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HR Training Class

Essay Instructions:

Imagine that you are a member of the HR department of a small retail company and upper management has asked you to create a new employee customer service training class for all new employees. 

Write a six to seven (6-7) pages paper in which you:

Justify the use of a needs assessment of your company’s proposed employee customer service training, stressing five (5) ways in which such an assessment would expose any existing performance deficiencies.

Develop a customer service training implementation plan and determine the method of training (i.e., presentation, discussion, case study, discovery, role play, simulation, modeling, or on-the-job training). 

Justify why you selected the training method that you did. 

Propose two (2) ways to motivate an employee who has no interest in attending a training class.

Develop a survey to collect feedback from the employees who attend the training.

Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Assignment 4: HR Training Class
Needs assessment is the answer to several questions when determining organization performance. Before organizing for a training, conducting a needs assessment, before the actual training program commences, is important as it provides answers to; what are the gaps existing, where can emphasis be, why are the performances of employee low are high, who needs to be trained and when can the training be conducted. In addition, needs assessment helps in identifying the possible gaps that might exist. It enables the organization and the new employees work towards a common objective. Needs assessment enhances competence and performance, by conducting a needs assessment, the gaps are reduced or eliminated (Lucas, 2005). It is important to note that when conducting a needs assessment, the process generates more than just the need for the training, therefore, an organization is required to analyze some of the urgent needs in relation to the available resource in order to develop a training plan.
Ways in Which Such an Assessment Would Expose Any Existing Performance Deficiencies
Needs assessment would be appropriate in revealing employees’ grievances, other past complaints, breach of policies among other issues that need to be addressed. Needs assessment identifies certain areas of improvement; for example, if a department has a history of absenteeism or low performance, training would be designed to improve on these areas after analyzing the needs assessment results (Lucas, 2005).
Needs assessment is also important because it does comparison between the employee’s knowledge and the task at hand. It would identify the conditions under which employees’ work and the quality of performance. Therefore, if a gap exists between the skills required and the expected performance, training would be designed to fill this gap.
Needs assessment is important as it analyses how employees gather information and how they make use of the gathered information towards the set objectives. It helps in reviewing job title and job descriptions (Lucas, 2005). It does not only target employees, but also organization‘s resources. It would be important to highlight the available resources that can be utilized by the organization for it to be appropriately allocated. Resources would be directed to areas that are viewed to be in need, as it would improve productivity, and quality of service.
In addition, when there are changes in the organization where standards and procedure have been revised, conducting a needs assessment would be necessary to highlight which areas have been affected by such changes before deciding on who to be trained (Lucas, 2005).
Customer Service Training Implementation Plan
The customer service-training program aims at making employees to be actively involved and feel part of the organization by showing commitment. Training boost especially when new skills are acquired more so after the training (Miller & Osinski, 2002).
Overview of the Training
The training program will define the organization goals and the objective of the training, including the expected outcome after the training. The plan also includes different methods to be applied during the training. Methods for training have been carefully chosen to cater for the needs based of different work experiences from the diverse employment force of the organization. Within the plan, trainers will be drawn from reputable consultation firms within the region while trainees will be selected according to the areas of need (Miller & Osinski, 2002).
Much consideration will be given to the new employees as this forms part of their first orientation process. The training location will be identified based of the number of participants of the training versus available resources. An evaluation of the training will be conducted to measure the training outcomes using questionnaires to be filled at the end of the training program (Miller & Osinski, 2002).
Goal: To improve customer service and build trust within the department and other stakeholders.
On completion of the training program, participants will be able to:
Learn about the mission and the goal of the organization
Learn about different techniques of effective listening
Learn the techniques of problem solving
Learn how to provide consistent and exception services to customers.
Topics to be covered include:-
Communication in the cooperate world
Customer focus
Decision making skills
Team work and team building
Learning Method
The training will put into consideration that employees have different experiences that can add value to the training program, therefore, the technique of brainstorming will be appropriate combined with general discussions. Any method that is centered on learners will always generate positive training outcomes because the trainer acts as a guide (Kaufman, 2000). Employees will have the freedom and space to learn in a comfortable environment and participate freely.
Brain Storming
Brainstorming requires participants in small or large groups given specific topics and requested to air out their suggestion. Brainstorming operated on the principle of, whatever ...
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