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Research Marketing Plan And An Organizational Marketer

Essay Instructions:

Retail and organizational markets have much in common but there are of course differences. Review the ten marketing elements below and choose five to address. In about a paragraph each, briefly address each element in terms of how it might be different in organizational markets and in more detail how that difference might impact the marketing plan and execution of an organizational marketer.
Customer loyalty (more or less important?)
Average order size in dollars (larger or smaller?)
Numbers of customers in the target market (more or less?)
Emotion in the buying process (more or less important?)
Complexity of the buying process (number of people involved, written process and specifications, etc.)
Importance of the product and service in the decision process (as opposed to brand, status, style, image, etc.)
After-the-sale service and support (more or less important?)
Advertising (more or less important?)
Market research (more or less important?)
Personal selling (more or less important?)
The minimum length of the assignment is 500 words, not counting the cover page, cited material or the bibliography. This is a minimum only, and "A" level papers will usually have a word count in the area of 650-850 words.
At least two cited references are required and cited material must be identified by quotation marks within the body of the paper and linked to the source using APA citation format.
A cover page with your name, the assignment title, and the date of submission should be included.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Marketing Elements
Student’s Name
Marketing Elements
Average Order Size in Dollars
One of the aspects that differentiate organizational markets from retail markets is the average order size. For organizational markets, the purchase size is always larger compared to the retail markets (Saxena, 2005). While consumers in the retail market typically make purchases in smaller quantities, organizations buy supplies and products in larger quantities. The reason for this is that in retail markets, the products are meant to be consumed by individuals and family members only while for organizations, supplies and products are consumed may a larger number of people. Therefore, the average order size in dollars for organizational markets tends to be larger than in retail markets. It is essential for the organizational marketer to understand this feature and apply relevant measures to ensure large quantities of products are available for the organizational markets. Therefore, the marketing plan has to take into consideration the potential large order sizes of organizational markets.
Numbers of Customers in the Target Market
Typically, retail markets are characterized by a larger number of customers compared to the organizational markets. Organizational buyers are less, and this determines the marketing strategy that should be specified in the marketing plan. In retail markets, there are many buyers, and this calls for a different strategy. The fewer number of customers in organizational markets means that marketers have to apply specific strategies that are different than those applied in retail markets. While in retail markets the firms wait for customers to come to them, the case is different in organizational markets. Marketers have to go seeking for customers since they are few. As such, the marketer has to go meet up with the customers in organizational selling and make a proposition. As informed by Wilson (1999), since there are few customers, a strategy that works well is direct personals selling. In this regards, therefore, a marketer has to consider this strategy when targeting the organizational markets.
Emotion in the Buying Process
Emotions characterize the buying process in retail markets to a great extent. For organizational purchase process, emotional play a smaller role. Instead, the process is characterized more by rationality than emotions. Therefore, emotions are less in organizational markets than in retail markets. However, this does not mean that there is a complete lack of emotions in the organizational buying process. It is important to note that the individuals concerned with the purchasing process are human beings and therefo...
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