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Software as a Service (SaaS)

Essay Instructions:


The network as "somewhere else": everything as a service and the idea of "the cloud"



The case for this module calls for you to explore some of the divergent opinions about this new approach to organizational information systems and weigh some of the competing claims. First off, if you don't know anything about computer networking or what a client/server network is in particular, it's recommended that you start with this reasonably good short guide to network terminology (if you're already on top of this stuff, you can probably skip this one):


Sensible Computer Help (2008) Choosing the best computer network. Sensible-Computer-Help.com. Retrieved February 27, 2011, from http://www(dot)sensible-computer-help(dot)com/computer-network.html


With that foundation, you can now begin to learn about "the cloud." A good general reference to start with is here:


Chee, B. and Franklin, C. (2010) Applications for Clouds. Chapter 4 in Cloud Computing: Technologies and Strategies of the Ubiquitous Data Center. CRC Press. Retrieved November 15, 2010 from http://media(dot)techtarget(dot)com/searchSystemsChannel/downloads/Cloud_Computing_Techn_Strat_of_the_Ubiq_Data_Cent_Chapter_4.pdf


As we noted in the introduction, a term often used more or less interchangeably with “cloud computing” (despite some significant differences of focus) is “software as a service”—described as a software distribution model in which applications are hosted by a vendor or service provider and made available to customers over a network, typically the Internet. The following article discusses some of the difficulties with organizational implementation of this model:


Fornes, D. (2010) The Software as a Service Dilemma. The Software Advice Blog. Retrieved November 10, 2010, from http://www(dot)softwareadvice(dot)com/articles/uncategorized/the-software-as-a-service-dilemma-104071/


Finally, this discussion would not be complete without the views of the skeptic; the following article points out some of the all-too-apparent complications that might ensue from a wholesale stampede into the clouds:


Schneier, B. (2009) Cloud Computing. Schneier on Security. Retrieved November 15, 2010 from http://www(dot)schneier(dot)com/blog/archives/2009/06/cloud_computing.html


But back to the enthusiasts. Tom Kemp's "Internet of Things" Signals Eventual Merger of Cloud and Mobile Managment discusses security in the SaaS world. It’s a good place to see how people committed to this model think and what they bring to the table.


You should spend some time reading about areas that you find interesting in SaaS operations, implementation, or results. Perhaps they will relate directly to issues in your own environment; perhaps they will remain largely academic—but in either case, you should be alert to the language of the discussion and how both technical and social issues are being talked about.


In addition, the Background readings page lists some optional readings that may be useful to you as you consider these issues, or you may find other sources yourself (be sure to reference properly whatever specific sources you draw on).


When you've read through the articles and related material and thought about them carefully, please compose a short paper on the topic:


Why “software as a service” is (or is not – pick one) going to dominate the next several years in information management.


Be sure to include some reference to SaaS material in your paper.





Assignment Expectations (50 points total)


Length: Minimum 5–7 pages excluding cover page and references (since a page is about 300 words, this is approximately 1,500–2,100 words).


Assignment-driven criteria (25 points): Demonstrates clear understanding of the subject and addresses all key elements of the assignment.


Critical thinking (10 points): Demonstrates mastery conceptualizing the problem. Shows analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of required material.


Scholarly writing (5 points): Demonstrates writing proficiency at the academic level of the course; addresses the Learning Outcomes of the assignment.


Quality of references (4 points) and assignment organization (3 points): Uses relevant and credible sources to support assertions. Assignment is well organized and follows the structure of a well-written paper.


Citing sources (3 points): Uses in-text citations and properly formats references in APA style.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Case Study #4 ITM 501
“Software as a Service” is going to dominate the next several years in information management.
Software as a Service (SaaS) has been steadily growing in use for past several years. It has become a favorite platform for many starters, small-sized and mid-sized businesses. This is due to the relatively low cost that is required to roll out the application. Additionally, SaaS is simple and easy to use that makes it attractive to many businesses. Progressive advances and improvements in technology have made SaaS more appealing to large business enterprises. These developments have also contributed greatly to the increase in the uptake of SaaS by many business enterprises. It is thus highly likely that SaaS will dominate the information management field in the coming several years.
SaaS also known as ‘on demand service’ is a subscription based service that is managed from central location that licenses and delivers software to clients based on their requirements. Instead of the conventional way where the consumer purchased the software, in SaaS clients hire the software for a given duration of time (Software-as-a-Service Executive Council,
September 2006). The software or application is owned by the vendor as opposed to the client. As such, the client does not need to purchase or own the hardware or software, but is instead hires software services at an agreed recurring price. Another distinction is that SaaS makes it possible to mobilize huge number of resources that are made available by the vendor. SaaS supplier owns finite resources that can be leased to a business firm at will. They also make sure that the hardware is latest and most advanced. At the same time, their software is continually updated to the most recent versions making it. This can be done with minimal interruption being felt by the client.
The most common method of accessing SaaS is through a web browser or specialized applications since the functions are usually carried out remotely (McKnight, 2014). This makes it possible to access the SaaS resources anywhere as long as one is served with a working internet connection. Complementing the browser with other application interfaces such as Adobe AIR has made it possible to provide convenient means of accessing SaaS. Use of Software Development Kits (SDKs) and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) has contributed greatly to these developments (Cloud Computing, n.d). These tools have made it possible to fine tune and customize software and applications to suit the needs of the client. This has played a great role in increasing consumers’ confidence on SaaS as they have a voice on the particular elements that they would like included.
The major driving force of a business is reaping returns on its investment. As a result, an information technology (IT) model that considerably cuts on the companies’ capital expenditure is a huge welcome (ASIS International Council, 2010). This is because companies are able to dispose-off the huge burden associated with installing, operating and maintaining information systems. One main advantage of SaaS is that businesses incur lower cost of incorporating information management in their business as compared to conventional Application Service Provider (ASP). This is because businesses do not shoulder the costs associated with purchase and maintenance of hardware and software. In SaaS the support services, hardware, software and other resources expenditure are alleviated since they are owned and supplied by the vendor. Hence the business only incurs costs related to services it is receiving, this making them more effective as well as efficient in their operations due to reduced costs.
Although decrease in the components of the computer system infrastructure might appear as the key drive towards a firm consideration to switch to SaaS, it is possible that it is not the sole underlying force (McKnight, 2014). The first factor affecting the adoption of Saas is the total savings reaped from eradication of need to purchase licenses for the numerous software programs and applications (McKnight, 2014). SaaS is operated through a think client such as a web browser. Therefore, the major requirements are a functioning computer, a web browser or application for access SaaS service, an operational internet connection and being subscribed to SaaS. The other factor is economic gain realized in relinquishing effort and time that was initially dedicated to application maintenance (Shagin, 2012). A firm is relieved off the responsibility of maintaining the software and related applications, implying that this time and effort can be dedicated to other sectors. Consequently, the company may increase its productivity in the long term.
Another key driver for adopting SaaS is the business benefits that are realized from increased efficiency. According to ASIS International Council (2010), a firm is said to enjoying maximum efficiency when; budget, time and effort effectiveness is realized and contributes to the process that is used to measure performance. SaaS provides a solution that eradicates the necessity of a firm to support, maintain or run a software program or application, since th...
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