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Market Shares of Gas Cars vs. Electric Cars in the US

Essay Instructions:

Please write a project proposal on the market shares of gas cars vs. electric cars in the US from 2010 to 2019 using the attached dataset and give some background information.

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Project Proposal: Electric vs. Gas Cars
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It has been normal that electric cars are widely advertised as the most cost-efficient. Besides, some people prefer electric cars as 'green' cars even though no statistics based on data are available that compare the costs of electric cars and their environmental impact. Available data indicate the average cost per mile without considering one-time costs such as battery replacement. For instance, companies such as Nissan, who manufacture cars like the Nissan Leaf, approximate its battery to last about 5-10 years. Since the Nissan Leaf model has only been available in the market since around 2010, data exists to prove the same claim. This project will try to compare the market shares of electric and gas cars in the US from 2010 to 2019 based on a given data set.
An analysis can be conducted based on the market shares of electric and gas cars, using the data available in the attached dataset. From the dataset, 7% of US adults are considered to be owning an electric vehicle, with 39% having considerations of purchasing the same. However, from the data, market representation shows that electric vehicles are not so common in the US compared to gas cars, although their numbers have grown rapidly over the recent years. From the data, as of 2020, 1.8 million electric vehicles were registered in the US, a figure that has grown about three times from 2016. In terms of figures, registered electric vehicles in 2016 were about 300,000, and by 2019, they had increased to about 1.1 million. The rate at which consumers have purchased plug-in hybrid vehicles and fuel cell vehicles has been at low rates. In terms ...
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