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How do Human Activities Contribute to Climate Change

Essay Instructions:

In 3-4 pages, using APA-style formatting, discuss and give your position on the following statement: “Human activity, especially the burning of fossil fuels, is a major contributor to climate change”. Do you agree or disagree? Support your views with credible data. This is an area where junk science abounds. Be prepared to give and defend your sources as scientifically trustworthy.

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Human Activity, Especially the Burning Of Fossil Fuels, as a Major Contributor to Climate Change
Climate change can be inferred to as a long-term change in the patterns of weather within a region. The element of climate change has been in existence for several years since the inception of earth. However, it is essential to consider that these changes have mainly been a cause by global catastrophes and events including the dynamic working of the earth (Cloern, Abreu, Carstensen, Chauvaud, Elmgren, Grall, & Yin, 2016). The resultant question that has inhibited the scientific world today is whether the current human activities that include the burning of fossil fuels have an impact in the climatic changes that occur in the earth.
Humans have achieved a state of knowledge through the inclusion of technology in different aspects, a factor that has been proved to have adverse effects on the climate. For instance, some people live in areas located near the Mojave Desert (Cloern, et.al.2016). The climatic changes around this region are depicted to be slow in warming of the Desert region, a factor that alters the regions weather patterns and rainfall and affects the plant's cover and productivity of the land. As a result of these effects, the ecosystems and the functions of different species are equally impacted negatively. It is anticipated that these regions are likely to receive persistent droughts as a result of the inconsistencies in weather patterns.
A collective effort of different climate experts and the government from different states have arrived at the conclusion that climate changes are affected by human activities. According to their observations, the increase in global temperatures is affected by the increase in anthropogenic gasses that are emitted from greenhouses; an activity that is human initiated (Dergiades, Kaufmann, & Panagiotidis, 2016). Additionally, the effects of burning fossil fuels by human activities are considered to emit carbon dioxide which depletes the functions of the ozone layer. The ozone layer primarily blocks the sun's radiation and heat, and when it is affected, the sun's radiation and heat reach the earth’s surface, a factor that results in a warm temperature thus causing climatic changes.
In consideration of the facts detailed above, it is essential to consider that human activities cannot be limited. The technologies that have been improvised and the knowledge of human beings negatively impacts the environment. In my point of view, I agree the activities of humans in burning fossil fuels are a major contributor to the climate changes experienced in the world today.
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