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Business & Marketing
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Marketing Plan for MaidenForm ShapeWear

Essay Instructions:

The market plan I have created will be in files uploaded.

Address the following topics in Chapter 10:

There are five rings in the Augmented Product Concept shown to the right. Describe your product/service core benefits and then list the elements you have present in your intended offering that would fill in the remaining four rings.

Discuss in some detail the top two or three branding strategies you are going to use among those described in the "Branding Decisions" section.

Briefly discuss packaging if appropriate.

Address the following topics in Chapter 11:

Define your pricing objective using the "Strategic pricing Objectives" for guidance.

Describe your method of pricing using competition-oriented methods and/or customer-oriented methods. Spend no time on costing or cost based methods. They are not useful in that you will either overprice or underprice using them and neither one of those outcomes is helpful to the business. In real life you should know your costs in order to make a decision about moving forward with the plan, but customers are responsive to perceived value and competitive input, not cost. They do not know about or care about your cost basis.

Discuss any discounts or allowances you intend to implement in the early stages of your plan implementation.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Marketing Plan
The existing product that I would like to market would be shapewear, which is women's tight fitting underwear that is used to control and shape a woman’s figure. The target market to reach would be the women who aren’t very confident with their bodies, the women who care about what society has to say about them. For instance, plus size women are the ones to reach this the most. I would create videos of ladies who are unhappy in certain outfits that make them seem “fat” have them put on the shapewear with that same outfit to show them the difference the shapewear has on a body, the videos would be posted all of social media, ads on the internet, and television, I would also have audio commercials for the radio.
My Marketing Plan that I would like to conduct on my product: MaidenForm ShapeWear is that it will be a high-end product that is made by a Social Enterprise. This advantage gives my business the right to demand a high price, because as a Social Enterprise, it would employ women to work, and use the local products as material for the product. The company will employ women, preferably on Developing Countries like Philippines, Indonesia, etc. This is not to exploit them but to give them earning capabilities. There are lots of communities that have agricultural setting that can provide source material for the Fabric of MaidenForm ShapeWear. In this types of communities, Women are usually left at home to care for children and do housework, and the men are sent to the farms to do manual labor. If maidenform is established as a social enterprise, Women c...
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