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What is Organizational Behavior

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An organization is made up of many aspects that collectively constitute the organization’s structures. The structures of the organization contribute to the behavior within the organization whose study is known as the organizational behavior. This paper analyzes the meaning of organizational behavior from the view that every structure contribute to the behavior within the organization and also the behavior of the organization in relation to other organizations. Analysis of both micro and macro organizational behavior is argued out. In essence, organizational behavior is influenced by individual, groups and structures within the organization. As a matter of reality, organizational behavior cannot be analyzed in isolation because it is intertwined with other faculties; for instance sociology and psychology.
The Importance of organizational behavior study
Organizational behavior is an aspect of an organization that should be given a lot of attention because it influences many core aspects of any given organization. It affects the depths of development which the organization realizes as well as the overall performance of an organization which is achieved through individual and group performance. Organizational behavior also affects satisfaction and commitment of the organization’s members both as individuals and as groups. Doh and Quigley (2014) assert that; the study of organizational behavior is important because people of different cultural background meet in an organization and, therefore, best ways of interaction must be sought to ensure smooth and cordial interaction.
Bitektine and Haack (2015) believe that, for smooth running of organizations, it is vital for leaders to familiarize with organizational behavior principles. For instance, the best methods of dealing with organization’s day to day problems must be employed.
Kaur (2014) affirms that interpersonal conflicts can adversely affect the employee outputs in an organization. Thus, this aspect of interpersonal relationships must be addressed.
Micro organizational behavior
Micro organizational behavior refers to the study of individual and groups’ behavior within an organization. Kaur, (2014) argues that positive individual behavior in an organization contributes to better organizational performance. Thus, organizational behavior cannot always be evaluated in its wholeness but at times individual behavior within an organization must also be weighed.
In addressing micro organizational behavior, managers of organizations can consider, for instance, rewarding the individuals in their organization in ways that motivate them the most. This argument is in view of the psychological notion that individuals are motivated in different ways. This means that it is important for organization leaders to understand the members at an individual level and not always as a group, so as to understand their personality types.
Formation of groups within an organization should be done in a way that allows maximum performance. They should also be constituted of members according to how comfortable they will feel and therefore improve their performance. It should also be noted that the organizational behavior of groups within an organization will also depend on the leadership of the particular group. At the micro organizational behavior, study focuses on interpersonal relations.
Macro- organizational behavior
In macro organizational behavior, the study shifts to the whole organization. At this level, the leadership of the organization and the overall marketing strategies are considered. Here the focus is in the appropriate changes that can be effected in order to maximize the performance of the organization. Most of the contemporary studies recommend few organizational levels over complex ones in order to improve performance and to have proper channels of addressing the issues of employees.
Leadership effects on organizational behavior
Responsible leadership corresponds to proper organizational behavior that in turn yields maximum performance which is the core aim of any given organization. The kind of leadership employed will have effects at both micro and macro levels of organizational behavior.
Doh and Quigley (2014) note that; responsible leaders consider the subordinates as significant stakeholders and, therefore, improve their motivation and performance. At macro level, such leaders cooperate with the rest of the stakeholders and share information in a responsible manner such that growth the organization can grow.
Such kind of leadership is essential especially in organizations that deal with multi-cultural stakeholders. Doh and Quigley (2014) affirm that for effective organizational behavior, the leader should be able to view his/her accountability and responsibility beyond serving the needs of the stakeholders. Such a leader should be able to communicate effectively to all the stakeholders of the organization including the community that is not directly affected by the activities of the organization.
Doh and Quigley (2014) assert that, in the world over, embracing servant kind of leadership yields maximum output in organizations.
Motivation is a very influential aspect of organizational behavior. It influences the ...
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