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Political Risk and Challenges to Western Leaders from Putin's Actions

Essay Instructions:

1. Discuss the challenges facing Western leaders as they impose economic sanctions on Russia. Can they impose sanctions without hurting their own economies? In your opinion, would Americans and their Western allies support higher oil prices if doing so helps to cripple the Russian economy? Are you willing to pay more for your gas to support the sanctions currently imposed on Russia?

2. Saudi Arabia and other OPEC nations have the ability to increase oil production to help offset potential losses in supply from Russia, but Saudi Arabia in particular has been criticized for its human rights abuses. Should the United States and its allies negotiate with Saudi Arabia for increased oil production or does doing so effectively give tacit approval its actions?

3. Discuss political risk as it relates to Vladimir Putin's actions. BP and other companies have indicated that they will walk away from their investments in Russia. From the perspective of their stakeholders is that the right move? As a consumer, how do you feel about BP's decision? As an investor, what is your reaction? From an ethical perspective, can P and other companies continue to do business in Russia?

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Discussion questions and answers
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Discussion questions and answers
1. Discuss the challenges facing Western leaders as they impose economic sanctions on Russia. Can they impose sanctions without hurting their own economies? In your opinion, would Americans and their Western allies support higher oil prices if doing so helps to cripple the Russian economy? Are you willing to pay more for your gas to support the sanctions currently imposed on Russia?
The main challenges facing western leaders are the sanction's impact on their countries. Russia plays an important role in the global economy, and therefore, any sanctions imposed on the country would affect other parts of the world (Mbah & Wasum, 2022). For instance, increasing fuel prices would affect their countries because the increase in these oil prices would also be reflected in their countries. I think the Americans and their allies will not support the sanctions because these sanctions cannot be imposed without affecting the world's economy. I am not willing to pay more for gas in an attempt to end the war going on in Russia. The Russian sanctions will also affect the exportation and process of other products. In my opinion, there are various diplomatic means of solving this problem without increasing fuel prices. For instance, the USA and its allies should use their economic powers to influence Russia from fighting in Ukraine through the use of dialogue. The leaders should also use their media sources to spread awareness among the people about the war in Ukraine to end it.
2. Saudi Arabia and other OPEC nations have the ability to increase oil production to help offset potential losses in supply from Russia, but Saudi Arabia in particular has been criticized for its human rights abuses. Should the United States and its allies negotiate with Saudi Arabia for increased oil production, or does doing so effectively give tacit approval to its actions?
Saudi Arabia and Russia are both members of OPEC, which means that Saudi Arabia's loyalty is to Russia. However, Saudi Arabia also should observe all human rights. The fact that Saudi Arabia is unwilling to produce more oil to cover for the losses being incurred due to the war between Russia and Ukraine is a violation of human rights. Saudi Arabia is also playing a major role in indirectly contribut...
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