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MGT 402 WK 4 Case: Measuring Customer Service Effectiveness

Essay Instructions:

Case Assignment

After reviewing your readings in the background materials, discuss in a 3- to 5-page paper how measuring customer service effectiveness can enhance the customer experience. How do such measurements help to assure continuous improvement in an organization?

The following article should prove particularly helpful:

Klie, L. (2012). Customer service metrics that matter. Speech Technology, 17(6), 22-25. Retrieved from Trident University Library.

Assignment Expectations

This paper should be written in your own words and include:

An introduction stating the thesis, position, or central theme you plan to take or consider in your paper.

A main body that provides a cogent, well documented case in support of your thesis, position or central theme.

A conclusion concisely stating the main points of your analysis and the conclusions you reached.

Be sure to document your sources and provide in-text citations whenever you use information you obtained from a background reading or other outside source, as well as a separate reference list at the end of the paper. You MUST document where you got the information you are using in your papers! In-text citations are expected anytime you paraphrase an idea, or use data or information from another source. You must also limit using quoted material, and always use quotation marks and an in-text citation on the rare occasion that you quote another source verbatim.

Grading will be based on how closely you follow directions, critical thinking, writing, use of sources and mechanics, including use of in-text citations.  Your essay should be 2 to 3 pages in length (not counting your title page or references). You must include a title page and a list of references. APA formatting is preferred. Do not paste in sections of text into your essay. All of your work must be written in your own words. It’s OK to use a short quote now and again, but quotations must be in quotation marks and properly cited. In-text citations should be used anytime you are borrowing somebody else’s ideas, or information. That is to say, if you are borrowing a thought from a publication from T. Pickle’s article written in 2010, that section of text must be followed with (Pickles, 2010). Quotations, data, and general ideas (put into your own words) should all be cited. 



Essay Sample Content Preview:

Measuring customer service effectiveness
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Measuring customer service effectiveness
Evaluation of customer service by any organization is key to enable that organization to know what the customer experience is, on the services offered. This information can be retrieved from the customers themselves. Most customers have views on existing customer service delivery as well as suggestions on how it can be improved. Employees of an organization can also be used to get this information specially the ones who get customer feedback directly. Generally, the growth of an organization can also be used to evaluate the quality of its service provision. This allows the organization to know how well or otherwise the strategies it has put into place to facilitate effective customer service, are working CITATION All04 \l 1033 (Leighton, 2004). Most companies or organizations tend to overlook this very important process. Successful organizations are known to conduct this survey to evaluate the effectiveness of their service delivery quite frequently. This helps them to adjust the strategies they have put in place to facilitate service delivery to the customer to be an, even more, satisfying experience to the customer. The paper explores on the benefits of measuring customer service and its effectiveness, to the customers as well as how they help in the development of an organization CITATION Sar05 \l 1033 (Cook, 2005).
Benefits of measuring customer service effectiveness to the customer
When an organization conducts an evaluation on the effectiveness of its services to its customers, it is most likely to discover the areas in which it falls short in service delivery. This prompts an organization to adjust existing strategies of service delivery with the findings in consideration. The organization could also make new strategies with the consideration of the same in focus if the existing strategies are not adjustable. This move benefits the customers greatly as service provision becomes efficient and tailored to their preferencesCITATION Lin \l 1033 (Jiang, 2013). For instance, an organization that offers generalized customer service conducts a survey to evaluate the efficiency of the service. It learns that most of its customers would prefer a more personalized form of customer service as the generalized one is probably slow and many important details are lost or not given the importance they would prefer. The organization would create a new strategy to introduce this personalized form of service delivery and do away with the generalized one to give the customers a better experienced influenced by their feedback. The organiza...
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