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Tencent Holdings Limited Is Suited For Abington

Essay Instructions:

Clear: Market Memo


One very important business communication skill is the ability to express yourself clearly. This involves having a clear central purpose, grouping and ordering supporting information in a logical way, using clear language, and using clear visual design. For this assignment, you will synthesize several sources of information into a single, clear document.


You have been tasked with providing the Metro Council with an overview of the local business market in order to suggest a business to attract to the city. You might consider the strengths and weaknesses of the local economy as well as potential opportunities for a new business. Consider the existing industries and how a new business might fit into the market. At the end of your memo, suggest a company to attract to Abington.


Submit your response to Canvas before class on the day it is due.


You will be graded with the Professional and Clear rubrics.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Clear Market Memo Name Institution To:Philadelphia Metro Council From:Paul Robinson Date:14/2/2019 Subject: Tencent Holdings Limited is suited for Abington As per your request, I have conducted and completed investigating the market in Abington Township to search and identify businesses to attract to the city. According to the marketing research and analysis findings, it is essential to attract Tencent Holdings Limited, which will focus on providing internet-based services such as web portals, payment systems, and e-commerce and internet services. I made this decision after examining the strengths and weaknesses of the local economy as well as the potential opportunities which will be provided by the new business. Strengths and Weaknesses of the Local Economy According to the Abington Township annual financial report for 2013, it is clear that the local economy has continued to become stable compared to the previous years. For example, when examining the business and mercantile revenues, I noted that the Township had recorded a satisfactory 4.6 percent increase. Additionally, different retail sectors have also expanded and flourished; this is mainly because Abington Township has invested in its business infrastructure and it has also established a true sense of place. It is also important to note that other factors may attract new businesses. These may include the reasonable office rents which are much lower and the closeness of the Abington to other fast-growing cities such as Philadelphia. Abington Township also faces weakness which impacts the local economy negatively. The weaknesses include: * Infective transport...
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