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Intellectual Property Rights Laws: Pharmaceutical Industry vs. the Emerging Markets

Essay Instructions:

ATTACHED ARE "Signature assignment instructions", "week 5-8 discussions" (Please use these in writing the paper), "paper writing guidelines by the professor", and other supporting attachments.

Professor's main instructions (also attached):

Based upon your doctoral research project you have discussed throughout this course, create no more than a "2 page research prospectus" that you can share with your Doctoral Research Project Chair. The Prospectus portion of the signature assignment should incorporate “Introduction thru Implications” (see below). Utilize background material to assist you in developing the structure of the prospectus, but make sure you structure your prospectus and signature assignment as follows:

- Title Page

- 2 Page research prospectus (“Introduction thru Implications”):

- Introduction: Including title of the project (This section is the beginning of the 2 page prospectus)

- Purpose of the research project

- Research Question(s) (RQs)

- Survey Design/Proposed Method

a) Explain any ethical implications associated with your survey (module 8)

- Proposed Analysis

- Implications (organization, industry, etc.) (This is the last section of the 2 page prospectus)

- References Page (Include all references here including anything referred to within the appendices that below)

- Appendices (Start Appendix A on a separate page after the References Page)

a) Appendix A: Permissions Request Letter to Organization or Proposed Permission Authorization Letter from Organization

b) Appendix B: Proposed Informed Consent with Confidentiality and Anonymity Statement to Participants (no more than 1 page)

c) Appendix C: Updated Survey Instrument and or Qualitative Questions/Statements

d) Appendix D: Condensed Survey Codebook. You should provide at least one example of each type of question or statement, which will reflect that you know how to create it, e.g., one Likert Scale code example, one demographic code example, one open-ended code example, one code example for multiple response and or ranking question (as applicable).
Important writing guidelines:

Cover page and reference page

Must be double-spaced with 1-inch margins and typed in

12-point Times New Roman

Paper should be proofread for spelling and grammar mistakes

Essays, graphs, and charts should be in APA style.

You must cite all texts used, including page numbers to avoid plagiarism

Your paper must have a thesis statement and conclusion

Writing Guidelines: -

• Running head and pagination. • The length of this paper should be between 5-8 pages (not including the title page, table of contents, reference page and Appendices page). • APA style formatting (7th edition), double spaced, with 1-inch margins and 12 point Times New Roman font. • The paper must have an EXECUTIVE SUMMARY/Statement of purpose (including THESIS statement), INTRODUCTION and CONCLUSION paragraphs. • Please include TITLE PAGE, TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE, REFERENCE PAGE, and any APPENDICES. • Please submit in a word document and NOT pdf version. • Please use HEADINGS AND SUBHEADINGS to organize your paper. • Use at least 10 academic, peer-reviewed, library trade publications, scholarly or professional practitioner sources, and minimum 36 in-text CITATIONS. • You must cite and reference all texts used, including page numbers as applicable to avoid plagiarism. • Please provide verifiable links/web address for each academic reference used. • Paper should be proofread for spelling and grammar mistakes. • Write your paper in an integrated fashion, weaving theory and application. In other words, do not merely respond to each bullet above as a checklist.

- Use third person in writing. - Do not use quotes. - Use APA formatting (7TH Edition) of references and in text citations is required. - the following resources are NOT ACCEPTABLE as citations for this paper: • Wikipedia.com • Ehow.com • Dictionary.com • About.com • Smallbusiness.chron.com • Diffen.com • Yourbusiness.azcentral.com • Tjmarino.com • Investopedia.com • Boundless.com and Lumen • CourseHero.com • Chegg.com • Difference between • Answers.com • Any student essay website

Essay Sample Content Preview:

IPR Laws: Identifying the Current Status of the Evolution, Challenges, Impact, and Opportunities for the Pharmaceutical Industry in Comparison with the Emerging Markets
Name of the Student
Instructor’s Name
Executive Summary
Most industries rely on intellectual property rights to protect their innovations. The pharmaceutical industry is no different. In emerging markets, creators develop new ideas, products, and services. IPR laws ensure that these innovators hold the sole authority over their creations. In the pharmaceutical industry, individuals or companies developing new products can rely on IPR laws to protect themselves against competitors' illegality. For example, if a company develops a powerful medication that addresses modern illnesses, it could embrace it as its own, preventing competitors from utilizing it without appropriate authorization. This current survey will evaluate the TRIPS agreement as one of the requirements for patents in doing business across nations. Modern companies are carrying out activities across national boundaries. However, innovators have a divided opinion regarding applying the TRIPS agreement. While some believe this law will protect the interests of innovators, others argue that it will increase the cost of medications, making them unavailable to some residents of certain countries. The research will follow a survey design approach. To facilitate the richness of the data and information generated from the analysis, a mixed study approach that involves both qualitative and quantitative methods will be applied
Keywords: Intellectual property rights (IPR), pharmaceutical industry, the TRIPS agreement
Table of Contents

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………. 4

Research Questions …………………………………………………………….… 4

Survey Design/Proposed Method ………………………………………………… 5

Ethical Implications ………………………………………………………………. 5

Proposed Analysis ………………………………………………………………… 5

Implications to Industry and Organizations ……………………………………….. 5

Conclusion …………………………………………………………………….…… 6

References ……………………………………………………………………..…… 7

Appendices …………………………………………………………………...…….. 9

IPR Laws: Identifying the Current Status of the Evolution, Challenges, Impact, and Opportunities for the Pharmaceutical Industry in Comparison with the Emerging Markets
Pharmaceutical companies have been used to treat illnesses for thousands of years (Li & Xu, 2022). The extensive nature of the modern pharmaceutical industry necessitates control through effective laws. This current study is instrumental in determining the efficiency of the evolving IPR laws. Benefits that necessitate this survey include eradicating diseases, reducing suffering, saving money through effective vaccines, boosting the global economy, and minimizing hospital stays (Majumder et al., 2020). The World Trade Organization and TRIPS agreement control the trade of medications worldwide (Correa, 2020). Such efforts aim to minimize losses and encourage these innovators to find solutions to arising health issues continually. IPR laws protect innovators against competitors manufacturing generic products (Branstetter et al., 2022; Kovač, I., & Basić, 2020). However, if these laws lead to increased costs and inaccessibility of drugs a lot of people will be put in danger in danger (Singh, 2023). This research seeks to address the fears that TRIPS law and other evolving IPR regulations may have detrimental impacts on accessibility and affordability of medications.
Research Questions
Research questions are necessary to achieve research purpose (Rose & Johnson, 2020; Kraus et al., 2020). In this case, the research seeks to address four research questions. 
1 What challenges and opportunities do US stakeholders face due to the evolving IPR laws in emerging markets, and how have they responded to these changes?
2 What are the gaps and limitations that need to be addressed?
3 What is the impact on the pharmaceutical industry in developing countries after the TRIPS agreement? 
4 What strategies are adopted by local pharmaceutical companies in developing countries to survive and thrive under the new patent regime? 
Survey Design/Proposed Method
In this study, data collection and analysis will rely on mixed methodology. This approach will apply both quantitative and qualitative research elements. The hybrid research approach is expected to generate a more precise picture of the impact of modern IPR laws and the possibility of improving these regulations.
Ethical Implications of the Methodology
A significant ethical implication associated with the selected research methodology is bias (Navalta et al., 2019; Sterne et al., 2019). Stadnick et al. (2021) indicate the need for great attention to these ethical issues when applying mixed methods. Based on the findings by Stadnick et al. (2021), addressing these ethical issues must consider dissemination approaches, equitable recruitment of participants, the safety of participants, data management, confidentiality, and informed consent. 
Proposed Analysis
One of the strategies for analysis suitable for this research is applying a Likert scale survey will be beneficial. Participants can use recommendations such as "Strongly Disagree" or "Strongly Agree" to express their satisfaction with these intellectual property laws (Jebb et al., 2021). The examination of feedback will also be done based on narrative data analysis.
Implications to Industry and Organization
This research will have favorable implications for the pharmaceutical industry and organizations. Findings will reveal whether current laws give innovators full rights to market their medications. Both the negative and positive effects of the existing rules will be evaluated. The regulations will be assessed to determine the level of protection, commercialization, planning, and identification that the current IPR laws accord innovators.
In summary, although the formulators of IPR laws, such as TRIPS, were suitable for the innovators, concerns surrounding the subject call for a detailed examination. This evaluation applies mixed research methods to identify the shortcomings and benefits of these regulations. The views from a broad group of respondents will be analyzed, and findings will be developed to make recommendations for improving these laws. There needs to be a clear stand regarding the effectiveness of these laws because different parties hold varying opinions. This current study will address the controversy surrounding the evolving IPR laws.
Branstetter, L., Chatterjee, C., & Higgins, M. J. (2022). Generic competition and the incentives for early-stage pharmaceutical innovation. Researc...
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