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Organizational and Work Goals Marketing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Part I - Before Reading
As Apple CEO Tim Cook describes in this excerpt from an interview in 2013, our "ethical compass" often come from the people who surround us.
Duke University - The Fuqua School of Business. (May 30, 2013). Apple ceo tim cook on ethical leadership [Web]. Retrieved from https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=3ygNKNaMv4c (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Part I - Share Your Story (5 points): Who do you look toward as your ethical role model (a past employer, family member, community member, etc...) What behaviors/qualities make them stand out to you?
Part II - After Reading
For the second half of this week's discussion, you will evaluate your own strengths and weaknesses. In order to begin:
Complete the “Leadership Skills Performance Appraisal” (Exhibit 9.6 in your text) as a self-assessment for a work experience, college, school of business, or student organization. You are measuring your own performance.
Identify any areas which you scored as "sometimes" or "never." If you rated 3 or above in all areas, identify three areas which you consider the most important.
Look back at your ethical role model and determine what lessons you can learn from their behavior.
Then share in the discussion (15 points):
What areas of weakness/priorities did you establish in your analysis using the Leadership Skills Performance Appraisal?
How would you describe yourself, in terms of your leadership style? Is this the same or different than how you would describe your ethical role model?
What actionable behaviors does your ethical role model perform which you can apply to current and future leadership positions? Have they had any failures you may also learn from?
Define your next steps by drafting a SMART goal for one area for improvement (provide an alignment with your current employer's organizational goals, if possible). ( i am currently intern at hospital as health administration)
Authoritarian Leadership Style
An authoritarian leadership style refers to demanding blind submission to someone in authority. Employees are tightly controlled and their opinions are not respected. These restrictions inhibit individual creativity and contribute to a culture of dependency. Authoritarian leadership is also associated with abusive supervision, whereby subordinates are verbally abused, intimidated, degraded, and treated with hostility to achieve desired organizational outcomes.
Participatory Leadership Style
During the 1950s, Douglas McGregor differentiated between two different management approaches referred to as “Theory X” and “Theory Y”. Theory X assumed that the average person disliked work, avoided responsibilities, and did as little as possible unless induced by monetary incentives. Theory Y managers assumed people usually enjoyed mental and physical activities, were self-directed, desired challenging and interesting work, and welcomed additional work-related responsibilities.
Situational Leadership Style
Ken Blanchard's Situational Leadership II Model:
In terms of holistic organizational goals, the Balanced Scorecard contains quantifiable non-financial performance measures in terms of the customer, internal business processes, employee learning, and employee growth. The triple Bottom Line takes into account an organization's ecological performance, social performance, and financial performance.
A stretch goal is one that appears to be just a little out of the employee's reach, thus the need to stretch to accomplish the goal. Employees are more likely to accomplish something that seems impossible if a goal is established that focuses the employee's attention on the task. Researchers report that stretch goals sometimes tempt employees to stretch the truth and behave unethically if that is the only way they can achieve the goal by the specified deadline.
Management-by-objectives is a goal setting technique in which managers and their subordinates jointly determine work unit and individual objectives and objectives that link their work to the superior performance of other employees and work units. Management-by-objectives is often in the form of SMART goals, which have five attributes:
Work goals are just one source of workplace stress. Other causes of stress include conflicts at work, rapid change, unfavorable working conditions, authoritarian supervisors, and personal problems at home. Organizations can help employees manage stress through health-related wellness programs and employee assistance programs. Meditation can be an excellent form of stress reduction. Meditation helps individuals develop clarity of mind, patience, compassion, and sustained attention. Delegation training helps employees with unreasonable burdens to assign tasks to others. Meditation helps a person self-regulate his or her mind by focusing on the present moment and not engaging random thoughts.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Organizational and Work Goals
Institutional Affiliation
Ethical Role Model
I would look toward Tim Cook as my ethical role model. I look to him because of the major contributions that he has made at the Apple Company ever since the passing away of Steve Jobs. One admirable trait about him is his dedication to his work and how he defines the word ethics. To him, ethics depends a lot on the type of family and company that an individual surrounds him/herself with. These are the key factors that lead to the development of an individual’s ethical compass. His definition of ethics has made him be who he is today. He has a good family background so he holds ethics with a high regard. He stands out to me because of his dedication to his work and how transparent he is about all of Apple dealings and released products in the market. I would like to have as much high regard towards ethics as he does in the future.
Type of Leadership I would have
I would consider myself to be a participatory leader. I intend to hold ethics with high regard just as my ethical role model. The key to being a participatory leader is having a good relationship with my workers. My strength is that I relate well with other people and I can do well when working with others as a team. I also don’t mind using other people’s contributions to facilitate any program that I have. I also believe in variety of opinions hence I value what other people have to bring at the table. The process of sharing responsibilities is better than handling everything by oneself. Therefore, smart goals are easily achieved through this process ADDIN CSL_CITATION { "citationItems" : [ { "id" : "ITEM-1", "itemData" : { "DOI" : "10.1146/annurev-orgpsych-032414-111237", "ISBN" : "9780761917472", "ISSN" : "2327-0608", "abstract" : "Keywords ethical leadership, unethical leadership, leader morality, leadership styles, leader behavior, follower perceptions Abstract High-profile cases of leaders\u2019 ethical failure in different settings and sectors have led to increased attention to ethical leadership in organizations. In this review, I dis cuss the rapidly developing field of ethical leadership from an organizational behavior/psychology perspective, taking a behavioral and perceptual angle. After address-ing the background of ethical leadership in this field, I discuss how ethical leadership has been defined, which behaviors and character-istics contribute to a leader being seen as ethical by followers, and how ethical leadership relates to other leadership styles. I also contrast ethical with unethical leader behaviors. Next, I address what the research to date tells us about the effects of perceived ethical leader behavior, the mechanisms through which this form of leadership affects followers, and what the role of the context is. Finally, I sum-marize the challenges the field currently faces, outline several future research directions,anddiscuss some practicalimplicationsof thework to dat", "author" : [ { "dropping-particle" : "", "family" : "Hartog", "given" : "Deanne N.", "non-dropping-particle" : "Den", "parse-names" : false, "suffix" : "" } ], "container-title" : "Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior", "id" : "ITEM-1", "issue" : "1", "issued" : { "date-parts" : [ [ "2015" ] ] }, "page" : "409-434", "title" : "Ethical Leadership", "type" : "article-journal", "volume" : "2" }, "uris" : [ "/documents/?uuid=b4e7c153-4644-4ca2-b8ee-3969821fc965" ] } ], "mendeley" : { "formattedCitation" : "(Den Hartog, 2015)", "plainTextFormattedCitation" : "(Den Hartog, 2015)", "previouslyFormattedCitation" : "(Den Hartog, 2015)" }, "properties" : { "noteIndex" : 0 }, "schema" : "https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json" }(Den Hartog, 2015). Through making mistakes by other people, a participatory leader also learns from the process and becomes a better leader as well through gaining experience with other participants. The more interactive a participatory leader gets with his people, the better he gets himself at his work.
Being a participatory leader also helps in the delivery of good work ethics since one is able to go through what the employees go through as well ADDIN CSL_CITATION { "citationItems" : [ { "id" : "ITEM-1", "itemData" : { "DOI" : "10.1146/annurev-orgpsych-032414-111237", "ISBN" : "9780761917472", "ISSN" : "2327-0608", "abstract" : "Keywords ethical leadership, unethical leadership, leader morality, leadership styles, leader behavior, follower perc...
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