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Increasing Viewership in USA Rugby Tournaments Student’s Name Institution Affiliation Subject Title Course Code and Name Instructor’s Name Date of Submission Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction PAGEREF _Toc165620660 \h 4Context PAGEREF _Toc165620661 \h 5Non-Traditional Sport's Emergence PAGEREF _Toc165620662 \h 7Vision: PAGEREF _Toc165620663 \h 9Campaign Description PAGEREF _Toc165620664 \h 9Project Goals PAGEREF _Toc165620665 \h 11Situational Evaluation PAGEREF _Toc165620666 \h 11PESTEL PAGEREF _Toc165620667 \h 11Political PAGEREF _Toc165620668 \h 11Economic PAGEREF _Toc165620669 \h 13Social PAGEREF _Toc165620670 \h 14Environmental. PAGEREF _Toc165620671 \h 15Technological PAGEREF _Toc165620672 \h 16Legislation PAGEREF _Toc165620673 \h 17Industry Analysis PAGEREF _Toc165620674 \h 17Supplier Strength (LOW) PAGEREF _Toc165620675 \h 18Consumer Influence (High) PAGEREF _Toc165620676 \h 19Threats of New Participants (Moderate) PAGEREF _Toc165620677 \h 19Threat of Substitution PAGEREF _Toc165620678 \h 20Competition Level PAGEREF _Toc165620679 \h 20Examination and Forecasting of Profitability PAGEREF _Toc165620680 \h 21Marketing Approach PAGEREF _Toc165620681 \h 22Target Market PAGEREF _Toc165620682 \h 22Value Proposition PAGEREF _Toc165620683 \h 22Clarity PAGEREF _Toc165620684 \h 23Regularity PAGEREF _Toc165620685 \h 23Authenticity PAGEREF _Toc165620686 \h 23Competitiveness PAGEREF _Toc165620687 \h 23Message and Positioning PAGEREF _Toc165620688 \h 24Channels for Promotion PAGEREF _Toc165620689 \h 25Commercial Campaign Management Execution Strategy PAGEREF _Toc165620690 \h 26Online Marketing: PAGEREF _Toc165620691 \h 26Facebook Marketing: PAGEREF _Toc165620692 \h 26YouTube Marketing: PAGEREF _Toc165620693 \h 27References PAGEREF _Toc165620694 \h 28 List of Figures and Tables Figure 1: Impact of Rugby in an Economy Figure 2: Rugby World Cup Attendance Figure 3; Rugby attendance in Comparison to other Sports Figure 4; AR and VR experience in Rugby World Cup Tour 2023 Figure 5; Rugby Event Figure 6: Sports Segmentation in USA Figure 7: Pandemic Impact on Rugby Sports Figure 8; Player Welfare Rules Figure 9; Summary of Rugby attendants compared to other evens Figure 10; Rugby Attendance by Region Figure 11; Characteristics of Rugby Attendants Introduction The sports market within the U.S. remains as affordable as ever, expanding compared to the proportion of the auto sector in 2009. With conventional and non-traditional sports fighting for close attention, the estimated market value is currently at $213 billilion. Rugby occupies a central position in that sports market. participated in numerous nations worldwide, rugby union is a universal sport. Through incidents such as the Rugby World Cup (IRB), it has encouraged and attained millions of sports fans globally. The United States regards rugby as a developing sport, and there is still a hidden customer base among the nation's small rugby communities. Although it seems like a lot of people know about rugby, the activity hasn't gained enough traction to draw in more fans or even supporters. In the US, there is a tiny but devoted rugby community that seems to be expanding but reaches a growth stagnation once players reach college-level competition. The motivation behind this study is the spread of a tier I rugby location in the USA, which is based on long-term fan growth and commitment to the brand fostered by marketing strategies and growth. Figure 1: Impact of Rugby in an Economy Context There is an ancient custom of playing soccer in the United Kingdom as well as across the Commonwealth. In England, rugby schools typically decide on the sport's rules prior to kickoff. Nobody knows for arrangements how rugby got its start because of this pre-match disorientation, but most people acknowledge that one man—William Webb Ellis—usually disregarded the football regulations. Perhaps this was the start of the rich past that would later become rugby union. With such ferocity, this new form of play spread across England and the United Kingdom, quickly gaining popularity as an emerging activity in numerous small towns. Rugby union ended up being one of among the most well-liked athletic activities in the entire globe many years afterwards. Rugby made the transition from a "shamateur" game to a major stage at athletic events. During the past ten years, and even longer since its arrival in the country, rugby has played a significant role in the daily activities of numerous Americans. Studying the promotional activities and growth of rugby league in the USA has seemed to be the most important thing for many, as the quantity of players in the sport is increasing in the country. It's commonly believed that the American rugby neighborhood would love watching rugby grow in their homeland or that rugby union's offerings are a compelling substitute for more established sports like baseball, football, and playing basketball. In terms of appeal, market share, and advertisement acumen in the sports industry, rugby has struggled to compete with the titans of American athletics. There is optimism, and it seems like there has been a recent push to expand rugby, support USA rugby's brand, and enable them to compete at a higher level whereas attracting the best players at even younger ages. Rugby, among the most widely played sports in the world, is still relatively unknown in America, despite its continued growth and commercial success abroad. Figure 2: Rugby World Cup Attendance In 2003, the Rugby World Cup held by the International Rugby Board brought in $90 million (Audience Demographics, 2022). The United States offers a wealth of growth possibilities, with additional opportunities to raise that $90 million. Rugby initially showed up in America, primarily from the cultural impact of Americans that attended classes at English educational institutions throughout the mid-nineteenth century. Rugby was outlawed in many U.S. states in the middle to late 1800s because it was deemed "too potentially hazardous." A former Yale University scrum-half made the decision to change the course of rugby league in the US. He helped create gridiron soccer, also known as American football, which was very comparable to rugby and gained popularity. Rugby was attempting to become ingrained in the culture when baseball started to take shape and gain popularity. Figure 3; Rugby attendance in Comparison to other Sports Rugby quickly became an official summer Olympic sport, and the United States of America was the final nation that took the gold medal before its expulsion from the games in 1920 and 1924. Rugby thrived throughout the majority of the globe during this period, but for some time it started to lose prominence in the US due to the emergence of the "big three" American athletics. baseball, basketball, and American football. "The United States Rugby Football Union was established in 1975" to kickstart its comeback as America's premier athletic activity after a few several decades of dormancy. Non-Traditional Sport's Emergence There seems to be an opportunity for rugby to expand and contend for a portion of the sports industry's market share given the rise of new professional sporting events like football and the X-games, although some may argue that the sports market is already saturated and excessively comparable. With numerous sports and diverse hobbies constantly emerging, changing, and evolving, it is challenging to gain traction in the sports marketing business. Using the full marketing mix—product, place, price, and promotion—is an established and manageable way to raise rugby's profile and appeal. More success in the end will result from improved marketing management. Rugby will not, however, grow solely through marketing. Building an international brand in a new, profitable market requires more than just using the right promotional combination. Rugby in America will require a combination of product, place, price, and promotion to be successful in the long run. Growth among youngsters and loyalty create a stronger foundation for rugby's continued development in America. Fostering rugby's ethos and principles will help to build a foundation of loyalty and growth. Unless it promotes these values—humbleness, sportsmanship, and solidarity, to mention a few—the advertising strategy is secondary. It's perplexing how rugby has developed in the USA. According to USA Rugby, the number of participants keeps rising every year while the number of fans has stayed constant and the playing fields are empty. This research will add to the conversation about rugby's spread by identifying consumer attention-grabbing factors, identifying the best places and methods for raising consciousness, and focusing on the key elements of an effective marketing plan to fill the stands at rugby games across the United States. As previously stated, sports venues will be necessary in order to fill the vacant seats at rugby union stadiums. Money, derived from attraction, is an important consideration in obtaining stadiums. Rugby's growth begins at an earlier age and stems from the unique experiences it provides for sports enthusiasts. Every sport employ interaction in one way or another to draw players, coverage, and spectators. How can rugby union in the United States expand without undermining the health and present expansion of other sports markets? Long-term accessibility and awareness among customers strategies seem to be not succeeding as rugby's popularity grows in the US sports market (Gordon, 2021). Rugby itself is the primary barrier preventing the sport from becoming more popular in the US. The rugby market currently promotes rugby to the rugby society. The development and existence of the sport depend on its development and reach into fresh audiences and fan bases. Vision: The Rugby's innovative online and broadcasting delivery strategy aims to create a fully immersive viewing experience that is accessible to supporters of every generation and background, regardless of location or distances. The Rugby Union will rewrite the way it implies to watch a sporting event by carrying the thrill and heart-pounding action found in an in-person match to the ease of a screen through the creation of a technologically enhanced and distinctively social medium. Campaign Description The goal of the initiative is to increase Rugby popularity through online and broadcast dissemination. Gaining more viewers is essential for more than just piqueing interest in the league. Additionally, creating an engaging and dynamic league image that uses social networks and is developing in tandem with technology advancements is essential to drawing in younger audiences. In order to give the audience a better, more complete encounters, the strategy focuses on AR and VR. Twitter and Facebook advertisements that showcase the revamped expertise, point out instances, player content, fan participation incidents, viewing possibilities, and different offers and price reductions will be the main focus of the #Rugby our game campaign. Figure 4; AR and VR experience in Rugby World Cup Tour 2023 The goal is to get fans engaged with the content. The marketing effort will use this emotional roller coaster to create excitement when watching the advertising content. Interesting plays, fundraising activities, or endearing player-fan relationships will highlight the Rugby's nuances and instill enthusiasm regarding what is to come. In order to boost remote rugby audience the initiative will thus emphasize the creation and integration of broadened live streaming and transmitting programs via various platforms, Since the Rugby organizes a large number of international competitors, this strategy will quickly open up a previously inaccessible avenue to the partnership and facilitate more outreach to a potentially large international fanbase. Additionally, it targets an audience that frequently utilizes social media sites like Facebook and Twitter (Gordon, 2021). It is essential to adapt to the changing and more comparable and different fan base of sports by emphasizing improvements in technology and serving a wider range of demographics. Along with the addition of Virtual Reality improvements, strategies like cost-effective viewing packages, unique subscription options without blackouts, and the ability to select teams after are all used. With the help of social networking sites, Rugby can significantly grow its nationwide and worldwide fan base and popularity by means of online fan areas and connections with the community. By prioritizing internationalization and growth, rugby will become more popular among women, people of color, and more youthful and worldwide viewers by projecting an intriguing and encouraging image of the league (Carp, 2021). All things considered, reorganizing the distance viewing knowledge, appealing to a variety of demographics, and utilizing social media will improve the league's experience and draw both domestic and international viewers. Project Goals The goals are as follows: 1 Improve Facebook and Twitter supporters from 4,615,341 to 4,630,000 as well as from 69.9 thousand to 80,000 across 5 months; 2 Increase YouTube memberships from 1,740,000 to 1,760,000 across 5 months; 3 Lower the return customers from 35% to 55% across 4 months; 4 Raise the Q-score from 35% to 50% within a duration of 5 months. Situational Evaluation PESTEL Political The political atmosphere that exists in the United States today has a significant impact on the world of professional sports, requiring leagues and the clubs that follow to address and navigate delicate subjects like prejudice and bias, as well as domestic violence and sexual misconduct in American sports. Amidst numerous sports-related scandals, such as those concerning the Rugby's Chicago Blackhawks8, or the widespread Black Lives Matter movements against police killings, intimidation, racism, and unfair treatment have come under intense scrutiny (GoogleTrends, 2022). This has resulted in a wide range of initiatives throughout the nation's professional sporting organizations. Leagues like the Rugby and NBA are currently actively growing their social justice and charitable endeavors. One example is the NFL's Inspire Change program. ..Sports teams including the Rugby and NBA have been actively involved in growing their charitable and environmental programs. Examples of these programs include leagues Encourage Change as well as the NBA's NBA Cares (GoogleTrends, 2022). The COVID-19 pandemic is still an issue, and limitations on in-person events are still having an impact on the sports industry and participation by fans. While numerous athletic associations and associations have prohibited Russia...
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