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Marketing Insights through Data: The Oregon Health Study

Essay Instructions:

Please read all of the below instructions

After having completed the pre-readings for this module (listed below), pick ONE of the following two options and develop a research and analysis paper:

Option 1) Choose a decision, process, or practice in your current/past job that could be/has been further improved by applying techniques from quantitative research. For example, creating a control randomized group and apply a treatment to isolate the effects of such treatment. Another example could be how personal biases or long-ill misconceptions from yourself, your team, your clients, your consumers drive behavior in your business that may not be the one that yields the most return on investment. Think of the Memorial Hermann Hospital from one of the readings who was tempted to allocate resources on improving the taste of the patient's food. Has your organization incurred such traps? What could you or your company do to systematically create an analytical and data-based decision-making culture?

Option 2) Find a scientific study of your interest and contrast it with how the media has translated the findings from researchers. Discuss critically if they have oversimplified a piece of the problem or a finding(s). Praise them for their good practice, which elements of the research were made much more accessible for the general population? Discuss which are the merits of having a third party producing a commentary/digested piece of original formal research. Discuss what are the dangers of business managers relying mainly on secondary and tertiary sources to obtain data and make decisions. Do you have a personal instance in which you, your boss, or your team were led to misconstrue the findings or data presented in a commentary/digested tertiary source report?

Word count and structure guidelines

500 to 700 words

Be sure to include an opening paragraph -five to six lines- that summarizes the entire paper. This is not an intro that describes what the paper is about, rather this is a full summary of the paper. Think of this, if my paper landed in the hands of busy executives, would they have a full understanding of what my analysis is, as well as my recommendations and why by just reading the opening paragraph?

Do not answer the paper in a Q&A format style. Rather use sections and sub-headings.

Strengthen your storytelling by using numbers and charts.

Scholarly academic sources:

As mentioned in the rubric, you MUST use :

- the 6 pre readings : Introduction to Randomized Control Groups (3-min read), Read The Halo Effect and Think Critically (11-min read), Study the Oregon Health Care Experiment (3-min read), Read the Scholarly Academic Source on the Health Care Oregon Experiment (30-min read), Contrast the Scholar Paper with what the Media Reported (16-min read), Applying the learnings of Oregon in Business - How to Create an Analytical Culture in your Company (9-min read). and
- 4 sources outside of the ones given to you already of which at LEAST two are scholarly academic sources. e.g. journal articles or books.

Check the box for "peer-reviewed" while performing your search on Hult's Digital LibraryLinks to an external site.. - > IMPORTANT

You are expected to produce a "new-to-the-world" analytical piece.

The pre readings can't be downloaded so what I can do is copy and paste them onto a message space with the writer

may we please tell the author to ignore the following details:

"- the 6 pre readings : Introduction to Randomized Control Groups (3-min read), Read The Halo Effect and Think Critically (11-min read), Study the Oregon Health Care Experiment (3-min read), Read the Scholarly Academic Source on the Health Care Oregon Experiment (30-min read), Contrast the Scholar Paper with what the Media Reported (16-min read), Applying the learnings of Oregon in Business - how to Create an Analytical Culture in your Company (9-min read). "

All he has to do is read the attached readings, and 4 outside sources of which academic articles--- forget all these titles

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Marketing Insights Through Data: Research Individual Written Paper: Quantitative Research in Business
Institutional Affiliation
Marketing Insights Through Data: Research Individual Written Paper: Quantitative Research in Business
The Oregon health study addresses how the expansion of Medicaid could be used to address depression among the vulnerable population. The study was covered in two New Yorks reports that offer summarized versions of the findings. The reports create awareness about the key issues, but the actual study must be read to apply the insights in the business context effectively.
The Oregon Health Study
A study by Baicker et al. (2018) focused on investigating the effect Medicaid health insurance had on the management of depression in Oregon. The researchers postulated that expanding Medicaid coverage could improve detection and reduce depression prevalence. The researchers investigated the causal effects of insurance through the Oregon Medicaid lottery using a randomized-controlled design and data from primary research and administrative sources. The study presents a detailed approach to the research, including data collection and analysis. The presentation included visual representation using tables that summarize the data gathered and analyzed. The presentation offers credibility to the research and allows the reader to assess the descriptions offered. Baicker et al. (2018) concluded that significant effects were emerging from expanding Medicaid in the diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes of the venerable population with unmet mental health needs.
Presentation in the Media
The articles by Lowrey (2012) and Sanger-Katz (2014) offer a summarized account of particular insights from the study. The information offered by the reporters highlights the inherent information deemed necessary for their target audience. The simplification of the data collected in the research by Lowrey (2012), which presents percentages and financial figures of importance, is easy to process and understand the research findings. Similarly, Sanger-Katz (2014) offers excepts of the data collected in the study, which helps the reader to understand the implications of the intervention made with the expansion of Medicaid coverage. Nerone (2013) and Gondwe et al. (2022) suggest that journalists serve a diverse population, including unskilled or uneducated individuals. Therefore, Lowrey (2012) and Sanger-Katz (2014) effectively articulated what was relevant from the research in a way that most people can understand. The approach used by the reporters is different from how Baicker et al. (2018) offer details and evidence in the research process. Dixon et al. (2020) state that a research's quality lies in gathering data and effectively analyzing it to meet particular objectives or address the researc...
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