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Interpersonal Conflict

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment you are given the opportunity of exploring an existing conflict situation and linking theory to practice through the study of the specific conflict.

Conflict is a negotiation that we experience every day. Your research material may be drawn from various sources, such as: media coverage (local, national, or global), personal investigation and research, historical records (books, journals, films/video, newspaper articles), and internet sources.

The conflict could involve resources, health, politics, environment, religion, ethnic groups, and/or differing world views. It must, however, be well-known, meaning its existence should be common (public) knowledge. If you are unsure about a conflict, please contact your instructor for approval.

Your academic tools for conflict analysis should include the concepts or theories discussed in class or found in course readings and/or other literature.

Your 1000 word minimum paper should consists of at least the following:

A description of the conflict: what is it about, who is involved, when and where, why is there a conflict? What is the context of the conflict?

Describe the fundamental mistakes that resulted in impasses.

Describe the elements and processes used or could be used to resolve these impasses.

Identify the various hardball distributive tactics and responses to those tactics in an effort to resolve the conflict.

Consider whether a third-party approach would benefit the situation.

Your assignment must:

Be a minimum of 1000 words.

Be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA format.

Include a cover page containing the tile of the assignment (Unit VI-Essay), the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

Lewicki, R., Barry, B., & Saunders, D. (2010). Negotiation (6th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Interpersonal conflict
Interpersonal conflict may occur when two persons have opposing goals or viewpoints. Different people express interpersonal conflict differently where some may show it verbally while others may interpret it nonverbally. Interpersonal conflicts range from simple misunderstandings to serious obvious blowout (Jacoby, 2008). This paper is an interpersonal conflict case study providing project report of two conflicting parties where I was an observer in a conflict that involved my friend Jun and the Human Resource manager of All Tech Company in Boston where we were attached as interns.
Context of the Conflict
The interpersonal conflict with the firm began when we, being the first party, were asked for a meeting with the management, (party two). After one week from the time we had reported, Jun expressed her dissatisfaction. The conflict goals in the interpersonal conflict between June and HR manager of the firm was particularly because each party was pursuing different goals. In addition, factors in the working environment contributed to the causes of interpersonal conflicts (Jacoby, 2008).
The working environment factors identified are a lack of control over one’s work, high working hours, lack of support in the working interactions and extreme workload
(Lewicki & Saunders, 2010). The working conditions were not motivating for Jun, there were no allowances provided, and the workload was intensive. The environment in which we worked lead to stressful conditions which resulted to increased task errors which made the supervisor and the intern to have interpersonal conflicts. Party number one (Jun) was pursuing for better working conditions and psychological contract while party two (firm) felt that the intern was either providing substandard quality of work or not meeting the target in terms of allocated tasks (Jacoby, 2008).
Fundamental Mistakes That Resulted In Impasses.
The first mistake was lack of proper task definition which led to conflicting demands of the job to be done. Her roles and responsibilities were not clear to her and although the other party appeared to be satisfied, she felt that change was required. Role ambiguity existed as a result of the mistake by the company to provide inadequate information pertaining to the job being done by the other party (Lewicki & Saunders, 2010).
There was a problem of communication and I perceive that if communication had been effective, the conflict would have been solved. Communication behaviors is an important element where each party express their thoughts and shows their true feelings. One party may feel embarrassed therefore expressing stronger emotions of hurt. However, communication helps in creating a platform of understanding between the conflicting parties (Jacoby, 2008).
Elements That Would Be Used To Resolve the Impasses
In order to resolve the problem, it is important first of all to identify the problem. This can be accomplished by the use of Weisbord’s six-box organizational model. This is an important tool used to facilitate the identification of the problem. This model is significant in establishing a systematic approach to the analysis of relationships between the two conflicting parties in an organization (Lewicki & Saunders, 2010).
The firs...
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