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3 pages/≈825 words
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Mba 687 (5-2)

Essay Instructions:
MBA 687 Module Seven Memo Guidelines and Rubric Overview Your efforts at finalizing the Change Management toolkit are appreciated by the vice president (VP) and management team of the U.S. branch of the Singaporean software solutions provider. The earlier submissions you shared, including a change readiness report presentation on employee engagement and a report on change management models, have convinced leadership about your expertise at planning the required organizational change. You also shared the change management plan last week, which identifies stakeholders of significance, outlines strategic goals, and recommends steps and strategies to implement the organizational changes required. While the VP applauded the details of the plan, members of the leadership team have been sending you questions about their role in change implementation. As an experienced HR consultant, you decide it’s best to collate your responses to their queries. You decide to send a memo with some model leadership behaviors expected during change implementation. You will also emphasize that the leadership team needs to own the change management plan and the role of HR is that of a facilitator rather than a leader of change. Prompt Write a memo to the company leadership. In your memo, emphasize the need for model leadership behavior, especially during crisis or times of significant change. Also, emphasize that the role of HR is that of a change facilitator, as opposed to a change leader. Specifically, you must address the following criteria: Describe the need for model leadership behavior during times of organizational change. What are model leadership behaviors that should be encouraged across the organization at any time? How should leaders inspire the workforce to cultivate an environment that encourages knowledge sharing? Explain how leaders should coach and mentor employees as the workforce transitions through change. How is a change leader different from a stakeholder of change? How can change leaders coach and mentor the workforce to deal with change? Describe the role of HR as a facilitator of change. How correct is it to expect HR to lead rather than facilitate change? How exactly is a change facilitator different from a change leader? What to Submit Submit a 2- to 3-page Word document using double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Include references cited in APA format. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more information on citations.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Memo Name Institutional Affiliation Instructor Course Date Memo To: The Company Leadership From: Date: 30th April 2024. Subject: “Model Leadership Behaviors Expected During Change Implementation.” Model leadership conduct is crucial during organizational transitions. First, it gives stakeholders and staff members confidence in the future by offering stability and direction in the face of uncertainty. Second, it builds leadership confidence and trust, which is essential for winning people over to the change initiatives and their support (Errida & Lotfi, 2021). Furthermore, the examples of resilience, adaptability, and a positive outlook toward challenges set the tone for the business and encourage staff members to welcome change and deal with it skilfully. Leaders may successfully guide the organization through changes while preserving morale and productivity by modelling excellent leadership conduct. Effective leadership involves aspects such as model leadership behaviors that should always be promoted throughout the organization. Leaders have a role to encourage open communication and openness among team members, foster trust and cooperation, improving decision-making and problem-solving. In addition, a culture of accountability and respect is fostered when individuals lead by example and exhibit integrity and ethical behavior. Furthermore, cultivating empathy and paying attention to the worries and viewpoints of others uplift spirits and foster a positive work atmosphere (Men et al., 2020). Leaders also need to promote innovation and ongoing learning necessary for the staff members to try new things, adjust to change, and propel the expansion and success of the company. Knowledge sharing is critical during the change process. Leaders may motivate employees to foster a culture that promotes information sharing by highlighting the importance of teamwork and learning. It starts with setting an example by freely imparting their knowledge and experience, proving they are dedicated to lifelong learning and development. Leaders need to establish team meetings, workshops, or online forums. These will allow staff members to exchange their knowledge, expertise, and best practices (Errida & Lotfi, 2021). They can also acknowledge and honour contributions to knowledge exchange, highlighting its significance and promoting involvement within the company. Through cultivating a culture that places a high importance on sharing knowledge, leaders may enable their staff to work together creatively and successfully. Supervisors should implement a coaching and mentoring strategy to support employees effectively throughout times of change in the work...
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