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Leadership styles of Chief Executive Officer in my current workplace

Essay Instructions:

Assignment 2: Leadership Assessment Due Week 8 and worth 300 points Organizational leaders are expected to create realistic visions for their companies and the employees they guide, but these visions often have characteristics or properties that differ. There is, therefore, the realization that there is no one best leadership style to guide employees toward accomplishing organizational goals. Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you: 1.Analyze the leadership style(s) of a senior executive (CEO, CFO, COO, Director, etc.) in your current or previous organization who made a positive or negative impact on you. 2.Analyze the organizational structure and culture of the company for which you work (or would like to work) to determine its approach to team development, and whether that approach helped to enhance your relationship skills in the workplace. 3.Evaluate the performance of your selected leader based on his or her ethical conduct and effective communication to determine if this leader was successful in motivating and empowering you to improve on your work performance. Explain your answer. 4.Determine three (3) best practices organizational leaders can use to motivate employees and discuss their potential benefits. 5.Discuss some of the challenges leaders encounter when managing diversity and how diversity helps business organizations better compete in global markets. 6.Develop an effective business strategy to address the challenges and issues you have identified above. 7.Use at least five (5) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: •Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. •Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: •Explain the principal theories of leadership and motivation, and describe the fundamental considerations in managing and motivating individual and group behavior. •Explain the multiple aspects of the managerial planning process and the application of various business and corporate-level strategies. •Assess how various leadership styles fit cultural differences and effectively operate in global markets. •Analyze the importance of ethical behavior to an organization’s culture and the new ethical dilemmas created by globalization •Describe actions to improve communications, manage conflict, develop strong organizational culture, and improve the ethical behavior in organizations. •Use technology and information resources to research issues in management concepts. •Write clearly and concisely about management concepts using proper writing mechanics.

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Course title:
This paper provides an analysis of the leadership styles of a senior executive in my current organization who made a positive impact or negative impact on me. The structure and culture of the firm wherein I am employed is analyzed so as to establish its approach to team development and if that approach helps to enhance my relationship skills in the workplace. In addition, this paper also provides an evaluation of the performance of the selected leader basing upon her ethical conduct and effective communication in order to determine if she was successful in motivating and empowering me to improve on my work performance. Best practices that managers could apply for motivating workers are also discussed along with their potential benefits. Some of the challenges that managers face when they manage diversity and the way that diversity assists company’s better compete in international markets is discussed comprehensively in this paper. Lastly, an effective business strategy is developed in this paper to address the challenges and issues identified above.
Leadership styles of Chief Executive Officer in my current workplace
The CEO in my current place of work exhibits 5 leadership styles which include: (i) Affiliative: with this style, the senior executive stresses the significance of cooperation, and creates harmony within the company by connecting individuals to each other. The CEO creates emotional bonds which bring a sense of belonging and bonding to the company. (ii) Transformational leadership: the leader has passion and vision and this has allowed her to accomplish great things in the organization. Employees feel inspired by this leader who gets things done in the organization through the injection of energy and enthusiasm. Working under the transformational leader is both an uplifting and wonderful experience since she puts energy and passion into everything. This leader cares about workers and wants them to succeed. While the transformation leader seeks explicitly to change the company, there is also a promise to employees in the organization that they will also be changed in some way, probably to be more like this outstanding leader (Aritz & Walker, 2014).
(iii) Participative leadership: The senior executive involves others including peers, subordinates, superiors plus other vital stakeholders in the decision-making process. Employees are usually more dedicated to actions where they have taken part in the pertinent decision making (Aritz & Walker, 2014). (iv) Coaching leadership: this one-on-one leadership style centers on developing individuals, and shows them how to enhance their performance, and helps them to link their objectives to the objectives of the organization. This type of leadership is appropriate with staff members who demonstrate initiative and seek more professional development (Mujtaba, 2009). (v) Pacesetting: the senior executive sets high standards for performance. The leader is obsessive on performing things quicker and better, and expects the same of all employees.
Organizational structure and culture of the company I work in
An organizational structure is basically the formal system of job positions and authority relationships which govern the way that managers and associates interact with one another. The company has a team-based, horizontal organizational structure which is essentially a decentralized power structure. With this organizational structure, power is shared more broadly in order to allow more employees to have more control over business matters consistent with their expertise. This horizontal organizational structure is usually supportive of substantial cooperation and teamwork between staff members (Muhammad, 2012). The company has a culture of thrift and teamwork; a strong organizational structure which is totally entrenched into the ways that the company does things. With its culture, the company’s management and employees know what is expected of them, and they act according to the core values. The organization’s approach to team development entails creating a team-oriented environment which has allowed me to play a role in the success of the company.
With this culture, people are encouraged to work as a team, and I work with my colleagues to produce results. Although everyone has a particular job function within the company and every employee belongs to a certain department, each employee is unified with other staff members to achieve the overall goals of the organization. The company’s approach to team development has helped me to enhance my relationship skills in the workplace. In essence, the larger picture drives the actions of everyone in the organization; my function exists in order to serve the larger picture. On team development, the organization focuses on the behavior of the group as a whole. This type of team building usually involves diagnosis of team mood, altering task behavior, as well as interpersonal interventions which are intended to improve communication processes. Working in teams has greatly enhanced my relationship skills with my colleagues within the place of work.
Evaluation of the performance of the CEO
Given that she is good at effective communication and upholds high ethical standards, the CEO of my company has been a successful leader in motivating and empowering me to improve on my work performance. Ethics is essentially about behavior and it entails doing the right thing. Managers and employees who are ethical usually take the good and right path whenever they come to the ethical choice points (Ragins et al., 2012). Evaluating the performance of the CEO of my company on her ethical conduct, she is certainly a leader who upholds high ethical standards on various ethical dimensions. This leader has the nerve to act ethically and with integrity. On many occasion, she has been able to discern wrong from right and acted accordingly. She has consistently done what is right devoid of worry for personal consequences, even when it was difficult to do so. One instance was when she was tempted to bribe top officials of a certain firm in order to be awarded the contract and have our firm’s bid accepted. Since she declined to offer bribe, our organization was not awarded the contract. The leader also respects everyone in the organization. As such, her excellent ethical conduct has served to motivate and empower me to improve on my work performance.
Moreover, the leader also upholds fairness and justice since she usually treats everyone fairly. Justice is served whenever people see that they get a fair return for the effort and energy used up (Èšebeian, 2012). This has been exhibited overtly in the allocation of company resources; no group or persons are offered special treatment devoid of regard to objective criterion by which to judge evenhandedness. In addition, the leader never discriminates anyone because of age, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, nationality or religion. The CEO is also effectual on effective communication since she knows how to communicate with every element of the organization and this includes staff members, other managers, investors and customers. Effective communication skills are a vital characteristic of any leader’s experience and skills (Appleby, 2013). The senior executive has excellent nonverbal and verbal communication skills, she is able to adapt her communication style depending on her audience, and she is also an active listener. By being an active listener, she li...
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