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International Business Communication Research Assignment

Essay Instructions:

1. Totally two parts to write

The first part requirement is: 1)Compare culture: summarize your impressions of the seminar on 2/9. Discuss your findings and those of the others in the group. What are the possible advantages, uses or problems of frameworks describing national cultures? Which means has to compare the culture differences between each country, need to use Hofstede's Six Dimensions to analyze : individualism/collectivism,power distance,uncertainty avoidance,masculinity/femininity,Long-term Orientation Index,Indulgence/Restraint (Compare Sweden, China, America, UK. Also needs to say that they are my group members.)

Reference need to use my uploaded files and articles online.

2.Present and contrast the scientific articles discussed 31/9. Briefly summarize the articles, that is purpose/aim/research questions, theories used, method, findings and main conclusions, and discuss. Please also use the course book as a reference.

Select 4 articles to analyze, conclude their theory, method and make a summary for that. The article needs to chose from my uploaded article (4 articles)

Ps. Use APA style, make sure the essay looks nice.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

International Business Communication
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
International Business Communication
The role of communication in the corporate world is pervasive. Essentially, given the inter-relatedness and interdependence of global business institutions as well as the need to remain relevant in the global scene, most institutions commit themselves to trying to integrate more than one communication culture and pattern. Essentially, globalization necessitates the need for a multicultural corporate landscape.
Possible Advantages, Uses or Problems of Frameworks Describing National Cultures
Cultural differences in the global community have an influence on business operations. Without cultural disparities knowledge, cultural misunderstandings may hinder organizational progress. In permeating foreign markets, it is imperative that businesses strive to understand the prevailing cultures in the regions that they hope to operate in. This initiative transcends the need to inspire a following in the subject market, and to further understand the nature of the subject market. There are several frameworks that can be used in the assessment of cultural differences between countries. These frameworks fall under Hofstede’s dimensions of culture. Hofstede’s dimensions of culture frameworks include the Power Distance Index (PDI), Individualism (IDV), Masculinity (MAS), Uncertainty Avoidance Index (UAI) and Long-Term Orientation. I will compare the cultural differences between Sweden, china, America and the UK by using the six frameworks. This is because members of these nations form part of my group.
Power Distance Index
The power distance index can be described as the willingness with which a given person in a given community is ready to accept the unequal distribution of power, which is predicated on financial prowess (Hofstede, 2001). Essentially, countries with high power distance indices reflect the inequalities in wealth and power that exists between the citizens of a given country and the degree of acceptance of the statistic in the subject community. Alternatively, countries with low power distance indices have less tolerance for differences which are predicated on wealth. China has a high-power distance index, which is at 80 (Tamas, 2007). It mirrors the wide gap that exists between the poor and the rich in the Chinese economy, and further reflects the levels by which the less powerful and wealthy in the Chinese community are willing to accept the disparities between the rich and the poor. Among the four nations, china has the highest power distance index, with Sweden having the lowest power index at 31. The power indices between the United States and the UK are at 40 and 35 respectively, which attests to the relativity of the culture in the two regions (Tamas, 2007). In the two countries, individuals who are poor are less tolerant of the disparities between them and the rich, thus willing to engage policies and initiatives that mitigate the disparities in the subject society.
Individualism as a cultural element reflects on the loose ties that exist between members of a given society. Essentially, for a community that has high rates of individualism, the relationships between the individuals is increasingly loose. Similarly, many of the individuals in the subject community are expected to fend for their needs. Therefore, a high individualism ranking signifies paramount individuality, while a lower individualism ranking signifies enhanced cohesion and reduced individualism in the subject society. Great Britain and the US project high individualism rates. Whereas the US has an individualism ranking of 91, the UK has an individualism ranking of 89 (Tamas, 2007). Within these societies, the main culture reinforces the need for independence and self-sustainability. This is a consequence of their alignment to the capitalistic framework. China, given its communist stance which promotes collective responsibility, projects a significantly reduced individualism ranking. At 20, individualism provides an inexistent feature of the Chinese community. The people are more cohesive and duties are pursued collectively. Sweden, given its inclinations to capitalism, projects a middling individualism ranking. At 71, majority of the communities reinforce the need for independence and self-sustainability (Tamas, 2007). Nonetheless, there are other segments in life where collectivism is required.
As a dimension of Hofstede’s cultural definition, masculinity refers to the willingness of the community to celebrate masculine values like competitiveness and aggression than the feminine values such as grace and docility. Countries with high masculinity indices align themselves to values that are mainly masculine in both the social and economic fronts. In such nations, the majority of the politicians and administrative units are usually made up of individuals from the male sex, while countries that have a lower masculinity index are largely nurturing and inclined to effeminate features and ways of ruling. Aggressive competition is negated in such settings. The UK and USA both project high masculinity indices at 66 and 62 respectively (Tamas, 2007). The culture within the regions still celebrates manly virtues than is the same for effeminate values. Sweden projects a lower masculinity index. It is a reflection of the culture that promotes equality and respect for any individual irrespective of their sexes. Aggression is negated and all members of the sexes are allowed equal treatment, both in the economic and political segments. China projects a similar masculinity index as that of the UK. In the economy, competitiveness and aggression are still celebrated and women’s participation in the political arena is still inadequate.
Uncertainty Avoidance Index (UAI)
It alludes to the culture of risk avoidance and inclinations towards certainty and assurance. Cultures that promote uncertainty avoidance are more likely to be under an administration that is rule-oriented, controlling and highly bureaucratic. Countries with a higher tolerance for uncertainty is increasingly receptive to diversified opinion and further, allow their citizens more freedom both in the social and economic scenes. China projects an uncertainty avoidance index of 40, the UK at 35, Sweden at 29 and the US at 46 (Tamas, 2007). Thus, the US has the highest uncertainty avoidance ranking, while Sweden has the lowest uncertainty avoidance ranking. Essentially, the US administration plays a direct role in influencing the economic activities that are undertaken by its citizens, and further creates policies that are intended to reduce uncertainty in the market. Alternatively, the Swedish administrative assumes a relatively docile approach with regards to uncertainty avoidance, by allowing its citizens more freedom to undertake their activities.
Long-Term Orientation
It is concerned with the stability of the devotion that people have towards their traditional values. Cultures with high long-term orientation reinforce adherence to the old cultural practices. Alternatively, countries with a lower long-term orientation promotes the plausibility of short-term rewards and a reduced adherence to traditional cultural values. China projects a long-term orientation index of 118, the UK projects a long-term orientation of 31, the US of 29 and Sweden of 33 (Tamas, 2007). Essentia...
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