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Corporate Culture at Enron

Essay Instructions:

Marketing Strategy Paper #3

Enron Paper Assignment: Fall 2022

In class we will be watching “Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room” (if you are not in class you will need to watch the movie on your own/remotely: Enron has been available on Netflix under documentaries, and may be available elsewhere).

As part of this viewing there is an assignment which is comprised of two parts,

Part 1: During the movie’s viewing you are tasked with identifying and listing in writing two types of behaviors/activities committed by various Enron employees.  First are those activities that are illegal, or on the borderline of legality.  Second are those activities that challenge accepted ethical and/or moral guidelines.  Throughout Enron’s history these two themes are ever apparent and your lists should reflect your own views of legality and morality/ethical behavior.  At the conclusion of the movie take a moment to consider “corporate culture” as a concept.

As you create your lists I challenge you to consider your own views as to what is appropriate professional behavior, legally and ethically, these are often different and at odds with each other.   Please consider how easy it sometimes seems to “go along” with the corporate culture and how difficult it may be to stand up for your beliefs.

Part 2: Based on the list you created in Part 1 while viewing the film, identify what you feel is the most significant illegal, ethical, or moral issue, company policy, or activity committed and why you feel this is the most serious one raised.  Be sure to consider and incorporate why its impact on Enron is a key reason for the firm’s rapid rise and fall.  Your list of all issues you identified during the viewing of the film must be attached to your paper when submitted (hand written is fine, no need to retype from your notes, just scan them in).  You may write up to 2 pages in total not counting class notes or any outside references in a bibliography.

Grading criteria: Papers will be graded on a 20-point scale (see syllabus).  Reiterating just what is presented in the film will result in an average graded paper (a grade of 16-17).  A better than average paper at 18 and a superior paper grade of 19-20 will discuss why the chosen issue(s) is so significant.  To achieve a good or superior paper requires the incorporation of 3 or more outside references that support or expand upon the key focus of your discussion and will bring in additional arguments, sources, and/or original thinking that demonstrate thought and insights beyond what we’ve covered (so some additional research may be required here).

Additionally, the quality of your writing, its structure and presentation, will also be incorporated as grading criteria.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Enron Scandal
Author’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Code and Name
Professor’s Name
Enron Scandal
Part 1
“Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room” is a fascinating documentary that reveals the rise and fall of one of the largest corporations in the United States of America (USA). In my opinion, Enron employees engaged in illegal activities, such as negligence, fraudulent accounting practices, resource misappropriation, and destroying trading documents. Jeffrey Skilling, Enron’s chief executive officer (CEO) and president, was responsible for these illegal activities. The CEO together with other company executives encouraged employees to come up with more ideas to generate more money without evaluating the risks involved.
In addition, Enron employees performed activities that challenged the accepted ethical or moral guidelines. They include gambling more money recklessly, the failure to fire rogue traders who risked the firm’s resources, transforming energy into stocks, putting the company money in the personal accounts of executive leaders, giving multi-million dollar bonuses to executives, and hiring outsiders. According to Max Eberts, the Ex-Public Relations of Enron Energy Services (EES), Lou Pai had an office on the seventh floor of the building, and he was never available since he was a mysterious and invisible energy services CEO (“Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room,” 2005). In other words, everything that challenged Enron’s ethical and moral guidelines happened under the watch of executive leaders, including the CEO.
As an individual was coming up with the list of illegal activities done by Enron employees and those that challenged ethical or moral guidelines, it was sometimes difficult to identify the appropriate professional behavior, particularly one that is legal and ethical. Specifically, corporate culture is the set of behaviors and beliefs that guide a firm’s management and workers when they interact and deal with external transactions (Clarke, 2022). Legal and ethical behaviors intertwine and can be contradictory. For example, Skilling encouraged aggressive trading to generate more revenues for Enron and promote its growth and expansion, which was legal. However, the strategies used to maximize profits were unethical. In contrast, the hypothetical future value (HFV), as Skilling calls it was ethical, but destroying trading documents was illegal and unethical (“Enron: The Smartest Guys in th...
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