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Market Size of Higher Education Market in the United States

Essay Instructions:

The industry field chosen by our group is the higher education market in the United States. I only need to complete the first requirement of this assignment, researching the market size of your industry area. There is another requirement not mentioned in the description, which is to find several local schools for market comparison. We have selected those following schools: Wharton San Francisco, San Francisco State University, and Stanford University, and University of California, San Francisco.


This assignment is intended to ensure you have a solid base of knowledge and information about your business topic area for your final group project in the course.

In teams, agree on the problem area that will be the focus of your group project for the course. You do not need to know the specific problem you will aim to solve, but should identify a company or companies that might be your focus and conduct research on their operations and on the industry to which they belong. Then, on your own/individually proceed with initial market research to learn as much as possible about them and their industrial/business area.

Your team may divide up research responsibilities in advance. Your goal is to establish a base of knowledge about your chosen area of interest to eventually come up with new opportunities and ideas to address in your final project.

Some possible areas to conduct research include: (1) researching the market size of your industry area, (2) how products are produced and/or marketed in that area, (3) what customer segments are the primary target/consumers of their products, (4) who are the chief competitors within the space and their relative strengths and weaknesses, (5) what are emerging future trends within the industry, etc.).

Your team may use existing data sources including trade (e.g., Harvard Business Review, Forbes) and academic publications (e.g., Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Marketing), reliable data sources and data bases (e.g., from established publication sources, etc.), or primary business sources (e.g., earnings call transcripts, annual reports, proxy statements, etc.).

All industries can be of interest, for instance, finance, automotive, telecom, media, entertainment, energy and utility, public administration, sales, consumer goods, healthcare, and pharmaceuticals.

Start thinking about how dynamics within your industry will help you to identify a clear problem you may be interested in solving.

Ensure you provide references for your data in APA format. Your goal is to build a body of information that will help you identify a compelling problem.


Your document provides you an opportunity to engage in some professional market research and problem-scoping work. Once completed, you should be proud to share it. For this assignment, you must submit a short report including the following:

Cover with heading and name, 400-600 words of text with page numbering. Some note form within the document is fine, but it should read as a professional briefing document with APA references. Your report may include an unlimited number of appendices including relevant and readable tables, graphs, images, etc. You may copy and paste content from your sources and/or ChatGPT here.

Business leaders and executives are busy people who crave evidence to make sound decisions, so ensure you stick to the core issues at stake, cite your sources, and if you need more pages, direct your reader to relevant appendices apart from the main text.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Market Research Report on the Higher Education Market in the United States
Student Name
Professor Name
Market Research Report on the Higher Education Market in the United States
This market study paper aims to give a full picture of the US higher education market. The information gathered here will help build the group project by showing possible trouble spots and business possibilities in this field.
Market Size of the Higher Education Industry
US higher education has a major role in the economy and workforce development. The National Centre for Education Statistics (NCES) reported 4,500 degree-granting institutions in 2020–2021 (Ramos et al., 2011). These schools enroll millions of students in undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs, demonstrating the industry's effect on education. Higher education generates significant money. Degree-granting colleges earned over $600 billion in 2020 (Ramos et al., 2011). This revenue covers government and private research funding, tuition, student housing and meals, and large endowment portfolios. These diversified income streams demonstrate the industry's financial strength.
The higher education market size is affected by several factors; changes in the college-age population and student demography might affect enrollment and institutional competitiveness. Federal and state school budget swings can affect the industry's finances (Hancock, 2023). Technology, especially online and digital learning platforms, has created possibilities and problems, influencing the industry's scale and structure (Hancock, 2023). Understanding these complex trends and their ramifications is essential as investigations proceed. We can understand the higher education market's complexity and find opportunities and threats by examining these dynamics. This expertise will form the basis for our group project, addressing significant difficulties in this essential area.
Local Schools for Market Comparison
This research concentrates on four significant regional universities for a thorough market comparison and to acquire a deeper understanding of the higher education ecosystem in the San Francisco Bay Area.
San Francisco Wharton
The University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School is a renowned business school with an international reputation. It is well known for its executive education and Master o...
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