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Keller's Consumer Based Model, Rust's Real-time Reputation Tracking Model, and B2B Model

Essay Instructions:

In this module we will discuss various models for assessing brand equity: Keller's consumer based model, Rust's real-time reputation tracking model, and a B2B model.
Suggestions for topic papers for this module include applying any of these models to a specific company or comparing/contrasting them. Feel free to explore any of these topics or another of your choice.

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Brand Equity
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Brand Equity
Brand equity refers to the value added to a product or service due to a company’s recognition and reputation. The basic concept is that consumers tend to choose products with a recognizable name as opposed to unbranded ones. It is because they are familiar with the brand and trust it, and this implicit trust adds value to the product. Businesses can achieve brand equity by producing high-quality products and making them easily recognizable, memorable, and reliable (Kumar, 2017). Companies with positive brand equity benefit from consumer trust and loyalty. Customers are willing to pay a high price for its products, even though they can get similar commodities from a competitor for less. Various models can be used to assess brand equity. They include Keller's consumer-based model, Rust's real-time reputation tracking model, and a Business-to-Business (B2B) model. This essay focuses on the application of the B2B model to Amazon.
B2B Model
B2B is a business model that involves transactions between businesses or companies. It is a trade conducted by businesses that primarily sell their products and services to other companies (Ritala et al., 2014). Amazon, an e-commerce company, operates under various business models, including B2B. These models intend to attract and retain buyers or sellers while keeping up with the emerging technological customer demands (Kimble & Bourdon, 2013). Amazon establishes commercial relationships with businesses of all forms and sizes. New and unrecognized organizations utilize Amazon's various platforms and services to gain exposure and increase sales opportunities (Wu & Gereffi, 2018). In turn, Amazon benefits from memberships, fees, commissions, and royalties, adding to its list of income sources.
In 2015, Amazon launched a B2B marketplace (Amazon Business) as a growth opportunity due to the increasing need for B2B e-commerce. Amazon Business is a business seller program that targets business buyers (Wu & Gereffi, 2018). Through this program, Amazon provides a platform for small and large businesses to buy from and sell to each other (R...
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