less at the same level.
However, the dimension of individualism is quite high. This aspect is due to the fact that the management encourages innovativeness of the individuals. As such most people take their work as personal challenges before they can consider the team work. Where team work is crucial, most staffs consider their input rather than the collective efforts (Migliore, 2011).
When considering the dimension of masculinity, the male and female figures do not have any difference and thus the any one hold any position at the firm. All the staffs have equal opportunities of rising to the managerial position relative to their hard work and brilliance regardless of their gender. This was quite different at the firm opened in China where male roles and female roles are quite different.
Previously the firm has been used to taking risks in their investment choices relative to the American markets dynamics and the cultural background (Migliore, 2011). As such the company scored lowly on uncertainty/avoidance dimension index. With merger in China this was different and the management had to present options that offered higher chances of success even if the returns were lower.
In reference to the long term orientation index, the company in America scored much lowly, however this was not the case with merger in China. Majority of the staffs at the American based company were used to a culture that does not place so much emphasis on traditions and therefore long-termorientations. However, a good number of the management team that went to China to oversee the Chinese merger had a much more rough ...
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