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Meta Versus Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Case

Essay Instructions:

Summary: Your submission should address a contemporary ethical issue facing a firm or industry or market of your choice, applying concepts covered in the course so far. You should argue in favor of or against a normative claim with economic or social importance. To take an example from last week’s class (and thus one you shouldn’t use), if you were interested in social media, you could argue that Facebook should (not) attempt to acquire competitor platforms and technologies.

Essay topic: In the case, Meta Faces the FTC, one statement by Meta hinted that the interests of it, its advertisers, and its social media customers are perfectly aligned. Is this true for Meta? Explain. How would this affect the ease or difficulty of applying stakeholder theory?

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Papers will be graded based on the following qualities (in no special order, as all are important).

Clarity: Is it clear, at every point in the paper, exactly what you are claiming, and how the points you make and the examples you use support that claim? For example, does the paper appropriately distinguish premises (or assumptions) and conclusions? The thesis (or major claim) is especially important: Can a reader quickly assess what your paper argues?

Conciseness: Is everything in the paper strictly relevant to the claim you are trying to make? Do you make your points efficiently? Final submission has a hard limit of 1,500 words, so please consider this when developing your idea and writing your abstract and draft.

Accuracy: Do you accurately portray the arguments and conclusions of the other writings you cite and discuss? Are you correct when you say that certain claims entail or support others? Are empirical claims true or at least supported by credible evidence.

Originality: Does the paper merely repeat points made in the readings or during class, or have you thought deeply about the issue for yourself?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Meta Versus FTC Case
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For a while, Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has filed various court cases against Facebook. The recent one was an amended complaint on the ongoing federal antitrust lawsuit. FTC alleged that after failed attempts by Facebook to develop an innovative mobile feature for its network, the company began using an unlawful buy-or-bury scheme to maintain its dominance (FTC, 2021). A statement by the defendant hinted that its interest and those of advertisers and social media customers are aligned. This information is not accurate. Various studies have indicated that the company's interests are always at the forefront. For instance, it unlawfully acquired competitors with better mobile features to become a monopolist. Therefore, Meta could not have acted in this manner were it not for seeking dominance.
Another factor that indicates Facebook is after monopoly and not advertisers and social media users' interest is its act of luring app developers. According to FTC (2021), the company surveys experts' success for a while before destroying them when they become competitive. This has created Facebook dominance, enabling it to impose more burden on social media users and perfect a surveillance-based advertising system.
FTC (2021) suggests that Facebook is always after its interest by noting that in the past, the company lacked the technical talent to survive the mobile transition because it failed to compete with new innovators. As a result, it illegally bought or destroyed competitors when the latter's popularity became a threat. This action has suppressed product quality improvement and innovation. The company further degrades the social media experience by subjecting consumers to low privacy and data protection levels. Users are also manipulated through intrusive ads. If Facebook genuinely considered social media users' interests, it could not have used the above method to be competitive. Instead, it could have considered other techniques that do not harm customers. An example here is investing in technology.
Some experts believe Facebook is a monopolist that abuses its excessive market power to eliminate threats and retain its prolonged dominance (FTC, 2021). At one time, the company's CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, recognized Meta as vulnerable. He was worried that another network might eclipse the firm because it could not integrate its outdated desktop-based technology into the new era of mobile communication. The board chose to solve this problem by buying new innovators like Instagram and WhatsApp. The decision was selfish because it only enabled Facebook to be a monopoly, hindering the delivery of better service to consumers. Competition is always effective in the provision of quality products.
For years, most Facebook executives' decisions seem to supplement its anticompetitive shopping spree. The company has developed an open-first-close-later scheme that helps it cement its monopoly (FCT, 2021). The plan is hampering the ability of its rivals to compete on merits. This has harmed the competitive process by limiting consumers' choices. Therefore, a statement that claims Facebook considers its interest and those of social media users is fictitious.
The company's urge for dominance is unforgiving to any of its rivals. The entity is doing its best to serve shareholders' interests. For instance, when the Facebook platform became an open space for third-party software designers, Meta abruptly reversed its course. It asked developers to agree to conditions that hindered successful apps from emerging (FCT, 2021). This was a way for the firm to insulate itself from rival entities. The move harmed developers such as Circle and Path and deprived users of getting disruptive and promising mavericks that could have forced Facebook to improve its services.
Meta's dominance is dangerous for social media users and advertisers because the company has the power to control prices. According to FCT (2021), the firm is already using this supremacy to its advantage by exploiting customers. Research has shown that prices favor consumers if controlled by market forces such as competition. Unfortunately, Meta has killed this possibility. The above author also notes that Facebook's dominance has been harmful because it enables the firm to significantly reduce the quality of its services. The management understands they cannot lose clients. If the company truly valued social media users' interests, it could not have acted in such a manner.
Facebook's current monopoly position in the market has...
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