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The Most Important Learning Objective Outlined in This Chapter

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Khalid N Aldabal (600)
Phase 2: ACQUIRING TOOLS Bancolombia in Colombia
Chapter 5: Trading Internationally
The Most Important Learning Objective Outlined in This Chapter
1 I believe that the important Learning Objective outlined in this Chapter is LO3, and the reason I chose this one is because the political systems greatly determine the imposition of tariffs which affect the international trade.
Facets That Have Changed from the Time of Peng’s writing to Present
According to Colombia Trade, Exports and Imports (2010), in 2008/09 Colombia’s primary exports were petroleum, coffee, coal, nickel, emeralds, bananas and apparel, and their primary imports were industrial/transportation equipment, consumer goods, chemicals, fuel and electricity.
* According to Colombia (n.d.a), Current primary exports are crude petroleum (45.4%), coal briquettes (13.4%), refined petroleum (4.9%), and coffee (4.7%); their primary imports are refined petroleum (11.7%) and automobiles (4.23%).
According to Colombia Trade, Exports and Imports (n.d.), in 2008/09 Colombia’s primary exports were to the United States, Venezuela and Ecuador, and top imports are from the United States, China, Mexico and Brazil.
* According to Colombia (n.d.a), currently top exports are to the United States, China, Panama, Spain and India, and top imports are from the United States, China, Mexico, Germany and Brazil.
* According to Colombia International Trade Center (n.d.a), the country has been facing challenges such as poverty and diversify its export base to reduce the dependence of oil. They priority materializing trade opportunities from free trade agreements. They are developing a strong services in the export sectors.
* The country faces development challenges such as reduce poverty and inequality, increase productivity and competitiveness, and diversify its export base and reduce dependence on oil exports.
According to Pearson (2015), an example of change would be change in policies by countries to control imports and exports.
For example, the highly priced sugar of United States which is caused by restrictive measures imposed on importation of sugar.
* United States has maintained tight quotas on sugar imports so that the domestic sugar is priced three times the world price sugars.
* Sugar refiners have been reported to be the influencers of this policy alongside other politicians.
Significant Impacts of These Changes on Bancolombia in Colombia
According to Butler(2016) , banks in Colombia charged high interest rates between 1960 and 1990 because the policies could not allow multinational banks to operate in the country.
* The impact on my country would be the reduction of interest rates charged by banks in Colombia.
* Another impact on my country would be stiff competition experienced by local firms arising from cheap products from countries such as China.
* Finally, another impact would be the intensification of businesses across the borders.
¯ For example, Bancolombia bank has opened its branches in Brazil and Panama among other countries that have signed trade treaties with Colombia.
Chapter 6: Investing Abroad Directly
The Most Important Learning Objective Outlined In This Chapter
I believe that the important Learning Objective outlined in this Chapter is L04, and the reason I chose this one is because the trend towards globalization is determined by the ability of firms to take advantage of locations that can provide relative advantage.
* For example, a firm would relocate production processes to areas where cost of labor is low.
Facets That Have Changed since the Time of Peng’s writing to Present
According to Lovelock, Patterson and Wirtz (2015), an example of change would be the ability of firms to relocate or outsource their production activities in countries where the cost of production is low such as China.
Another example of change would be price differentiation where the companies are taking advantage of the economic situations in different locations by charging different prices for goods and services.
A final example of change would be the choice of firms to relocate production process closer to the source of raw materials.
Significant Impact of These Changes on Bancolombia Bank in Colombia
Significant impact in my country would be the outsourcing done by banks. According to Lovelock, Patterson and Wirtz (2015), banks have been outsourcing most of their production services to countrie...
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