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How to Improve the Accommodation Problem for Students

Essay Instructions:

Project 4: The Progress Report

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You are to write a 500-750 word, single-spaced memo apprising your instructor of the progress that you are making on your final project and asking for any help you might need.

In addition to your memo, include a tentative outline of your final project.



In your progress report you need to include the following:

  • Project summary: your audience, and the problem you are solving or helping to solve for this audience, and how you propose to solve it.
  • What you have done so far in enough detail and with enough specificity to convince me that you are making substantial and appropriate progress toward being able to write a report at the end of the semester. What resources have you used? What experts have you interviewed? What kind of lab work, computer work, or library research have you done?
  • What remains to be done.
  • What problems you have had or foresee that you will have in finishing this project by the end of this term. Explain your strategy for addressing any complications
  • Explaining any changes in your work schedule that have emerged since you wrote your proposal.
  • Appendix with the outline for your final project.

You must also use appropriate memo format. Organize your memo into a beginning that identifies the general purpose of your project; a middle that explains the work you have done and identifies the tasks that still remain (including, if necessary, a new work schedule); and a conclusion that summarizes your progress generally and inspires confidence in your ability to complete the project.

Evaluative Criteria


A: Conforms to memo organization conventions. Organization and format make it easy to find the relevant information.

B: Conforms to memo organization conventions with minor slips. Organization and format make it possible to find the relevant information.

C: Does not conform to memo organization conventions. Organization and format make it difficult to find the relevant information.

D: Unable to evaluate.



A: Specific explanation of proposed project. Clear explanation of the status of project as well as potential roadblocks and solutions to solve those roadblocks. Achievements are reasonable for this point in the project.

B: Specific explanation of proposed project. Roadblocks have not been addressed or only marginal progress has been made on deliverable(s).

C: Explanation of proposed project is reasonable. There is been no progress on the deliverable(s).

D: Lack of content makes it impossible to assess progress on the project.

Tone and Conventions

A: Professional but approachable style, tailored to the specific audience. Conventions are followed accurately.

B: Professional but approachable style, tailored to the specific audience with minor slips in clarity or word choice. Conventions are followed accurately but include minor slips.

C: Attempt at professional, approachable style, tailored to the specific audience, but repeated slips in clarity or word choice. Conventions include repeated slips.

D: Style and tone are inappropriate for written business communication.


Essay Sample Content Preview:
Proposal report
To: Justin Mellette, Professor  From: Rashed Alsuwaidi, Student   Date: August 5, 2014  Subject: Project report
This memorandum provides updated information about progress in my feasibility report on how to improve the accommodation problem for students with disabilities at Penn State University. The memorandum further focuses on the problem identified in the feasibility study and gives an overview of what is expected to be achieved over time, and an outline of the feasibility report project.
Since it is challenging to focus on the accommodation needs of all the students, there will be a need to focus on equality as the main theme. Even though, there is agreement that disabled people should not be discriminated against, there is less agreement on how to deal with cases of students who require extra attention and benefits. In order to ensure that there is better compliance to the set polices on non discrimination, it will be necessary to review current practices on accommodation and compare results with polices adopted in other schools. Essentially, even with policy adoptions against discrimination there is still apprehension among prospective students on how best the halls department can deal with the situation, as they are not obligated to offer extra services. Hence, I will contact the halls assistant with a view of reviewing the department’s practice and encourage participation of targeted students in student activities. In looking at the possible solutions the criteria will delve into the following
Applicability of the solution
Impact on other students
Whether solution can be adopted
Is the solution long-term and worthwhile?
Research completed
The research conducted focused on how it is possible to improve the lives of students living with disabilities without resulting to a huge increase in the fees. In assessing the current accommodation problem, students were interviewed and provided with questionnaires. The information collected from students and the halls department was essential in evaluating the efficacy o...
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