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Economic Justice and How it can be Experience in a Workplace

Essay Instructions:

My topic is Economic justice. As you did last week, each group member is to post a meaningful, original contribution (300-400 words) to their group by Thursday. The initial contribution should be a succinct yet well-supported analysis of the assigned topic, using the case study as context and synthesizing information and ideas from at least three properly cited scholarly sources. Further, each initial contribution must draw upon the group’s work in Week 3. Organize your work properly in multiple paragraphs (just as you would a brief essay) and use correct APA citation format. Reminder, the paper cannot consist of the word (hence) or have too many repeated words. Please read the instructions carefully. Thanks for your cooperation again.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Economic Justice
Economic justice refers to the protection of employees’ rights in the economic sphere. It is important to note that economic injustices in an organization include issues such as inequality, defiance of workplace rights and reduced wages. Ordinarily, individuals who are subjected to economic injustice feel discriminated and detached from the organization, and this is likely to cause conflicts between the affected people and organizational management. There is a need for companies to implement guidelines that encourage fairness and equal benefits among the workers, and this is possible by enacting policies which reflect the goal of economic justice. This paper examines economic justice and how it can be promoted in an organization.
The levels of economic inequality in a company affect the performance of the firm. High rates of economic imbalance in an organization may adversely result in low human development which is likely to impact organizational performance by reducing employees’ productivity. Additionally, the economic inequality may influence the attitudes and behaviors of staff thus affecting their interaction in the workplace, and this impacts the achievement of the firm (Bapuji, 2015). In this cases study, G2Q Company commits an economic injustice by displacing indigenous people who occupied supervisory positions and replaced them with non-local managers. This act portrays discrimination and is likely to cause problems with the local people, and this may hinder productivity in the company.

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