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Apple Inc. and its Stakeholders Communication Strategies

Essay Instructions:

Select a company or other business organization and write a paper about its communication practices with its internal and external stakeholders, including a stakeholder analysis, description of channels used and messages provided. The report should also include your views on how effective the company is in communicating and how its practices could be improved.Please exclude bibliography, footnote,appendix.

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Apple Inc., stakeholder’s communication strategies
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It is arguably true that Apple makes lives of many people easier and comfortable than when Apple was a fruit. Apple is leading manufacturer of communication gadgets and personal computers such as Mac, iPhone, and iPads. The company has acquired a significant brand recognition and high customer loyalty due to its quality products. The success of Apple in the recent times is partly contributed by the ability of the company to satisfy internal and external stakeholders. In a theoretical view, Stakeholders of a company impose demands on the organization that results in corporate social responsibilities that stirs the company’s performance. To that end, key stakeholders in Apple significantly influences the company in terms of the company’s revenues from sales as well as customer perception. The significant role of stakeholders in Apple is evident in the company’s accountability to internal and external interested parties in the company’s policies and strategies. The holistic approach of Apple's communication strategies with the major external and internal stakeholders is the concern of this article.
Customers are one of the prioritized as one of top Apple’s senior stakeholders. The prime interest of consumers of Apple is to have effective products that are priced reasonably. Despite the premium pricing of the Apple’s products are widely accepted due to their high quality. Since the company is renowned for it's innovative and top quality brands, the company create ties with consumers in efforts to sustain the brands loyalty.
Apple has developed various communication channels to engage with customers worldwide. With the philosophy that customer should find all technological gadgets under one roof, Apple currently own over 330 stores worldwide. Apple strives to initiate and promote a diverse two-way and a more interactive communication with its customers. The personal selling approach enables new customers to interact with the existing customers with the sales personnel be in a position to communicate with both the current and new clients. The company enhances a healthy relationship with delicate clients as a result of the two-way communication and the human interactions with them. To that end, this relationship not only promotes the brand loyalty, but it also enhances a distinct relationship between the sales team and the clients. The personal selling mechanism enables Apple to share relevant information with its customers regarding various products and services as well as keeping these clients informed and updated with any emerging information involving new products as well as the existing one (Thompson, 2015).
In the modernized contemporary world, technology-based companies ought to become an integral part of client’s daily lives for them to succeed. Companies must come out with a solution on how to progressively improve the lives of their customers (Mattu, 2015). In light to this Apple has created a networked platform in which the company pulls and maintains It customers by offering unlimited data on their products. The company has also developed applications such as product feedback, contact us, service facility and website feedback. These programs enable the company to have effective communication with customers regarding their products. Apple operates a News and Events blog. Through this blog the company updates it clients on the available products as well as internal reports or news that keeps customers at par with emerging issues and products. Honest feedbacks from consumers of Apple’s products offers the company with development and improvement opportunities. The company also reviews product feedback blogs where it allows customers to air their experiences regarding apple’s products.
Apple employees
The prime interest of employees Apple is to get a reasonable and competitive compensation, niceties, career development programs and bonuses in efforts to make their contributions to the benefiting. At Apple, employees are key because they directly influence the company’s capability to innovate and design profitable products. Communication channels with employees are designed with the aim of inspiring employees to be ambassadors of the company. At Apple Inc., the top management ensures that it keeps fresh online content for accessibility of its employees. The communication team in the company provides that intranet runs smoothly as one the main channel of communication among employees. The current CEO, Tim Cook, also uses Video to pass corporate messages to employees. The CEO also blogs occasionally as keep the employees informed about the company’s Executive forward thinking (Kane, 2014). Despite, the vast Growth of online communication, print media is also used by Apple. The company publishes global magazines occasionally. These publications in most cases entail employee’s related information such as corporate values, programs, compliance or any other thing information the company wants to pass to the employees. Since Apple enjoys a global presence, overseas publications are translated into respective languages.
Apple investors.
Investors are major stakeholders. Investors are majorly interested in getting higher returns from their investments. Investors usually anticipate high-profit margins that translate to increased share of dividends. Over the recent times, Apple has addressed the interest of investors through exceptional financial performance. Currently, the company enjoys an excellent financial position, with high liquidity. Hence, satisfying investor’s interests. In keeping in touch with investors, Apple Inc. occasionally sets meetings with the principal investors whereby there are briefed by the relevant financial officials on matters relating to companies financial performances. Since Apple requires huge expenditure to cover company’s developmental activities as well as research expenses the company keeps existing and interested investors with up to date information on earning per share, the market value of shares as well as profitability ratios in influencing them to invest in the company (Lashinsky, 2012). The company uses newsletters and emails to communicate with the major financial aspects that are of interest to the investors. Since Apple is a global brand with investors worldwide, the makes use of conference calls in communicating with investors who are overseas. In some instances, the CEO of the company organizes ad hoc meetings or engages conference calls with some of the high profiled key investors so as to convince them to invest in Apple Inc. The CEO and some of the top financial managers at Apple participant in product release forums and investors relations platforms so that investors who are not getting adequate information through conference calls or press release can get essential financial data and insights to key investment opportunities available at Apple (Blodget, 2014). The investors’ new feature on Appleâ&eu...
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