Apple Inc.'s Bad Digital Marketing Practice
According to the recommended textbook, "the second visit to a website is the beginning of a relationship (p.146)."
Discuss your previous digital experience when you decided to blacklist/block/spam/unsubscribe from a website or a marketing campaign. If you have not had similar experience, discuss any company's digital marketing practice that you did not enjoy. Be specific. When answering this question, consider specific topics and concepts from the lecture (Digital models) identified by yourself.
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Over the years, I have been an Apple user. One of the reasons for my loyalty was that it was easy to use and was a sign of class. However, after using the phone for some time, I discovered that there was an instance where the phone battery started degrading to a high degree. For example, there was an instance where instance where my iPhone 6 battery started to function questionably. However, after evaluating it, I found that similar to my experience, my peers who had bought a similar