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International Analysis of Organization Design Business Essay

Essay Instructions:

This assignment involves selecting one country outside the U.S. that is of particular interest and

relevance to you.

• The assignment is to write an 10-12 page paper that summarizes the culture of the country and how the culture influences the elements of organization design (organization structure, job design, scanning practices, human resource systems, etc.) and management practices.

• One option for this assignment is to select a multi-national company that has operations in a particular country as the focus of your analysis. You are also encouraged to review Chapter 6 in the Daft text (Designing Organizations for the International Environment) to generate potential countries and topics for your paper.

• You will want to integrate your findings with the concepts and principles discussed in the course. Your final paper should be 10-12 pages and include at least six (6) academic references specifically from the course material.

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Influence of culture on organizational design and management practices
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Department, University
Course Code: Course Name
Organizational designs and management practices are influenced by the cultural practices of a region. Culture is a powerful lever for maintaining, shaping, and renewing an organization's viability. Divergent expectations and cultural differences around the workplace norms can be a significant cause of friction. Therefore, it is essential for a company moving its business to a new country will influence its business operation. This paper will discuss how Dubai culture influences apple's organizational design and management practices in the country.    
Apple is an American multinational technology company that develops, designs, and sells consumer electronics, online services, and computer services. Apple is recognized as one of the prestigious companies in the world. The company has expanded its business territory in various countries around the world. One of the countries that Apple has based its operations in Dubai a member of the United Arab Emirates. Over the last three decades, Dubai has transformed itself it a veritable mega-city boasting of some of the tallest buildings in the world, magnificent islands, sever-star hotels and business parks. The country is a significant tourist attraction in the world. This makes Dubai an excellent choice for conducting business. Other reasons that make Dubai an excellent choice to conduct business is its taxation system, safety, high-quality infrastructure, and repatriation. However, while setting up a business in Dubai, it is vital to consider the culture of the state. 
Culture of Dubai 
Religious practices
A majority of the United Arab Emirates countries adhere to Islam's tradition and religion and Bedouin and Arab culture. The cosmopolitan nature of Dubai makes it have a diverse and vibrant range of cultures (Harb, 2016). However, some traditional Dubai customs are still observed, such as five-time daily prayer sessions.  
Dress code
The Muslim culture which is most prevalent in Dubai has strict rules and customs that govern human interactions and behavior. The dress code in the state stipulates that both men and women should be modest in their mode of dressing to avoid offending the Muslim cultural norms. A majority of the locals wear traditional clothing in business situations. The men put on dishdasha while the women put on an abaya (Harb, 2016). While expats don't need to adapt to the Muslims' dressing code, they are expected to wear formal attire that is modest and not revealing.
 Having the right communication skills is very vital in Dubai. Due to the conservative nature of the people, communication is formal in this region. One should be keen on how they address a person of the opposite gender and the elderly. For instance, one should address a person as either "MR" or "Ms." when they meet them for the first time. A man should wait for a woman to offer their hand first for a handshake. Additionally, one should always greet the eldest person first and work down through seniority (Harb, 2016). Therefore, expats must observe these fundamental communication guidelines.
Working hours and conditions
Generally, the working hours are eight hours from 9 am to 5 pm. usually, the workweek runs from Sunday to Thursday. Conversely, during the holy months of Ramadan, a majority of the Muslims work for about six hours a day. It is important to note that though timekeeping is not a priority, Emirates value punctuality (Harb, 2016). As a result, one must show up on time for meetings and work. 
Gift policy
Notably, though gifts are not necessary, it is a nice gesture to give potential clients gifts. Similarly, it is advisable to give gifts at the closure of a business deal. Gifts are received with the right and opened appropriately. It is vital to note that some gifts are considered inappropriate, such as alcohol-based perfumes, objects representing knives, dogs or gold jewelry, and pork leather items. Also, it is considered a rude act to refuse a gift (Harb, 2016). Hence, an expat conducting business in the United Arab Emirates should strictly observe these gift policies. 
Meetings management
A business leader or manager conducting a business meeting with potential should be keen to observe some practices that the Emirates can consider inappropriate. One should not start a meeting by directly talking about business but instead discussing themselves or the weather. 
 Usually, trade negotiations require patience. Successful business relationships are built over a series of meetings. The Emirates value spoken word. Hence, an individual must abide by their spoken word. During conversations use of hyperbole is common. One should also avoid using the thumb as a gesture or crossing their legs since both acts are considered offensive. Additionally, one should avoid sensitive topics such as politics, regional conflicts, or any form of criticism (Harb, 2016). To avoid conflict of interest and achieve a successful business meeting, it is crucial to observe the meetings management guidelines.
Time management
 Notably, an individual must arrive on time for a job or a meeting in Dubai. When attending a meeting, one should not be in a hurry to conclude the meeting. Usually, the private sector operates from Sunday to Thursday from 9 am to 5 pm. The public sector operates from Sunday to Thursday from 7.30 am to 2.30 pm or 4 pm (Harb, 2016). Muslims pray five times a day; hence must work around that schedule. The official weekend in the UAE is Friday and Saturday. 
Notably, cultural differences between the nations influence how an organization will structure its leadership and operations. For Apple Company to have a successful business operation in Dubai, it must adhere to the Emirates culture. The American and Emirate cultures are diverse in their practices and beliefs (Harb, 2016). To avoid conflicts, company leaders and strategists need to develop organizational cultures and practices that align with the new nation's customs and culture.
Influence of the Nation’s culture
The apple company had to make essential changes to ensure they abide by the business culture of the United Arab Emirates. The Emirate culture influences an organization's various elements and management practices such as the organizational structure, job designs, human resource system, and leadership styles. The following are some of the Apple international company's organizational and management practices that the Emirates culture has influenced. 
Human relations perspective  
The human relation perspective focuses on the employee needs, organizational motivators, and management styles. An organization has to critically identify what motivates the employees by identifying their specific needs (Time, 2003). The human relation perspective also focusses on the how various rewards such as pay increase, safe work environment, opportunities for learning and development and other benefits such as health and education insurance can motivate employees.
  A company established in a different nation with diverse cultures must align its human relations perspective to avoid cultural conflicts. Apple Company in Dubai had employ workers from the United Arab Emirates states. These individuals have cultural practices that a different from those practiced by the Americans. As such the management of the company has to develop a reward system that does not violate the cultural values of the employees from the Islamic community. 
 The company had to identify the rewards that would motivate employees. Apple being a sales company, offers pay increase, promotion, and recognition to employees perform exceptionally well (Robescu, 2016). The company offers employees rewards for innovative thinking. As a result, the staff members are empowered to think independently and offer exceptional services to the clients. 
Also, Apple Company adopted a culture of not rewarding gifts that the Emirates might consider offensive. It is culturally offensive to give an individual from the Emirates a present that is alcohol-based or made from pork-skin. Therefore, the management of the company adopted a culture of rewarding all employee rewards that do not violate the culture of the Emirates.
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