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Facebook Scandal: Leaking Personal Information of Third Parties and How CSR Helps Contain It

Essay Instructions:

Papers will consist of the following components

 Identify a company or other organization in an industry or sector of the economy.

 Investigate current and future sustainability trends and activities involving its specific project(s), product(s), or service(s) in that industry, country, or region of the world. Identify the production or consumer metrics used by that organization and its competitors and measure its selected area of sustainability management.

 Determine the nature of current and future competition in this industry based on the selected dimension of sustainability.

 What conclusions and recommendations would you make to the organization, based on its performance on sustainability within that industry?

Papers will be evaluated on the below criteria

 Clarity of objectives covering the points intended.

 Ability to draw on class discussions, readings, insights, and opinions or points of view.

 Content, Preparation and overall Presentation will be key grading components.

 Logical flow of information, Time Management, and Rehearsal will also be included in the grade evaluation.

This paper is talking about the incident of Facebook leaking the personal information of third parties. But the paper should mainly focus on how CSR will help to contain the situation of Facebook and the cyber environment. Please read the above component. This paper had to consist of those components to complete the project. Thank you, writer!

Required: 12-point, Times New Roman font, Double spaced

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The Facebook Scandal of Leaking Personal Information of Third Parties and How Corporate Social Responsibility Will Help Contain the Situation
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The Facebook Scandal of Leaking Personal Information of Third Parties and How Corporate Social Responsibility Will Help Contain the Situation
CSR usually forms an essential part of a company’s operations. It is the only way through which the company can connect with the people and the society around it. On the hindsight too, it is through sound CSR policies that a company can pull up from the ashes that come with some damning unethical reports. Companies usually work so hard to build their reputation, some even take decades to do so. Whenever there is a breach in its ethical values, there is a lot of damage on the reputation. An organization will therefore embark on a number of efforts to try and mend the damage caused, so as to restore the goodwill it initially had with the people. This is exactly what happened with Facebook. The company has for long enjoyed a good reputation. A scandal however, almost proved to be detrimental to its growth and reputation.
Despite its commitment to protecting personal data, Facebook has, in several instances, been involved in the unethical instances of third-party data leakage. An example of a data leakage scandal was the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica data scandal, a scandal that covered a wide range of issues and was highly publicized. In this case, Cambridge Analytica asked several Facebook users to take a personality test between 2014 and 2015. Later, they manipulated public opinion through analysis of the huge data collected. They also pushed their adverts by analyzing the preferences of the population they had collected their personal information (Richterich, 2018).
The CSR Policy that Facebook Has Been Using
The company has always been an active player when it comes to matters to do with the environment. The company has also had significant investments in the energy sector, especially renewable energy. In fact, the company has been heavily investing in environmental awareness for the past ten years. This CSR policy has really worked in its favor, helping to counter the negative impacts of the various issues relating to privacy of its users. According to Fanger (2018), it is the company’s strength in CSR that has made its rating against unethical practices such as privacy issues to be relatively low.
CSR Policy that Relates to The Facebook Scandal
While most companies often focus on the external aspects of CSR only, forgetting the inside. This is basically what Facebook has also been doing in most cases. The most important CSR policy that can help tackle the issue of data breach is customer data protection. Stilgherrian (2014) notes that customer data privacy is the most important CSR policy for any communications company, such as Facebook.
Corporate Social Responsibility Effort...
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