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How ECO Can Draw on Indigenous Stewardship

Essay Instructions:

• In preparing the Sustainability Report, critically reflect upon the ways in which Eco can draw on Indigenous Stewardship without continuing to engage in greenwashing.

• Refer to the three impact areas of Use of Construction Materials, Climate Change, The Community.

Please follow this to complete the specific content:

• Consider critically how ECO carries out activities based on Indigenous Stewardship rather than Greenwashing alone.

• The discussion process involved three aspects: Use of Construction Materials, Climate Change, and The Community.

Specific measures can be put forward in three areas, these measures must be the master of the mentality, responsible for the local community, responsible for the ecological environment, and responsible for future generations. It's not just a facade to create a good corporate image

The possible negative impact of these measures in the implementation process or the difficulties and challenges in the implementation process can be proposed to reflect critical thinking.

Points for attention:

1) I have uploaded two appendices. "Question6" is the specific details of the question, the writing method and content.

2) Appendix "knowledges+The article" is the knowledge summary of the report, including the summary of some articles, etc. There are links to articles that you can refer to, as well as additional references to other articles.

3) Be sure to follow the requirements of the topic and connect the knowledge points to complete.

Thank you very much!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Ways in Which Eco Can Draw on Indigenous Stewardship
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How Eco Can Draw on Indigenous Stewardship
As a concept, indigenous stewardship is a mindset that appreciates that businesses are deeply connected to the communities and the environment where they operate. Indigenous stewardship considers humans as stewards of the land rather than owners. Humans are shareholders of the land and its resources, hence the need to use it to benefit all people (Harvey, 2018). Eco should embrace indigenous stewardship in its construction activities. Rather than considering itself the owner of its resources, the business should act like a caretaker. According to Mazzocchi (2020), indigenous cultures understand environmental sustainability by considering people as stewards hence protecting natural resources. The indigenous people consider collective respect for nature paramount for humanity and future generations. They consider protecting the environment critical in enhancing the welfare of all individuals. Hence, indigenous stewardship can be applied in any sector that wishes to enhance sustainability. Eco can draw a lot from indigenous stewardship when making decisions regarding its operations. The business can apply indigenous stewardship in construction materials, climate change, and community areas.
Eco can employ environmental philosophy in the use of construction materials. The environmental philosophy emphasizes the preservation and respect for the environment. In other words, it calls for the responsible use of resources. As a construction company, Eco should be responsible for its construction materials. The company should consider the land sacred and ensure the responsible use of construction materials. One of the ways of treating the land as sacred is by eliminating waste. The business should put measures aimed at eliminating the waste of construction materials. Eco should harvest construction materials as it can use them. Materials should be kept well for future use instead of being disposed of carelessly. Eco should not assume to be absolute owners of its construction materials. Instead, the business should itself as a steward of the natural environment. As a caretaker, the business is obligated to utilize the earth’s resources for the benefit of all individuals (Kuttner, Feldbauer-Durstmüller & Mitter, 2020). When deciding on construction materials, Eco should use those that promote the sustainability of the environment. Any construction materials that harm the environment should not be utilized. Also, the business should invest in developing technologies that enhance the better use of construction materials. It should consider technologies that allow the use of more sustainable materials. The business should remain open-minded and make the necessary changes to develop more sustainable construction methods.
Further, Eco should avoid the tragedy of the commons. Indigenous stewardship forbids the tragedy of the commons because of its adverse effects on the environment. The tragedy of the commons denotes where individual...
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