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Business & Marketing
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IMC Final Plan. Business and Marketing Assignment.

Essay Instructions:

"you will create a marketing plan for your organization that incorporates IMC. This is meant to build on what you've done to date, so please be sure you've incorporated my feedback from previous assignments and are consistent with what you've already proposed. "

Please follow the guideline and requirements. Also refer to Juska.

for my selected org-pmCAN, please see “Jin_Organization Selection & Channel Audit”

for my audience persona, please see “Persona-Funway” (note that we only have one target audience, one persona)

for my IMC objectives, please see “IMC objectives”

For my IMC consumer research, please see “IMC-Consumer Research”

For my IMC creative brief, please see “IMC_Creative Brief Template_Campaign”

also, pmCAN studio:Here is the web of pmCAN https://pmcanmedia(dot)wixsite(dot)com/ubelonghere/about-us

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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* Introduction
Development of a marketing plan is an important step towards realization of organizational success. A marketing plan helps in the process of identifying consumer needs, evaluating whether the organization has the needed capacity to meet needs of customers, and also help in development of a viable mission statement and strategies for meeting market needs. In this study, the major focus is on development of a marketing plan for the pmCAN video production studio. The company focuses on production of video content for different customers. The firm has also been evolving to include other services for its customers including creation of video content using modern advanced technologies. The business has also been focusing on transformation of simple ideas presented by their customers into appealing visual content. The business’ goal has been enhancement of its competitive edge in the market, by ensuring that it serves its customers well and with diligence. The other goal of the business is to ensure that it has enhanced its market reputation and enhance its credibility through creation of appealing visual content with lasting effect, attain a higher social media engagement, and also stimulate its users to perform a call to action. However, the firm seeks to enhance its market awareness, and enhance its competitive advantages in the market. The current marketing channels for the business include use of social media platforms.
* Target Audience
The target audiences for pmCAN are musicians who need video production for their brand or personal albums or solo music (pmCAN, 2020). Through the business expertise and use of highly developed technologies, pmCAN maximizes its competencies and proficiencies, therefore, helping musicians to have better video productions for their short films and their music. Many musicians need high-quality videos at an affordable price, which is a hard thing for many to attain since various businesses focus on the generation of money from musicians while providing low-quality videos. There are many roles that a good music video plays in the development of the musician’s career, while also helping to capture the attention of the market and enhance the competitive advantage of the musician in the market. pmCAN cares about the welfare of musicians, by ensuring that there is production of high-quality videos that can be used to enhance development of better systems of attaining the set success levels for musicians.
Through production of quality videos for the musicians, pmCAN ensures that it builds its reputation in the market while increasing the number of customers drawn to the business (Florea, 2017). The person for this study is a friend, who has a great passion for music, and who has been doing his music productions through an online music production workshop. The friend is single, and currently, a freelance musician studying at New York University (NYU). The musician is a male student, currently 25 years old, earning between $60 and $70k per year, and living in NYC, USA. The student has an introverted demeanor and usually prefers to communicate by email rather than on phone. The student aims at ensuring that he produces professional and unique videos, which would enable him to engage his audience more, and also ensure that there are clear communication and scheduling during video production, to ensure that he saves time for more video production. The student also aims at ensuring that videos that are produced have more visuals and are more fun and more attractive to the customers. There are many challenges that the student faces in his video production process, both primary and secondary. The student lacks time for effective production and lacks the needed visual expressions to appeal to his broad audiences an also the videos that are produced for him are not very clear on what he needs to do with branding content for his music. Finally, the student needs assistance in the production of a video, which would enhance his mixed artistic capabilities and enhance his business potential (Aryal, 2005).
There are many things that pmCAN can do to help the student attain a higher level of success and also attain his set goals and objectives. The organization will ensure that there is development of music scripts and storyboards to help the client to focus on his vision. The organization will also help in setting up a team for the client, ensure that the shooting locations are well locked down, provide the necessary actors/actresses for the video production purposes, provide the production crew and the necessary camera equipment required to enhance an effective shooting of videos. The firm will also ensure that there is coordination between the company's director and shooting team, to ensure efficient collaboration with on-camera talent teams, to help bring the video to life. The company will also assist the client with some shooting ideas, which can be incorporated into the shooting process to help in transforming the video content. Further, pmCAN will also provide the required professional photographers/cinematographers to do the shooting while the team also listens to the needs of customers, and therefore, help them attain their highest potential and enhance their confidence. The company will also help with the process of posting videos on its channels to market the client’s content, and also help the client to appeal to a broader audience. The company will provide the required professional visual stories production and post-production services to the customers.
* Objectives
The AIDA model focuses on aspects such as; attention, interest, desire, and action. It emphasizes on the various steps that customers have to undergo to purchase a given product (Hassan et al., 2015). The model is used in marketing, with a major focus on creation of a positive relationship between products offered and the customer. In the first step, which entails the process of attracting the attention of the customers and creating awareness, the business ensures that there is development of better strategies of advertising to get customer’s attention. The business will focus on use of an outreach strategy to get to the consumers and also ensure that many musicians know the brand across America and the world. The business will focus on enhancement of brand awareness through use of various platforms, such as; social media, photo and video sharing, search engines, aggregators and syndications, the use of brand properties, enhancement of customer services, use of publishers and the use of social markings. The branding of the company’s activities and products and services offered will be based on factors such as; customer's needs, brand identity in the market, competitors in the market, availability, and efficiency of online messaging process, location, and even status of the products and services offered.
The process of maintaining interests of consumers also depended on the ability of the company’s products and services to arouse desires of the customers. The process of ensuring that the interests of customers were enhanced was through ensuring that there is an adequate presentation of the products and services offered by the organization to the customers and through an adequate description of the products (Foroudi, 2019). The company shall also ensure that relevant information is available on the company’s website and also that there is an adequate provision of materials continuing the product descriptions, such as brochures or flyers, photos, and video clips of the product. To ensure that the business captures interest of customers, it should ensure an adequate process of building trust, engagement, and relationship with consumers, and try to get to consumers through blog posts and articles, creation of video content, use of social media platforms and even the use of images and infographics. The business shall ensure that there is an adequate process of putting together an editorial calendar or schedule on how each project shall be completed, enhance the levels of collaboration with the clients, ensure there is professionalism in the engagements, and also enhance persistence in its operations. To create desire for products, the business shall be able to persuade customers to purchase from the organization. Creation of customer’s desire shall be enhanced through the process of persuading customers and showing them the advantages of associating with the products. Finally, the process of taking action should be based on the ability of the business to convert business deal into a viable venture that would satisfy the customers (Manic, 2015).
In general, there are many objectives for the organization, and they focus on the process of attaining success for clients. The organization focuses on ensuring that there is an increase in customer base on the site through downloading materials and revenue generation by 35% by end year. The organization focuses on ensuring that there is an increase in levels of sales by 24% within six months. pmCAN also aims at ensuring that there is an increase in customer traffic to the website, with a margin of 20% within 5 months. pmCAN also focuses on ensuring that there is an inc...
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