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Not All Companies Are Viewed as Equal Research Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Write a one and a half to two (1½ - 2) page paper in which you:
Become an advocate for either the consumer or the industry. Prepare an argument explaining the major reasons why you support either the consumer or the industry. 
Explain the role capitalism plays in corporate decision making. 
Discuss if you believe it is possible for a company to cater to both its best interest and that of the consumer conjointly or if one always has to prevail. Justify your response. 
Use at least two (2) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as academic resources. 
Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements: 
Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides. 
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, your professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length. 
Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length. 
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
Determine the considerations for and process of ethical business decision making to balance corporate and social responsibilities, and address moral, economic, and legal concerns. 
Analyze selected business situations using the predominant ethical theories, such as utilitarian, Kantian, and virtue ethics to guide ethical business decision making. 
Use technology and information resources to research issues in business ethics. 
Write clearly and concisely about business ethics using proper writing mechanics

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Course title
The consumer and the industry
1 Become an advocate for either the consumer or the industry. Prepare an argument explaining the major reasons why you support either the consumer or the industry. 
The free market has led to immense competition in the market with companies working tirelessly to outdo each other (Shah, 2014). This has also allowed emergence of different other companies, all aiming to make profit in the competitive market. Although this has led to reduction of prices of some consumer goods and increment in quality due to competition, it has exposed many consumers to substandard goods despite government regulation (Casanova, 2012). Advertisements sway many consumers into buying things they do not need, leading to greater economic disparity (Keynes, 2009). As posited by Dawson (2003), big businesses in America spend trillions of dollars each year in marketing, in order to generate huge profits from the population. These profits benefit a few while the rest struggle to make ends meet. The tobacco industry for example, continues to sell tobacco products and make huge profits at the expense of consumers’ health. Consumers therefore benefit less from many corporate organizations.
2 Explain the role capitalism plays in corporate decision-making.
According to Livingstone (2001), capitalism greatly affects business decision-making. Stiff competition forces companies to produce quality goods at a low price in order to generate more sales and make profit. However, companies may not fully adhere to the ethical requirements and may produce many goods without regarding the quality. Companies are usually owned by individuals who want to make profit, therefore customer satisfaction becomes secondary (Dawson, 2003). Capitalism often forces...
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