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Personality Assignment Marketing Assignment Paper

Essay Instructions:

In this assignment you will access self-assessment tools available designed to explore your personality characteristics. To begin, complete the following self-assessments:

Explore your personality by going to the following links:

http://bloginality(dot)love-productions(dot)com/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

http://typelogic(dot)com/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Do you know your Emotional Quotient?

http://www(dot)queendom(dot)com/tests/iq/emotional_iq_r2_access.html (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Demonstrate an understanding of your personality by exploring:

Your four dimensions on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator,

The dimensions of the Big Five,

Your Emotional Quotient, and

The research of Geert Hofstede as it may relate to your personality.

Assignment Requirements:

This assignment should be developed from your own ideas, supported by source material, and include the following elements:

An Introduction which defines the nature and scope of your topic,

a body which includes your exploration of the four dimensions cited above,

a Conclusion which summarizes key findings, and

an APA reference page;

12-point Times New Roman font or similar, double-spaced with 1" margins.

A link to the online APA Style Guide is: Purdue's Online Writing Lab (APA Style Guide)Links to an external site..

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Personality Assignment
Student’s Name
Personality Assignment
Sometimes we may think we know ourselves, but it is not until we take personality tests that we get to understand our traits better. I believe taking personality tests is a great step towards understanding oneself. The different personality tests may slightly differ from one another, but there may be similarities among the results that one cannot dispute. Personally, I believe I have come to understand more about myself and how I relate to the environment around me. From the tests I have done, I have found out that I am not good around crowds of people. I am not very good at speeches and mingling with others. I, therefore, think that personality tests help us be more aware of ourselves and we can thus understand the situations that make us uncomfortable. I have also come to know that when we are aware of our personality, we can interact better with others. As informed by Roberts, Kuncel, Shiner, Caspi, & Goldberg (2007), personality traits can impact important life outcomes. I took some online tests, and I can say I am more self-aware that I was before.
One of the tests I took online is the Big Five traits. According to Komarraju, Karau, & Schmeck, (2009), the test can be used to measure one’s motivation and achievement. Authoritarianism is the first aspect of the test, and it seeks to determine one’s attitude towards laws and rules. I got a score of 35 on authoritarianism, and this shows that I believe punishments and strict laws are not necessary for improving the society and dealing with crime. This shows that I have my own rebellious streak and I may resist authority and push for my own assertions. Irritability is the second aspect of the test and shows how easily a person can be rattled by situations and things. In this measure, I got a score of 36, and according to the interpretation of the tests, I am rarely irritable. This shows that I understand deeply why things happen to me and those around me. Therefore, I can easily handle my emotions. The third aspect of the test is art appreciation. This measures one’s interests in artworks and artistic activities. I got a score of 63 which shows that I appreciate art to a large extent. This shows that artworks form a big part of my life. Honesty is the fourth aspect tested by the measure, and I got a score of 62. This shows that I am high on honesty. In regards to agreeableness, the test shows that I am somewhat disagreeable than most people. In regards to conscientiousness, I am a laid back person, and order, details, goals, and ambitions are not high on my list of priorities. About extraversion, am somewhat extraverted. About neuroticism, the test shows that I have few emotional swings. Finally, about openness, the results of the test show that I am somewhat o...
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