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McDonald's observations Business & Marketing Essay

Essay Instructions:

The point of the exercise is to relate some of the principles you have read about to an organization. Since McDonalds is available internationally, this is usually a good company to learn from. But feel free to use McDonalds, Starbucks, or any other large international organization that standardizes their processes. If you cannot physically go to one of these establishments due to COVID either find information online about the experience, or recall a time you did attend one of these restaurants! Details of the assignment are in the syllabus but I have copied them below!

Conduct a 30-minute observation at a local McDonald’s or Starbucks restaurant, and document the following. Due to COVID this may not be possible in person! If this is the case, please find a video of the work at McDonalds or Starbucks or use your past experiences to think about the actions of the employees!

 Look for specific examples of scientific management in practice. How are scientific management principles practiced across various positions at the restaurant? How would you assess the overall job design at the restaurant, according to our Contingency Analysis scale of highly mechanistic to highly non- mechanistic? Which jobs or positions are most mechanized versus least mechanized?

 Look for specific examples of classical/bureaucratic structure in practice. How are bureaucratic principles practiced at the restaurant? How would you assess the overall organization structure, according to our Contingency Analysis scale of highly bureaucratic (functional) to highly non-bureaucratic (network) structures?

 Prepare a one-page report (may be single-spaced) summarizing your observations. In two columns, bullet- point the examples of work practices from the (a) bureaucratic/classical (organization structure) and (b) scientific management (job design) perspectives, and provide illustrative examples from your observations.

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McDonald’s Scientific Management and Bureaucratic Structure
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McDonald’s Scientific Management and Bureaucratic Structure
Scientific management
Specific examples of scientific management in practice
Mcdonald's prides itself in leading the world eateries with outlets in more than 119 countries. Macdonald's successfully uses Fredrik Taylor's scientific management in regulating the cooking time of each product. For example, the company has scheduled 3 minutes for fries, and the chicken patty goes for 100 seconds (Raj, Lautoka, & Singh, 2020).
Scientific management principles are practiced across various positions at the restaurant.
Scientific management principles are in effect at McDonald's and help the company achieve its objectives. For instance, McDonald's uses the scientific principle to motivate and reward employees through competitive wage and promotion programs like 'employee of the month.' Another principle is seen in its commitment to offer specialized training to staff by building the Hamburger University in 1961.
Assessment of the overall job design at the restaurant according to the contingency analysis scale of highly mechanistic to highly non-mechanistic
McDonald's has become a household name by creating a mechanistic environment for its employees. The restaurant resembles a machine with employees forming operational parts. The management at McDonald's has been keen to utilize Weber's, Taylor's, and Fayol's theories in mechanizing the departments. Taylor's supervision concept ensures efficiency at work by placing employees in departments based on their experience and qualifications (Raj, Lautoka, & Singh, 2020). Another highly mechanized job is the merit promotion influenced by Weber's hierarchical structure. One of the least mechanized jobs is packaging, where employees with the least experience as restaurant staff are placed.
Bureaucratic structure
Specific examples of classical/bureaucratic structure in practice
An ideal example of McDonald's bureaucratic structure is seen through its franchising concept, where its stores are now located in more than 119 countries. Another bureaucratic principle is the clan control structure, where managers give employees powers to make decisions.
Bureaucratic principles are practiced at the restaurant.
At McDonald's, Fayol's bureaucratic management style is prominent as it emphasizes the need for prior planning and coordination. Additionally, other bureaucratic principles are not limited to order and equality in the division of labor.
Assessment of the overall organization structure according to the contingency analysis scale of highly bureaucratic (functional) to highly non-bureaucratic structures
McDonald's uses the Siamese twins of management, namely control and planning. McDonald's bureaucratic control is evident in their commitment to regulate employees' behavior. McDonald's also uses technostructure in hiring analysts who are responsible for standardization. Looking at McDona...
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