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Innovation Activities, RASCI Model, and Performance Management in Business Process Management

Essay Instructions:

Unit 6 Assignment: RASCI Model and Performance Management

In this assignment, you will be assessed based on the following Course Outcome:

Analyze methods of innovation and the role of people management in Business Process Management (BPM).

In this assignment, you will evaluate a specific business process based on the criteria detailed below. If you have already selected a business process, continue using that and skip to the next paragraph. If you have not yet selected the business process you will use for these assignments, then begin by selecting one. Email your instructor and clearly describe the objective of this process, the participants, and the strategic significance for the company. The business process you select must have a clear beginning and an end, with identifiable, specific steps. Your instructor will confirm that the process you selected is suitable or will ask you to select another one.

For this assignment, compose a paper that answers the following questions (use the subheadings/numbered questions below to organize your paper):

Part 1: Innovation Activities

There are many different activities for creating solutions identified in the understand phase. The effectiveness of these activities depends on many factors, including the organizational makeup and the circumstances of the process.

Describe an innovation activity to generate improvement ideas that you think will work best for your selected organization. Include the following details:

Describe the activity; how is it tied to the activities in your selected process?

Describe the objectives of the activity; How will it improve the deficiencies in your selected process?

Who should be participating, and why?

Part 2: RASCI Model

In any process, it is important to clearly define who is responsible for the activity and to whom they are accountable, in addition to identifying those in support positions. Following the RASCI model described on p. 376, create a table similar to 18.2 that defines these roles for your selected process. Begin by describing at least four steps in your selected process. Be specific about who does what in each step. Then, fill out the table to denote the roles. In addition to including the table, describe each role briefly.

Part 3: Performance Management

As you explored in the Discussion Board, performance measures play a large role in determining the actions of the employees involved in the process. Identify three performance management metrics you will use to promote effective behavior from those involved in your selected process.

Clearly explain:

How the metric will be assessed.

What the expected targets would be.

How the metrics fit the process objectives.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

RASCI Model and Performance Management for Business Process Improvement
Your Name
Subject and Section
Professor’s Name
May 31, 2023
Business Process Management (BPM) plays a crucial role in driving innovation and improving organizational performance. In this paper, we will evaluate a specific business process within the context of the selected organization, ZeroTier. The chosen process is the onboarding process for new ZeroTier customers. Additionally, the following sections of this paper will address three key aspects: innovation activities, the RASCI model for process roles, and performance management metrics.
Part 1 – Innovation Activities
Innovation Activity Description
A suitable innovation activity is conducting customer journey mapping workshops to generate improvement ideas for the onboarding process. This activity involves bringing together key stakeholders, including representatives from the sales team, support team, and new customers, to map out the customer's journey from the initial sign-up to network configuration (Seal & Waters, 2019).
Objectives of the Activity
The customer journey mapping workshop aims to identify pain points, bottlenecks, and areas of improvement within the onboarding process. By involving various participants who directly interact with customers, the activity enables a comprehensive understanding of the challenges faced during onboarding. The primary objective is to streamline the process, reduce customer effort, and enhance the overall onboarding experience (Li, 2021).
The participants in the customer journey mapping workshops should include the following:
* Sales Team: The sales team plays a crucial role in the initial customer interaction. Their involvement ensures insights into the customer's expectations, pain points during the sign-up process, and any information gaps that must be addressed.
* Support Team: Aside from the sales team, the support team members are directly involved in guiding customers through the network setup process. Their participation in the workshops helps uncover pain points, identify common customer queries, and understand where improvements can be made.
* New Customers: Finally, involving new customers in the workshop provides valuable firsthand insights into their experiences and challenges. Their feedback can shed light on the gaps and deficiencies in the onboarding process.
Part 2 – RASCI Model
The RASCI model is one of the most utilized models when it comes to effective project management capabilities. Specifically, the RASCI model helps clearly define the responsibilities and accountabilities of individuals involved in a process. For the onboarding process, let's consider four steps and assign the appropriate roles:
Step 1: Customer Signs Up for ZeroTier
* Responsible: Customer
* Accountable: Sales Team
* Support: N/A
* Consulted: N/A
* Informed: N/A
Step 2: Sales Team Verifies the Customer's Account and Sets Up Billing
* Responsible: Sales Team
* Accountable: Support Team
* Support: N/A
* Consulted: N/A
* Informed: Customer
Step 3: Support Team...
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