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2 pages/≈550 words
Business & Marketing
English (U.S.)
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Memorandum. Key Resources, Cost Structure, Revenue Structure

Essay Instructions:

This is a team assignment, I am responsible for TL4.



Key Resources. Summarize the main key resources that without, your business could not be successful.  In 200-250, words describe how you will generate cash from your targeted customer segment. The assets required to offer and deliver the previously described elements. Key resources allow your business to reach markets, maintain relationships, earn revenue and offer your value proposition. Consider physical, financial, intellectual or human needs. A microchip manufacturer requires capital-intensive production facilities, whereas a microchip designer focuses more on human resources and the need for specific type of employees.

Key Partnerships. Companies forge partnerships for many reasons, and partnerships are becoming a cornerstone of many business models. Describe in 200-250 words how or if your company will create alliances (could be suppliers, providers or an alliance) to optimize their business models, reduce risk or acquire resources. Some activities are outsourced and some resources are acquired outside your business.   Starbucks recognizes the importance of key partnerships to grow their brand. Starbucks partnered with Barnes and Nobles bookstores to provide in-house coffee shops, benefiting both retailers. Moreover, later Starbucks partnered with PepsiCo to bottle, distribute and sell the popular coffee-based drink, Frappuccino. Do not forget, that other types of partnerships may include subcontractors or suppliers. When Under Armour had customer complaints about an uncomfortable heal cup of their new running shoe, they turned to a supplier who just happened to be a bra supplier.  The problem was resolved by adding a custom designed, seamless, padded cup to fit the heal of the shoe. Sometimes you just need to think differently and use others expertise. 

Revenue Structure. In 200-250 words, describe how you will make money. Revenue streams result from value propositions successfully offered to customers. Amazon sells the Kindle e-reader at break-even. To do this because the e-book market has higher profit margins and a history of high repeat customer sales.  Some models rely on monthly subscriptions, membership fees, royalties or repeat purchases. Do not forget to think about future revenue challenges. In other words, how long will your new product innovation be sustainable? 

Cost Structure. Identify and describe in 200-250 words the most important costs incurred while operating your particular business model. In this section you will identify the major costs associated with assets and working capital needs. Describe your basic cost structure. How will you pay (debt or equity) for your assets? Address changes in your product industry; do you need to worry about technology or other threats in the future? Can your product be duplicated easily? Will competitor products threaten profit margins? In other words, will your cost structure stay stable for the first year or longer? Creating and delivering value, maintaining customer relationships, operations and generating revenue all incur costs. Delta Airlines is more cost-driven than Allegiant who is considered a “no frills” airline and focused entirely around low cost structures. Product bundling can provide opportunities. Private Banking offered by most banks offers high touch and expensive one-on-one relationships to their client’s which by itself is not profitable. However, when bundled with other services, the Bank as a whole profits.  Clearly identify your cost structure strategy and identify your most expensive costs you will incur to deliver your new product/service.


Team Leader Memo

Your team project has been divided into five sections to help your group organize the project work. This rotation is similar to the real business world when people report to different specialty departments. The intention of the memo is to provide your boss with a project update. Weekly team leaders are to be identified the first week of the project and should not change.

The goal of your individual memo is to complete the topics assigned in the project according to the assignment instructions. In advance of submitting your individual memo you should meet with your professor and team leader to discuss in detail to obtain maximum points.  After the memo had been submitted, you will receive professor feedback. This feedback can be used to improve your part of the paper for final submission and grading.

Each person on the team serves one time only as a team leader and will receive a separate receive a separate grade for their paper.  Each team leader will have All due dates are posted in Isidore. The Isidore assignment is open for the full project time, so it is your responsibility to keep track of your team leader assignment due date. You can only earn a grade for one role.  

Each topic covered in class will provide a guide for your paper, using the memo format taught in class. The memo should include all items outlined in the written paper assignment and backed with cited research. Once submitted in Isidore the memo will be graded and given back to you to provide suggestions and insights to help with the final written paper and presentation.

Once all five sections are complete you will have a very good draft to use for your final team project report and presentation. But your work doesn’t end once your memo is complete.  There will be pivot points where your project may change. If changes are made, it is not necessary to resubmit your memo in Isidore. Make sure your team is communicating and agrees with the position you are taking in your memo submitted.  Each team leader is to meet with your professor prior to submitting the memo in Isidore.  If you have questions about your team leader memo, discuss it with our professor.

Team Leader 1, to meet with professor before submitting the following written paper topics:

  • Problem Statement
  • New Product Idea
  • Publically Traded Company who will own your innovation
  • Customer Segment
  • Customer Relationships
  • Value Proposition
  • Channels
  • Key Partnerships
  • Key Activities
  • Key Resources
  • Cost Structure
  • Revenue Structure
  • In charge of overall project to include, at a minimum, the following:
    • Coordinate and document face to face meeting dates/times, attendees and location (required: a minimum of 4)          
    • Meets with Team Leaders prior to TL Memo submission
    • Meets with the Professor a minimum of one time individually
    • Coordinates entire team to meet with professor a minimum of one time, no later than one week prior to written paper due date.
  • Submits written paper in Isidore by due date on behalf of the team
  • Submits PowerPoint presentation in Isidore (No Google Docs or Drive documents will be accepted) by due date on behalf of the team
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Lessons Learned

Team Leader 2, to meet with professor before submitting the following written paper topics:

Team Leader 3, to meet with professor before submitting the following written paper topics:

Team Leader 4, to meet with professor before submitting the following written paper topics:

Team Leader 5, to meet with professor before submitting the following written paper topics:

Grading Rubric - Team Leader Memo


Rating Dimension










Critical Thinking

Provides a clear, rational thinking and analysis. Includes details to support assumptions, judgements and provide a good evaluation of the topic. 

Provides an understanding and analysis of the topic. Includes some details that support content and position. Provides a basic evaluation of the topic

Lacks depth, analysis and an understanding of the topic. Lacks details of the evaluation of the topic.






Creditable Research

Provides evidence of creditable research that is relevant to the topic

Indicates research but lacks evidence

No creditable research is evident




Content Completeness

Answers all writing prompts in assignment. Provides extra value added and beneficial information.

Lacks several writing prompts in assignment, reader is left with questions about content

Lacks many writing prompts in assignment, reader is left confused





Format, Grammar & Flow

Written in formal Memo format. Paper is easy to read, contains 1-2 errors, uses formal APA format. Paper flows with the entire project.

Does not use proper memo format. Paper is readable, contains 2-5 errors and uses formal format. Paper lacks some flow with the entire project

Lacks memo format. Paper leaves the reader confused or contains 5+ format or spelling errors. Paper lack cohesiveness with the entire project.





Professor Meeting

Met with professor & TL5 a minimum of one time prior to submission

Met with either professor or team prior to submission

Did not meet with anyone prior to submission

















Essay Sample Content Preview:

TO: Professor Krella
DATE: March 31, 2019
SUBJECT: Key Resources, Cost Structure, Revenue Structure
The purpose of this memorandum is to illustrate the key resources, cost structure, and revenue structure of our product, the Wireless Bluetooth Charger.
Key Resources
Making a Wireless Bluetooth Charger requires several resources. The first is a “Wireless Charging Transmitter” which is typically derived from an AC/DC power adapter or a USB port and a “switched transistor bridge” that uses 2 or 4 FETs. The wireless charging transmitter must have a coil that can transfer power the electromagnetic induction. The transmitter must support several coil arrays that can be automatically selected to deliver the largest amount of power to the wireless power receiver. Other requirements include: Dot PCB Board, “wire 1 mm thick (7 m)”, “IC 7805(x1)”, 555 timer IC (x1) among others (Maker BR, n.d). Additionally, it would be important to have a competent team in place. The team must have the ability and the skills to have every task in the project.
Cost structure
The cost structure for the project will include both variable and fixed costs. The fixed costs for the project will include direct labor cost for the project team. In total, a team of five is expected to work on the project. Additionally, costs for acquiring the needed materials will also be incurred.
Also, variable costs will be incurred and this will vary with the size of the output. Moreover, they are more diverse than fixed costs as they are not associated with one project. Actually, they will vary during the proc...
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