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Important Points about Walmart

Essay Instructions:

Total length: no more than four double-spaced pages. This should be a densely-written and informative paper. Less is all right, but make sure you've brought in enough theory and information. Do not pad with fluff to get it up to four pages! I am allergic to fluff and I applaud being concise.
Introduction: Introduce the company so that someone unfamiliar with it would become familiar with its important points. Plan to spend roughly a page doing so. Cite where the information is coming from. It can come from the company's own website or other sources. (Remember: don't use Wikipedia itself, but you can use the references that are cited for a Wikipedia page.)
Main Content: Choose one of the four areas of the marketing mix (Product, Distribution, Price, or Promotion) and explore how the company makes these decisions in the real world. Essentially, zero in on the related chapters near the end of the book, get an understanding of your company, and show me that you understand how your chosen company's X behavior demonstrates Y theory from this class. Use specific marketing terminology! I am looking for discussions on topics like "brand equity" or "skimming price strategy." Again, cite where the content is coming from. At no point should I wonder "How do you know this?"
Put differently: this paper is simply to show that you can describe a real-world business using specific marketing terminology, and that you can recognize behaviors and concepts when you encounter them.
"I cannot find enough information on my company to write an introduction."
For only a single, double-spaced page that simply introduces what the company is and the important features about them, you will be able to find enough. You can talk about their history, the role they serve within the greater LA area, whether they are local or international, contrast them with some competitors, etc. If it aids in the reader (me) understanding your company more, it can fit here.
"I cannot find enough information on my company to write three pages on one specific area of the marketing mix."
Now this is more likely. The "one area" constraint is actually for your benefit. For a huge company like Walt Disney Feature Animation, expecting a student to cover (in great conceptual depth) their pricing strategies and their product mix and their promotional strategies and their distribution plans would be completely overwhelming. (The foreign distribution plans alone could cover three pages!) Zeroing in on one area helps you feel more confident that you have covered things in the depth I would expect to see, and also limits the amount of research that you need to do!
However, if you have chosen a smaller and/or less famous company, you may find it basically impossible to approach three pages of concept-dense writing that describes the specific marketing concepts they use in the real world. In this case, you may feel free to expand your focus and describe what you can find about them. Or, you may feel that two areas, not one, are truly the most important areas of your company's marketing mix and that only talking about one would be a disservice to the analysis.
Summarized: do not feel like you need to talk about more than one area to impress me; it won't have any impact on your grade. If you feel that you need to talk about more than one area due to constraints on information or company balance, this is also okay, and it won't have any impact on your grade!
"Which area should I choose?"
Those that seem most relevant for your company. For example: Coca-Cola has great promotional strategies and distribution strategies; they would both be interesting to talk about. But Coke doesn't differentiate itself from the competition nearly as much in the areas of price and product, so those would be harder and less interesting areas to choose.
How many references should I have?
I would expect to see five at a minimum. An A-level paper will not have less than ten. This can include the company's own website, Twitter account, etc. if you analyze them thoughtfully, or something like a consumer review that describes some specific encounter with the company. You may also use personal experiences with them from when you visited a store or tried their food, etc., though you will need to cite this properly in MLA, Chicago, or APA format. (Any of those formats are fine.) And, of course, you can use news articles, etc. about the company. Google News is your friend for this sort of thing, as each article they link to is its own source.
Does the reference list count against the four-page limit?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student Name:
Walmart is a multinational retail chain corporation founded 52 years ago in Arkansas, U.S. Walmart operates a discount department stores and a number of warehouses stores in the world. The company is headquarters are in Bentonville. Arkansas in the United States. Walmart. Inc. has over 11,000 retail stores in over 25 countries in the world that offer quality services to customers. The company that owns Sam's Club warehouses operates as Walmart in the United States and operates under different names in Mexico, as Seiyu in japan, as Asda in the United Kingdom and as Best Price in India.
According to a research by Fortune Global 500 Company, Walmart is the largest company in the world by revenue generation and the biggest private company employer with over 2 million employers worldwide. Walmart is a family business and the family owns 50% of the company. In the United State, Walmart is the largest grocery retailer and most valuable by market share. The company offered its first IPO in 1970 and later listed in the New York Stock Exchange, at this time, the company only operated in five states: Kansas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana and Missouri.
The company continued to grow rapidly and at the age of 25 years old, it had over 1,000 stores and its own satellite network that linked all its stores communication. In 2005, Walmart introduces new measures to save the environment from pollution by introducing safe gas energy for its trucks that travel thousands miles a years to distribute goods CITATION Wal15 \l 1033 (Walmart, 2015). The main aim was to safeguard the environment and lead as a good example in the industry in environment protection.
Walmart has three operation divisions: Walmart International, Walmart United States and Sam's Club. In the stores, the company operates under different retails that include Supercenters, general merchandise stores, membership warehouse, restaurants and soft discount stores. In short, it offers every product a consumer requires in his/her daily activities. Walmart U.S is the largest division with over $250 billion sales. As of earlier 2014, the international Walmart business employed 800,000 workers and operated 6,000 stores in 26 countries CITATION For11 \l 1033 (Forbes, 2011).
In business marketing, marketers use one or two of the three generic strategies depending on their choice and market competition. The strategies used in marketing include cost leadership, focus and differentiation. Since its formation, Walmart Retail Stores Company has always focused on the cost leadership strategy. This strategy has great impacts to Walmart his progression records in the current market. The strategy involves marketing Walmart has the cheapest retail store in the industry of retail business. To achieve this strategy, Walmart has to make sure its goods and services costs low and thus passing savings to the consumers.
Walmart Inc. has been successful due to low pricing strategy and its reputable relationship to its customers. The idea is, to offer consumers goods and services at a cheaper price compared to competitors on a steady basis. It means that Walmart does not have to depend on sales; the company rather relies on customer base and the number of stores in the market. Walmart is able to attain this because of its large scale and well-organized supply chain. They source products from cheap domestic suppliers and from low-wage foreign markets. This lets the firm to sell their goods at low prices compared to their competitors and to make small profit margins at a high volume CITATION Bar04 \l 1033 (Barro, (2004).
Walmart therefore benefits from ec...
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