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Intersectionality and Identity Matters

Essay Instructions:

In an expository essay (450-550 words), clearly describe and analytically reflect upon the intersectionality* of the person (your "identity") that you really want the people around you to see or acknowledge (and the reasons why you want people to acknowledge your identity in the way you articulate it in your answer). *The intersection among race, gender, ethnicity, class, education, etc., that has helped to form your identity.

As has been emphasized in an Announcement on Tues, June 8, please follow these guidelines:

a) Clearly frame your main post in accordance with the above thesis question (and response post on a point, idea, issue, etc. closely related to the thesis question).

b) It is a must that you explicitly incorporate, reference, or cite related concepts in and or from among the required readings and related study materials (e.g., resources embedded in the lesson PPT-PDF). You of course may bring in outside sources; but be very clear that outside sources do not substitute the required readings and such.

c) It is fine or acceptable to use personal (intercultural) experience to help illustrate your conceptual understanding of related ideas and issues. The key is, clearly demonstrate your understanding of related concepts or issues embedded in the respective writing assignments. In this specific case, the focus is around intersectionality and identity matters.

d) Do spend time and be careful in copy-editing the writing for your exposition's overall conceptual clarity and coherency, narrative fluency, and stylistic or grammatical consistency. Check and eliminate typos. As you know, these are credit-bearing academic requirements, which entail proper academic style of writing.

e) Properly reference your sources in the APA style. Pay close attention to how the authors of academic publications* you read for this course use the APA style to introduce or otherwise acknowledge their sources.

* Leeds-Hurwitz's (1990) intellectual history of intercultural communication is an easy-to-follow example of how proper to reference your sources in the APA style.

KT-3B: Due in Discussions by 6:30pm ET, Monday, Jun 21

After reading as many of your classmates’ KT-3As as you can, write and upload a 200 to 250-word comment (“your analytical response”) on at least one of your classmates’ main posts; as has been highlighted in the general instructions, you may choose to respond to more than one main post.

Please see “Key Takeaway Assignments” under “Syllabus, Schedule…” for a set of grading criteria (“rubrics”). In general, for a “very good” or “excellent” evaluation, your comment must incorporate appropriate concepts from the required readings. Please do not base your response post entirely on your personal opinion (“I really like this or that KT…” without an explanation that is supported by related concepts from the required reading(s) and video.

Be sure to properly cite your sources in all your writing assignments. See Academic Integrity (and Style) Matters in the general instructions. See under MCC Library (and APA Style) Resources for related references and samples.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Intersectionality and Identity Matters
Due Date
Intersectionality and Identity Matters
When I was young, I was the kid that everyone wanted to be around most of the time. I used to be playful and laughed heartily at every instance of play. My mother always reminds me of a day when I got lost because I made a friend and decided to go with him to his house. Apparently, the person was new in our neighborhood, and we had struck a conversation and became friends. Well, to me, at the age of three, making friends was quite easy. Also, I was not privy to the evils in the world. The man had introduced me to his family, and I had had lunch with them. I was relaxed and comfortable, but unbeknownst to me, my parents and part of the neighborhood was worried sick trying to find me. When my mother finally found me, she started crying, and she tells me that I tried to have a conversation with her asking why she was crying. This story fascinates me and makes me wonder what changed. How did I transform from the friendly, heartily laughing kid to the shy and sort of introverted young adult? This question has lingered in my mind for a long time, and it is only recently that I started to join the dots.
My parents are introverted, and they have managed to live their lives with few friends. To them, the friendly and happy child that I was differed from who they thought I should be. They were worried that I would end up developing into someone foreign to their personalities. Therefore, they did their best to curb a side of me that was outgoing, highly spirited, and wanted to know as many people as it could. To a great extent, they were successful because, as Dingwall et al. (n.d.) indicate, parents contribute to the identity that we assume. My parents reflected back to me an identity that was introverted, and I remember struggling with how they wanted me to live my life when I was a kid.
While at school, I made friends who were extroverted and loved to play, and were naughty to a great extent. I enjoyed their company, but I remember struggling to fit in as well because the seed my parents had planted was sprouting. Slowly, I withdrew from ...
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